Girl meets world

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"Why do we have to sneak out of the house if we're not doing anything wrong until we sneak on to the subway" my best friend Riley asked me and our other best friend Maya "do you think you're ready to just walk by your parents" Maya asked "I think I'm ready" "let us see your face as you walk by your parents" I said to her she made a scared face "why are you making that face at us Riley" I asked pretending to be her parents "because I'm sneaking onto the subway" "out the window?" I asked "let's go" then we got caught by mr Matthews "here's what I'm thinking it's not your world yet it's still my world if it was your world Maya and Sam would have you on the subway already thinking you pulled something over me but you didn't you know how I know look at ya your right here" he said to us "how long do I have to live in my fathers world?" Riley asked us "until you make it yours Riley do you know what I want more than anything go ahead make it yours" "I will and when I do will you still be there for me" she asked "right here Mrs Matthews said from the doorway "we'll be right here" then the three of us walked to the subway 
Time skip.........
"Oh Riley you don't do lipgloss" I said to her "I completely reinventing myself I have kiwi lips now I riding the subway now and I'm just as cool as you two now" she said "yeah let's see how cool you can be when you look at him" Maya said then we saw a really cute guy Riley giggled "yeah you're going to need some lessons let me show you everything you need to know about boys and girls" Maya said then she talked with the boy and walked back to us "he's available we just broke up" are you okay do we need to talk about it?" Riley asked Maya "you still wanna be like us?" I asked "I want to be exactly like you I think too much and you don't think at all" "see you get us so let's not think" Maya said as she pushed Riley into the guys lap Riley walked back to us "that was amazing" "you're welcome" I said Riley became nervous "what if that was the best moment of my life? What if nothing ever happens to me again?" Maya pushed her back on the guys lap
We were at our lockers when Riley asked "did you have trouble with the homework?" "Piece of cake" I replied "you didn't do it did you?" Riley asked "I don't even know where my books are" Maya said "there here" Riley went into her bag and got the books "and there heavy" she said as she handed Maya the books then we walked into the history classroom "you have to do the homework Maya,Sam" she told us "this new teacher is insane a total nutjob I think there's something seriously wrong with him" then we saw mr Matthews "hi honey" he said to Riley "hi daddy" Riley said "you're lasted for your fathers class" "oh don't worry mr Matthews" Maya said "you wrote her a note" I told him "I did?" He asked "he did" Riley also asked "he did" I said handed the note to Riley who handed it to her father "wow you two got my signature down pretty good this time" he told Maya and I "oh it was easy you write like a girl" I told him as we took our seats in the front row "now I'm going to get back to jamming some learning into your heads the civil war" mr Matthews said "the civil bore" Maya mocked "thank you future mini mart employee of the month" he told her "would she be making more money than you?" I asked mr Matthews stared at me before going back to his lesson "the civil war anyone" "a war we fought against ourselves" Riley answered "you actually studied it?" Mr Matthews asked surprised "no I'm actually living it" she replied "people are we here to learn or not" said our genius friend Farkle "what do you mean Farkle?" Mr Matthews asked "I've been in love with Riley since the first grade but I'm equally in love with Maya and Sam some might say the great mystery of the universe is who's going to be the first Mrs Farkle" when he said that i face palmed while looking at him "you don't want this" I told him "bring it on" he replied "I always thought he'd end up with back of the class Brenda" Riley said to us we turned around to see a female version of Farkle, but in a weird way "ew yuck" Farkle mumbled "no,no Farkle be nice" I joked  "actually the great mystery of the universe is how you could love 3 women the same who couldn't possibly be more different" Mr Matthews said "we're not so different" Riley said "may I overstep my balance sir" Farkle asked "you always do" then mr Matthews and Farkle switched seats then he slammed his hands on Riley's desk "Riley is the sun warm and bright and lights up my whole day" then he slammed his hands on Maya's desk "Maya is the night dark and mysterious" and finally he slammed his hands on my desk "Sam is the sunrise beautiful yet a complete mystery how can I these three different women how can I not thank you I am Farkle" he said and he bowed then went back to his seat "so we were indeed trying to find out who we were as people who am I? What should I be? History shows that bad things happen when you don't know who you are" mr Matthews explained as the door opened to revel the subway boy "who are you I don't know who you are" mr Matthews said to the boy "subway boy" Riley whispered to us "I'm Lucas frier from Austin, Texas" Lucas replied "new student mr frier" mr Matthews asked "yes sir" "great your just in time for today's assignment have a seat" he said to Lucas who took a seat behind Riley "ok so we" mr Matthews stopped when he saw Riley looking at Lucas he turned her head around "so I'd like you to turn to page 48" he instructed us we all did as we were told "now I'd like you to turn to page 1" he told us "now I'd like you to read from page 1 to 48" he told us we all groaned "oh too bad on you"  mr Matthews told us "ok so for tonight's assignment I'd like you to write a 3 page essay on anything anything at all that you believe in so strongly you'd fight for it" Matthews told us "that I'd fight for no homework I come here everyday why don't you teach me everything I need to know while I'm here" Maya exclaimed "whoo" Riley said "not whoo Riley" I told her "he gets our days let's take back our nights no homework more freedom who's with me" then the class began chanting Maya leaned down to Riley "this is it kid you still wanna be like me and Sam stand up" Riley joined in the class stormed out of the classroom while  I stayed behind
After school I walked outside and saw Maya I waved to her then she walked up to me "hey you want to walk with me?" "Sure" I said we started walking away from the school "are you doing the homework?" I asked her "what part of homework rebellion do you not understand" she joked we laughed "so are you doing the homework?" She asked me I sighed "maybe maybe not I think there's something more important to fight for then homework" "things aren't better at home huh?" She asked "ever since he left she's been drinking it's been 8 years already why doesn't she just stop?" I asked "i don't know but if things get worse you can always come to my place" "thanks" then we approached our apartment building "wish me luck" I told her "luck" then I walked in the door after a few seconds I came out Maya was waiting for me "it did not go well" I told her then we walked upstairs to her apartment
Time skip..........
"Aww look at him looking for a place to fit in" Maya said at lunch the next day "do you think he'll sit with us?" Riley asked I shrugged then Farkle approached us "ladies" "Farkle!" We all said "interesting lunch line dilemma: sloppy joe, chicken pot pie or fish sticks, or sloppy joe or chicken pot pie or fish sticks" "is that all you got?" I asked "that's it same time tomorrow" he said then he walked away I pointed at Lucas "there he is invite him to sit down" I told Riley "with words?" She asked "you're ready for this" Maya reassured her "what do I say?" She asked "hey Lucas looking for somebody special" Maya suggested "I can't say that" Riley told us "hey Lucas looking for somebody" I suggested "too forward" she said "hey Lucas" Maya suggested "like we're on a first name basis?" Riley asked "hey" I suggested "hey" Riley repeated "hey I'm back" Lucas said as he sat down "hi you're sitting here" Riley told him "is that ok?" He asked "can you excuse me for just one second?" She asked then she turned to Maya and I we all giggled "how you doing" we heard and we turned around to see mr Matthews I rolled my eyes "Dad you don't have a choice here you can either understand that this is a boy talking to me in the cafeteria" I'm going to do whatever you say next" he told her "but this is so innocent" Riley defended "honey fathers don't see anything as innocent we see it as what's the opposite of innocent?" He asked "right here" Maya and I said in unison Matthews gave us a little wave "please don't embarrass me" she begged "I'm just going to talk to mr friar about geography" he turned to Lucas "I've been to a lot of places never been to Texas though what part of Texas Is closer to Mexico?" He asked "that will be El Paso sir" Lucas answered great let's go right now" he said then dragged Lucas away "so did you do the homework?" Riley asked as we threw our lunches away "no I didn't do the homework the question on everyone's kiwi lips is did you do the homework?" Maya asked her using the same question "no I'm one of the founding members of the homework rebellion do you think I did my homework" Riley asked "I think you did Maya's too" I told her "I did I did and I really liked it" Riley said to us "Riley don't save me" Maya said "what?" Riley asked "let me be me" she said soon after she said that Farkle walked up to us "oh you got three desserts" I said looking at his trey "Angels food cake" Riley said "Devils food cake" Maya said "and marble cake let me guess who's who" I said "Farkles just hungry not everything is about you" he said before walking off with his trey "well looks like someone has a sweet tooth" I joked then we all laughed
We are now in history class and apparently Lucas and Mr Matthews came back in I turned around to listen in on there conversation "apparently you have a better sense of direction then I anticipated you're a really good looking guy" he commented and he walked up to the front of the classroom "ok so today we're going to find out if anyone here believes in something so strongly they'd fight for it" mr Matthews said before walking up to Maya's desk "maya" "yes sir" Maya replied "present your homework" he told her "can't do that sir" "why not?" Mr Matthews asked "cause that's what I'm fighting against sir" Maya answered "oh this could take a while" Farkle said he then put a sleep mask on and went to sleep "Farkle Farkle Farkle" he said snoring "Sam present your homework" mr Matthews told me "sorry Matthews even if I did do my homework I can't present I got my reasons" I told him he sighed and went to Riley's desk "I didn't do my homework either" Riley told her father "oh yeah" he questioned "yeah we're all the same now I don't believe in homework" "guess what Riley that doesn't make you the same as Sam or Maya at all" mr Matthews told her Maya raised her hand "I have something to say" "I don't know what to do I never seen this before the floor is yours ms hart" offering Maya 'the floor' Maya turned to Farkle "wake up Farkle your gonna wanna be awake for this" she said "Is it our honeymoon?" Farkle asked hopefully I stared at him "no you missed that now's the time to hand in our essays" I told him "oh Farkle goes first Farkle always goes first" he said then ran out of the class "okay everyone who did their homework put it on their desk" Maya instructed "careful there ms hart" Matthews warned her "you sure about this?" I asked her "I got this" then I heard the back door open to reveal Farkle carrying this big poster "the burning of Atlanta led to the end of the civil war and to peace I believe peace is worth fighting for" he said Maya grabbed one of his sparklers from his poster "hey that's a pivotal part of my diorama!" Farkle shouted she grabbed another one "and there goes Virginia" he mumbled Maya stood up on her desk "the burning of the homework led to the end of the homework rebellion which meant there was no more homework" she lowered the sparklers so the were almost on the homework "okay that's enough Maya I get it" Matthews shouted as Maya said "no homework more freedom" then the fire sprinklers went off "okay so those work" Maya said as she got rained on everyone left the classroom there was only me,Riley,Maya,Farkle,Lucas and mr Matthews "is this part of your presentation or is this actually going on?" Farkle asked panicking "no it's just raining in the classroom what do you think" I said sarcastically "ms hart you have detention the principal will determine if it goes further than that ms Matthews please leave ms ford you stay as well" I looked at him why was I getting detention? "I deserve detention too" Riley shouted "no you don't you didn't do anything and because you didn't do anything your best friends are in very deep trouble" mr Matthews shouted then Riley stormed out of the classroom we were at our lockers when mr Matthews and Farkle came up to us "you're looking at us pretty hard there mr Matthews" Maya told him "I just wanted to stand by my girls" Riley said I smiled "you missed the moment to stand by your girls you were so busy on trying to be them Riley that you forgot the best thing you could do for them is be you" "Riley go take Farkle for a walk" Matthews added then he turned to Maya and I "listen for as long as I can remember it's always been Riley,Maya and Sam now I always thought friends help another friend out of trouble not into it" he told us "we're sorry" "I am to because you both go to far do you understand me?" He asked then Maya walked out Matthews turned to me "and you your supposed to be the middle ground to keep them from going overboard a friend isn't supposed to let a friend go to far do you understand me" I nodded "do you wanna know why Maya did what she did? She has no one at home to help her with her homework and I don't blame her because I have no one to help me or believe in me you know I think of you as a father figure but what you just said it really hurt me" I said then left the room
Time skip..........
We were on the subway "Riles?" Maya asked Riley "yeah?" Riley asked "if we can't hang out with each other as much anymore don't worry about it" "what?!" Riley said "he's going to make you end our friendship" I told her sadly "he said that?" She asked "he's really upset with us" I admitted "he loves you two!" Riley said "I don't think so anymore we just want you to know we get it wouldn't be your fault" Maya said we heard laughter and turned around to face a lady "Be You Tiful you three bumble bees got going on...but where's the hunk? You got no hunk you got no story" "we haven't been good friends" Maya said "you two are my best friends" Riley said to us "she's your best friend best friends are important" the bus lady said "I got 2 best friends I'm not talking to them right now" "we go too far" I said "we're bad for you" Maya added "did he say that?" Riley asked us "he will" I told her "this is your stop, don't be us you don't go as far as us" Maya told Riley as we pushed her off the train as it stopped "NO!" Riley yelled a second later the subway doors opened and there stood Riley my eyes widened "that little girl opened those doors with the power of love" the bus lady told us Riley walked up to us "you two aren't allowed to abandon our friendship, I won't never do that" she exclaimed "Riley we're pushing you away because we're not good for you anymore" I told her "only I decide that, you know why?" She asked "Why?" Maya asked "because if this is my world now the people I want in it are you two" she replied taking our hands "you're going to save us aren't you" Maya said with a smile "I am" Riley said we ran out of the subway to Riley's apartment
Time skip......."where is he" Riley yelled when we got to the apartment Mrs Matthews and Riley's brother pointed at Mr Matthews we walked up to him "there is no way you are making me end my friendship with Maya and Sam" Riley told him "is that what you think I want Riley?" Matthews asked "No,what you said you wanted me to do was make the world my own and you want me to do my homework,well I'm doing it right now,here's what I think is worth fighting for" she put her arms around me and Maya "these are my best friends, they're going to get me into trouble and I'm going to get us out of it and I did,look at us dad we're right here,my civil war is over dad I won,what happens now?" She asked the Matthews, Maya, Riley, Lucas, Farkle and I were in the subway station
I walked over to Farkle and Lucas "hey this place isn't so different from Texas, look there's a pony" Lucas said pointing to a rat "uh huckleberry that's a rat" I told him while laughing I walked back to the Matthews "friends,family and all you subterranean mole people,we're here today to celebrate Riley being Riley" mr Matthews said I put my arm around Riley and smiled "now some people may call this a New York City subway pass, but you Riley can consider this a ticket to the world" he said "you think I'm ready?" Riley asked "you showed us you are" Mrs Matthews told her "Riley I've already met the world now it's your turn" Matthews said to his daughter Riley and I walked up to Maya "so where do you want to go?" Maya asked "I dunno, big world" she replied "ours now?" I asked "yeah but my dad did say I have to be home by 5" Riley told us "don't worry he wrote you a note" I gave the note to her as we got on the subway

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