Back story part 1

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Back in its golden ages cybertron wasn't peaceful. It was violent, the streets filled with bot killers, thieves, and ruthless bots. But a gladiator refuse to take part in any of this. His name....megatronus. He named himself after one of the thirteen primes and vowed to challenge cyberton's leaders. Megatronus inspired many mechs and femmes to join him. He even managed to inspire the simple iacon clerk, Orion pax. Megatronus became a mentor to Orion but once they faced the council...was when Orion showed his true colors. After they denied megatronus the name of a prime, Orion stepped up and offered a more violent solution. In the optics of the council someone worthy of being a prime stood before them. Feeling betrayed, megatronus left filled with sadness after what his friend came to be. That's when....

Cybertron fell into darkness

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