Chapter 2 part 2

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  (AN: Sorry but shows won't be on the correct time schedule. It will start off in season one right before the harvest is complete)

"Well I better go.  Plane leaves in an hour and I've got things to do." Klaus states.
" No!" Lyric shouts.
To be continued.....

Third Persons P.O.V.

"Yes, love?" Klaus asks with amusement clear in his blue eyes.
"I mean, you said that we would talk later. About......well you know." Lyric stated trying to hide her excitement.... And failing. "Right love, I suppose we do...
Come. We will talk at my place." Klaus commands

---------Skip to Mansion-----------

Klaus POV

She knows about my child. I have to find out if she is a friend or foe, and fast. "So darling you know whats been going on, so should I kill you or erase your mind?" I ask more to myself than her. "Hmm well I personally vote for none of the above. I know what happened in the past and I know what will happen in the future. I don't know if your aware of this but being able to know the future outcomes of things puts you about five steps ahead of your enemies." she states cockily. I vamp-speed behind her and whisper in her ear, "well love, I guess you better start talking.". She doesn't jump but she does shiver and bite her lip, interesting.

Lyric's POV

He speeds behind me and whispers in my ear, "Well love, you better start talking." I bite my lip and shiver as lust comes into me like boulders. "Yes well were do I start?" I ask in a husky voice and then clear my throat to cover it up.  He likes Caroline not you!!!  The voice reminds me. 'shut up! I know that but that doesn't make him less hot' I yell back to my thoughts. I snap out of my thoughts and he looked at me weirdly before speaking, "how about what is going to happen next is you have to finish the harvest and sacrifice Davina. She will come back but not immediately. First four other souls will be resurrected. They will be Celeste, Bastianna, Papa Tùnde, and Genevieve. Celeste is in Sabine's body. If you do not kill Genevieve she will be the one who attempts to kill Hope in the future."

AN: I'm tempted to stop here but because I haven't posted in forever I'll continue

Third Person's POV

Klaus just stared at Lyric for a second to absorb what he has been told before nodding. "Give me one moment love, I have a phone call to make." Klaus replied, Lyric just nodded. Klaus vamp sped outside and called Elijah.
B-is Elijah
BI-is Klaus

Hello brother
What is it you need Niklaus
I found out some interesting news. I will be home soon and make room for a guest. However keep an eye on Sabine while I'm gone, I have information telling me she is possessed by Celeste.
Will do brother see you soon

With that Klaus reentered the mansion to find Lyric looking around the mansion in wonder. "It is so much nicer in person than on T.V." Lyric said to Klaus in wonderment. "Thank you love, it is quite exquisite if I do say so myself." Klaus responded.
"I have had so many things I have wanted to do when watching your shows. It went from wanting to smack you, to wanting so kiss you, to wanting to hug you and cry myself to sleep. Believe it or not Klaus you and I have a lot in common."

Klaus' POV

As I was talking to Elijah, one thought kept popping in my head. Who is Hope? Is it my Child? Does that mean I'm having a baby girl? I smiled at that thought. I walk inside after talking to Elijah to see Lyric walking around in wonderment. It was quite adorable really.wait what! I love Caroline! This girl will not change my feelings. Not even Cami has been able to do that! I think to myself. Before I can continue my internal rant she speaks, "It is so much nicer in person than on T.V.". I smile, "Thank you love, it is quite exquisite if I do say so myself." I told her while discreetly wondering what it was about this girl that is so special. Before I can ponder this more Lyric talks again, "I have had so many things I have wanted to do when watching your shows. It went from wanting to smack you, to wanting so kiss you,  to wanting to hug you and cry myself to sleep. Believe it or not Klaus you and I have a lot in common." I look at her in shock, confusion, and wonder. How could this girl possibly be anything like me? I ask myself silently. She must have seen the confusion on my face because she continued, "You know, I think it is only fair that since I know your story you should know mine. Come sit, it is quite long." I nodded and led her to the living room silently and waited for her to begin. " I was two years old when it started. My mother and father divorced and my mother took me away. She was a free spirit you could say. She resented the fact she had to be responsible for me. She would hit me every day and tell me she hated me. She would only give me dinner scraps of her and her play buddies dinner, sometimes not even that. By the time I was four I was basically the adult figure. I would still get beat every day. It got worse over the two years. She started to whip me with a bullwhip she got from one of her boyfriends and would starve me more often. By then I would be the one to manage money, cook, or clean. If everything wasn't done on time and perfected I would be locked in my closet and not allowed out for three days. After I get out she would only allow me five minutes to shower any longer and I would be whipped. I was 'home-schooled' so my mother wouldn't be locked away, however, the most I learned was to read and write and to count money for bills. I was however really good with math, I secretly snuck into the Library after closing to study math and English. I often went online and found things to help me learn. I could do math within seconds flat, but my mother never knew that. Anything else had to do with how to clean the house. If I did something wrong I would be put down and beat. I had a little sister at the age of six. I took care of her as if she were my own. I adored her. My mother was to high to give her a name so I named her Joalee Michelle Swan. I named her after my three best friends Jordan Elizabeth Bryan who was 6 years old, Ashley Jaden Bryan who was 5 years old like me, and finally Breanna Michelle Bryan who was 7 years old. They didn't know what was happening to me because I didn't want them to get hurt. Anyway as Joalee grew up I took the blame for when she messed up and secretly saved up money so she could go to a real school. I made sure my mother never laid a hand on her. However, in doing so, my punishments got worse. She would stab me and break my bones taking me to the hospital claiming me clumsy. The doctors never checked into it. By the time I was 16 Joalee was 10 and called me mom when mother wasn't around. I treasured her and mother new this. One night I didn't have dinner done on time and mother was extra angry because her boyfriend Phil was over, so he left she took Joalee from my arms and drug her to the living room with me following behind begging her to punish me and not Joalee. My mother ignored me and brought out her torture knife and before I could do anything she-" Lyric cut her self off with a deep breath and the tears she was holding back spilled. I noticed Rebekah came home in the middle of the story and like me, was shaking in anger at what happened to this girl. "It is alright love, you don't have to continue." I told her softly. "No I need to, I haven't told anybody. Though I do need to tell you , there won't be a happy ending, even if at first it may seem that way." She warned.
To be continued

(AN: sorry to end it here but I'm tired and I love cliff hangers. Sorry for the details of Lyrics life. It is necessary for the story later on promise!!! XOXO GOODNIGHT💖💋😴)

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