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Hello my followers, I am Optimus prime and I am back from the depths of space

So after a while of floating in the dark, empty space I've decided to cut down on high grade and stick with dark energon. Of course many of you would be concerned with the side effects of dark energon but I assure you nothing bad will happen to me....or animals.....but this also means one more thing, I'm getting more serious about how I act around humans. Ever since I joined wattpad I have presented myself as a fool who drinks high grade and sees strange things but that will all change starting today. I will no longer be "Drunk" Optimus but from now on I'll be the evil warlord of the SG autobots, Optimus Prime. However, I will still be a bit "nice" and apologize if I had upset anyone greatly. I will also answer any question you have about the SG autobots and SG decepticons.

So here are some things you readers could do:
1) just ignore this and move on with your lives
2) spam someone that isn't me
3) ask questions about SG universe
4) just stay here and do random things
Or 5) frag off if you don't really care

But of course this for you to decide. I will leave you to it and now I'm going to get rid of MY high grade supply and give it to the others...

One more, thing here are my thoughts on transformers "human x transformers" and don't ask how I know about these:

With interfacing we would NOT be able to create a techno organic for two reasons:
1) we are a different species
2) we are made of metal

Of course most would be confused so I'll explain: even IF we were able to interface with humans it still wouldn't work. Spikes would be made of metal, not flesh. So we'd be tearing your insides with the metal edges....
We wouldn't be able to make a half cybertronian, half human breed because our cells don't really match with human and we aren't in the same animal family:

We wouldn't be able to make a half cybertronian, half human breed because our cells don't really match with human and we aren't in the same animal family:

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so it would be pointless. The "child" wouldn't be able to live and die shortly after.
It's like trying to make a homunculus, it just doesn't work.

Although some of you are probably saying "they could just use their holoform" but no that still wouldn't work. Like the hologram arcee has, it's purpose is to make humans believe someone is driving. NOT to interface with humans.

So basically I tried to ruin any human x transformer shipping

I do enjoy your oc's enthusiasm but I like to use logic in some things like a techno-organic. And no I am not becoming shockwave!

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