Chapter 2 Part 3

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Rebekah's POV

I just got home from the grill to hear Lyric telling Nik her story. She was just telling him what happened to her sister/daughter when she cut herself off crying. Nik and I were both shaking in anger. "It's alright sweetheart, you don't have to continue" Nik told her in the softest voice I've ever heard him use. I was shocked with how gentle he was being. "No I have to, I haven't told anybody. Though I do need to tell you, it won't be a happy ending, though it may seem so at first."Lyric responded. She is such a brave girl. "What could possibly be worse than what has already happened?" I asked horrified she went through worse. She jumped when she heard me, guess she didn't hear me come in. "You will see, come sit and I will continue." I did as told and sat down. "Ok so as I was saying, my mother took Joalee with me begging for her to punish me instead." she began as she got a far away look in her eyes as she relived the moment. "She took her favorite torture knife and stabbed Joalee right in the heart. She died in my arms, her last words were, 'I love you mom, don't blame yourself. Get away from here and be safe'. I cried and told her to stay with me. She was the only good thing in my life besides my friends. My mother wouldn't even let me bury her. She pried Joalee from my arms and took her outback and burned her body. I screamed and cried not caring the consequences anymore because my reason for existing was dead." By this point of the story Both she and I were crying freely. "I of course got punished for yelling and crying, she whipped me 60 times starved me for two days and left me in my closet for three. My mom went on a date three weeks after Joalee's death. I took that as my chance to escape.  I left one hour after she left giving me 4 hour head start. I head to my best friends house and left letters for them. I then went to the police and told the Rena Martinez killed somebody and burned the body in the back yard and the bones are still there, when they went out to check it out I snuck out of the station and ran. I caught a ride to the next city and when I walked into the gas station to use the bathroom I seen the news was talking about a murder caught, so I asked the guy to turn up the volume. 'Rena Martinez caught after she murdered her 10 year old daughter. Her other daughter 16 year old Lyric Swan was reported missing this morning by Lauren Bryan as she left her daughters letters of goodbye.' the news reporter said. I quickly walked out after that forgetting to use the bathroom as the cashier recognized my picture on the news. I got about three blocks away when I passed a police car. He recognized me as a missing person and took me to the station. When we got there they asked me questions but I stayed silent. One of the police officers touched my shoulder and I screamed bloody murder and hid in the corner of the room hoping they would leave alone. They couldn't see the bruises because I covered them before I left.  They called my father William swan to pick me up. I was going under his care because my mother was arrested and Phil was nowhere to be found." She took a deep breath as she winced from saying Phil's name. I was happy she escaped but worried for what happened next.

Lyrics POV

I took a deep breath and winced as i said Phil's name. Before I continued I looked up to gauge their reactions to what was told so far. Rebekah was crying and looked happy and worried at the same time, however, I think she was happy I escaped and worried for what would happen. She should be worried. Klaus was pacing in anger as a small tear escaped his eye. He was relieved I escaped and worried for what happened next. I don't think I can continue the rest of my story without breaking right now. "I will finish my story another time but I need some air or I am going to break. Besides it's late and we have a flight to catch in the morning. Could I stay here tonight?" I asked. "Of course, let me show you the guest room." Rebekah said.

Klaus' POV

I was seething. How could someone so that too her? I just met her and even I couldn't bare the thought of hurting her. I feel like going to her mother and tearing her limb from limb. Lyric is so brave. I would be heart broken if what happened to Joalee had happened to Rebekah. Of course Bekah don't know that but it's true. Lyric is a special girl and the fact that the worse of her story isn't over makes me feel like going back in time and wrapping her in a bubble and protecting her from harm. What is happening to me? Why do I care so much? What does this gir- before I can continue my internal rant I'm cut off by someone singing. I vamp-sped to the room and leaned on the door frame listening.

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