[05] Finding Malia

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Kelsey's POV

I'm starting to think strutting through the woods in the middle of the night has become our thing. We're like detectives; finding bodies and clues. I guess Stiles was the one who got us into all this in the first place. Not that it's a bad thing or anything, because I can't really imagine my life without solving mysteries and committing crimes. "You know, if my dad's right, that means there's another werewolf in town that we haven't met yet."

I hope for our sakes that there isn't another werewolf in town. Because what if they're evil, as in more evil than Peter was when he was an alpha?

What if they turn into a bigger scarier monster that doesn't stop killing, no matter what's in its path? I don't know if we can handle that on our plates right now, we already have enough to deal with. And I don't know what I'm doing half the time. We just deal with the problem as it comes, and there usually always is a problem.

Damn supernatural beacon, forever attracting unwanted enemies. Huh, now thinking about it, what if this new monster isn't a werewolf, but something else? It could be a completely different species that we haven't discovered yet. "I know." Scott said distantly while looking at the GPS on his phone. "It might not even be a werewolf, there could be other supernatural creatures out there just lurking in the shadows, who knows what it could be."

I brought up, my thoughts drifting to the bestiary, as well as Deaton mentioning the Nemeton tree being a beacon for the supernatural. "Great, well if it turns out to be something like triplets that form into like a three-headed hound of hell, I'm seriously not up for that." Three-headed hound of hell, yeah, well let's pray that doesn't exist.

Werewolves, Kanimas, Darachs and Banshees are plenty supernatural for me to handle, let alone anything else that might be wandering about town up to no good. I wonder if vampires or wendigos exist too? I mean there could be a chance. Who knows, maybe the Salavtore brothers and the Mikaelson family are out there somewhere, causing mayhem. I wouldn't mind if they came to visit Beacon Hills, I wouldn't mind one bit.

"Yeah, me either. Especially if I can't even control my own transformation anymore." Scott said before a coyote howling in the distance startled Stiles, causing him to clutch onto Scott and I as he lost his balance. Unfortunately for me, I got pushed down the slope along with Scotts phone.

"Oh my god, Kelsey I am so sorry. I hate coyotes so much. They always sound like they're mauling some tiny, helpless little animal." He explained as Scott jumped down to help me up. "My bum's all wet now, and my joggers are probably ruined." I frowned as I brushed my bum in disgust.

Damn, I really liked these joggers as well. I hope mom can get the mud out. "I'm pretty sure they're my joggers anyway." Stiles told me as his attempt to gracefully jump down the slope failed miserably.

"You okay there?" I sniggered. Ha, karma.

Stiles stuck out his tongue. "It still works." Scott announced thankfully as he held his wet phone. Well thank god for that, we'd have to go on a scavenger hunt without that map otherwise.

"Let me see the flashlight." Stiles spoke, taking the flashlight out of my brothers grasp as he began to walk forwards. "I think we found it." Huh, that was quick. "Uh, why wouldn't they move it? Isn't it evidence?" I asked as we trekked closer to the scene of the car crash. "Probably too much of a pain in the ass to tow out." Stiles answered.

Well I guess I can understand that, the car is upside down and it's not like there's any point of it being moved now. As Stiles shined the flashlight on the car, I noticed there were what looked like to be claw marks? "Guys look at this. See those?" I asked, both Stiles and Scott noticing the claw marks too.

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