Girl meets bay window

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Maya and I crawled through Riley's bay window and saw that she was smiling at us "What?" I asked "I need to ask your permission for something" Riley told us "Whatever you want" Maya replied "Aw, ever since we were little kids, you two would always say "Whatever you want" even before you guys knew what it was" Riley remembered "You got a good thing going here kid,don't blow it" Maya said "Maya,Sam, you guys don't what you're getting yourselves into. Remember when I first asked you if we wanted to be friends?" Riley asked "Did we take it on? Are we still here?" I asked "You two can't say yes this time. This ones different" Riley told us "Whatever you want" I said "I want to completely redo-" Riley started "Your hair" Maya said cutting Riley off "You wanna change my hair?" Riley asked "I think you could use something once" Maya answered "I don't wanna change my hair" Riley shook her head "I gotta look at that everyday" Maya said "You change your hair!" Riley exclaimed "Stop being ridiculous!" Maya shouted "I want to completely redo-" Riley started but I cut her off "The way you dress" "You two don't like me do you?" Riley asked "You're our favorite person in the world. I wouldn't change a thing about you" I answered "I want to tear the bay window down" Riley told us I looked at her in shock "You shut your face" Maya exclaimed "It's time" Riley said "What's the matter with you?" Maya asked "We're changing" Riley answered "We're not" I mumbled "Sam,Maya the most important things in our lives are changing. The bay window is one of the most important things in our lives. It's changing with us. It's time" Riley explained "Riley, look at us" Maya commended Riley looked at us "Some things mean too much to us to ever change. Look at us and tell us you understand that" I said "Maya,Sam it's time" Riley said
Time skip.........
"No,no you can't have our permission for this. This place has always been our sanctuary from the storm" I told her "Sam we're doing it" Riley told me "It never mattered what was going on outside these windows. When we sit here with you,we're safe. We're not changing that!" Maya protested "You looking forward to high school?" Riley asked "We still don't know if that's gonna happen!" Maya exclaimed "Maya, it's going to happen. You and Sam stink at change,and I hit the ground running from the very first day" Riley told us "We stink at change? Remember when you were afraid that Lucas was changing? Remember you said, "Change fills my pockets with pennies of uncertainty" you stink at change" Maya told her "Yes,but I've changed. Guys it's a natural thing about growing up. We're changing whether you like it or not" Riley said "Not. Ok? Y'know what's natural? The way the sun comes in through these windows and the pillows are warm when you put your head on them,or how the moon glows off of the curtain and we don't care that it's the middle of the night because we're here, and we're safe,and we're protected" I explained "And we're doing it" Riley replied "Or how Farkle comes in through the window all our lives and says "Ladies!" I don't want that to ever change" Maya finished "Hey" Farkle said as he crawled through the window and sat down next to me "Why do things change Farkle?" I asked "Because things grow. Did you know that every 7 years, your body grows a whole new set of cells? Every 7 years, it's like you're a whole new person" Farkle told us "Mr Norton taught us that in science" Riley remembered "Yeah? Well we're not exactly the same as we were when we were 7, and we'll be exactly the same when we're-" I looked at Farkle "Do it" "21. See, the difference between you at 7 and now is that at 7, you just met me, and now, you've learned to use me" Farkle explained "I know a good thing when I see it. You've been growing up since we met" Maya recalled "Yeah. Farkle, I hope we can say that you've grown into a handsome young man without embarrassing you" Riley told Farkle "Uh no you can't" he replied "Look at him Riles. Remember the little boy he was? Remember the first day we met him?" I asked Riley "Hmph. Do I remember? He saved my life Sam. He saved my life twice, and you two didn't even save it once" Riley told us "You have to wift your head, Wiwey" Maya said in a baby voice
Riley had her head in a punch bowl on whatever filled with apples splashing around "Lift your head Riley. You have to lift your head. Lift your head" Maya exclaimed "Ladies!" A boy walked up to us "What's the matter with her?" He asked Maya and I motioning to Riley "All you have to do is lift your head!" I yelled to Riley the boy walked up to Riley and lifted her head Riley wiped her eyes "Why do people like this game? They say come up when you get an apple, but what if you don't get an apple? What are you supposed to do?" Riley asked "You're supposed to lift your head" Maya stated "You saved my life. How can I repay you? Oh I know, apples!" Riley said to the boy as she went back into the water "She's a lotta work" I mumbled the boy walked over and lifted Riley's head again "I am not a smart person" Riley admitted "That's why you can use a friend like me" the boy said to us "Why?" Maya asked "Because I promise to love you all the same" he replied "But what if you love one of us more? What if you marry one of us?" Riley asked "All of you the same" the boy said as he put his arm around us "What's your name?" I asked the boy hid his face with his cape "If I tell you,don't laugh" he said "We would never" Riley promised "Farkle" Farkle said Maya and I started laughing "I wanna laugh,but I promised" Riley said in between laughs "What's your last name?" Maya asked Farkle hides his face again "I don't wanna tell you" he said "Why does Dracula wear turtlenecks?" Riley asked "Because I'm scared of vampires. They bite your neck" Farkle answered "But you're a vampire!" Riley exclaimed "My mind is very fancy. Feel free to use me as you see fit" Farkle said
End of flashback.........
"And we always have" Maya told Farkle "You costume was a bag" Farkle stated "Sam and I couldn't afford costumes. We were different bags every year" Maya told him "Look how much Farkle's changed. It's nothing to be afraid of. Maya,Sam we're changing the bay window" Riley told us "Why can't you just change your hair?" Farkle asked as Lucas came in through the window "You're changing the bay window?" Lucas asked Riley "Oh look what you did. You made Hee-Haw show up out of nowhere" Maya exclaimed "Lucas,how does this affect you? You didn't grow up with us" Riley asked "Yeah, I didn't have to. I know this place has a lot of meaning to you. That makes it a special place to me. Because all of you are special to me in....whatever way you'll eventually tell me" Lucas explained "High schools coming up. We're changing. Look around guys. This is a little girls bay window. It needs to change with us" Riley stated "Hey huckleberry. It might've been ok to have known you as long as we've known Farkle" Maya said "Yeah, being friends with you guys has changed me in the best possible ways. I wish I could've always had that" Lucas told us "We could do that. I say we've known you since you were a little kid" Riley told him "How do you do that?" Lucas asked "A musical number" Riley stated "No!" Lucas yelled "In the town of old Austin in Texas" Riley sang "Why?" Lucas asked "Loved a BuckyMcBoing Boing Hahurrrrr" I sang "Will you please be kind?" Lucas asked
Flashback with Lucas.............
"Hahurrrrr,hahurrrrr you talk that like for sure" Maya sang "I am dreaming of a hero-" Riley sang "Riley. Have some dignity woman!" I shouted "Who will treat me like a princess" Riley continued to sing "Like me!" Farkle sang coming into the room "Not you" Riley sang "Ok" Farkle sang as he left the room "And he'll be my handsome prince. And I'll love him" Riley sang "Like a brother" Maya sang "No the other" Farkle sang coming back into the room "Farkle!" Riley yelled "Ok" Farkle sang as he left the room again Riley walked up to Lucas and grabbed his hand "Wait" Lucas said "Why am I not little like you guys?" "This is how you've always been" Riley told him "The only you we've ever seen" I said jumping on his back "Hey!" Lucas exclaimed "Giddy up huckleberry" I shouted "Sam you can't just jump on me" Lucas said Riley and Maya jumped up on Lucas "Riley,Maya-" he started "Whee" Riley said "Ok" he said "In the town of California not Texas" Riley sang "A freak-face became our best friend" Farkle sang coming into the room "Ya-ta-ta-ta-ta" he started dancing "hey!" He climbed on the window ledge as Lucas put us down "And no matter how things go" Farkle sang "We'll always have the bay window" Lucas joined in "The forever. The end" Maya sang as we all bowed
End of flashback................
"No Maya,Sam nothing's forever. We can't be 7 years old our whole lives" Riley told us "Why can't we?" I asked "I like remembering who you were" Farkle told Riley "I was nothing like that. I was a little boy just like all my friends. Look I have a picture" Lucas said pulling out a picture "Huh" he mumbled "It's time to forget about the past" Riley announced "Why do we have to?" Maya asked "Huh" Lucas mumbled "Guys, what's important now is "Who are we going to be?" Riley told us "What happens to who we were?" I asked "Hey, guys, somethings seriously wrong" Lucas told us "You are never touching this bay window" Maya said Riley grabbed one of her curtains and pulled in down I gasped
Time skip..............
All of us were now in Riley's bedroom Maya and I were sitting in the bay window Riley was sitting on her bed and the boys were standing up as Matthews and Mrs Matthews came in "How could you let them do this?" Maya asked "I didn't. What did you guys do?" Matthews asked "Riley,this is your favorite place in the world" Mrs Matthews said to her daughter "I'm just a teenage girl rearranging her room a lot" Riley explained "Uh-huh what's really happening?" Mrs Matthews asked "Just because we're going into high school,she thinks we should destroy our childhood" I said on the verge of tears "Ok, y'know this raises an interesting question. Who here knows-" Matthews started "Stop" we all said in unison "Stop what?" He asked "You were about to teach us something,weren't you?" Riley asked "No" Matthews lied "Sure you were" Lucas mumbled sarcastically "It's the weekend and you can't stop. Bring it hambone" Farkle told him "You need help Matthews" Maya told him "You're not allowed to teach us anything today" Lucas announced "I wasn't going to teach you anything" Matthews said "Yay!" We all cheered "Aw" Farkle said "Because you already know this one" he finished "Oh" Riley mumbled Lucas groaned "Yay!" Farkle said "The truth is,people get comfortable with what's familiar" Matthews told us "Yeah. And when you get too comfortable,you don't allow yourself room to grow" Mrs Matthews added "The worst thing you can do is fold your arms and refuse to accept what's gonna come anyway" Matthews explained "Yeah" Riley said looking over at Maya and I "Hey,Riley is that my boot? Can I please have that back?" Lucas asked "No" Riley answered "Honey,it's totally ok that you want to create space for new memories. Let's just keep the old memories somewhere safe. You may decide that you want to visit them again later" Mrs Matthews told her daughter "Fine. You see,Maya,Sam? One of us is completely ok with making room for the new" Riley said Matthews and Mrs Matthews started laughing "Ok. You guys are laughing" Riley stated "Yeah" Matthews laughed ""Is it because I'm so right it's funny?" Riley asked "No" Mrs Matthews said "Oh. Then why are you laughing?" Riley asked "It's just a little memory that we've put away?" Matthews said "Yeah. Let's take it out and visit" Mrs Matthews suggested
Maya,Riley and I were sitting in the living room "Why are you doing this? Am I not good enough?" Riley asked "You're ok" Mr Matthews answered "Topanga?" Matthews asked "I like the way things is. Why do we need another baby? We just need mommy,daddy,Riley,Maya,Sam" Riley said I heard Matthews mumbled to himself before a car horn was heard and Matthews walked towards the door "Don't move girls. Mrs Svorski's on her way up" he told us as he left the apartment "You're gonna be a big sister" Maya told Riley "Why do things have to change? Why do I have to share my parents?" Riley asked "You're gonna have a little brother or sister, Riley. Your family loves each other, you're very lucky" I said as I curled up into a ball and Maya did the same thing "What's wrong Maya,Sam?" Riley asked "I don't know where my daddy is" Maya mumbled "Me either,my mommy hits me" I mumbled and cried Riley hugged us
End of flashback...............
"Yeah,that's the day we decided change wasn't a good thing" I mumbled "Sometimes it is. Guys" Riley said "I don't wanna go to high school" Maya told us "Why not?" Riley asked "We've always been together. What if something changes? What if something happens? People drift apart in high school" Maya cried "Sam, Maya. How could that even possibly happe?" Riley asked "How is it possible that the bay window would change? How is it possible that some people just....leave?" I asked crying "Sam,Maya,sometimes change is good. It leads to a wonderful growing up. Don't you wanna be big girls?" Riley asked "No. This was the first place that we ever thought was safe. We thought even if our whole worlds changed, this place never would" Maya told her "Then we'll put it back. We'll put it back guys" Riley said "Riles, we know it's not just the bay window we're saying goodbye to" I mumbled "It's us right? You're gonna say goodbye to us?" Farkle asked "Sam,Maya we're not anywhere" Lucas told us "Not in high school,not any time. It's always gonna be us" Farkle said Riley hugged Maya and I "Very good" Matthews commented "That's it?" Lucas asked "Yeah" he said "That's what you wanted us to learn?" Lucas asked "Leave me alone" Matthews said "It's his day off" Mrs Matthews told us as she and Matthews left the room "Maya,Sam we're never leaving. No matter where we go, we're never leaving. And Farkle told us that he'd always love us equally no matter what" Riley told us "I'm as good as my promise" Farkle said "Lucas?" Maya asked "Right here" he answered "Maya,Sam high school's just the next place. Your safe place is us. Your safe place is me" Riley said I smiled "And we're all yours" I told her "From the day we met" Riley added as she held our hands
I was running across the street when I heard singing I saw this girl in the window and another girl beside me we climbed up the ladder to the window and crawled inside "Sup?" The girl with blonde hair greeted "Hey" I waved "Are you strangers?" The girl asked we nodded "Are you strangers coming through my window?" The girl asked we nodded again "Then-" she started screaming but they blonde haired girl covered her mouth "I'm running away from home" she said as she uncovered the girls mouth and turned to me "I guess you are too?" She asked I nodded "I saw your curtains and your pillows, I heard you singing. I like singing better than yelling. Please don't yell" the girl begged "Who's yelling?" The singing girl asked "My mommy and daddy" the blonde stated "I know how you feel" I told her "Why?" The other girl asked "Because they always are" the blonde said "What do you do here?" I asked motioning around the window "I sit here and I hope" the singing girl answered "For what?" The blonde asked "For someone to come and sit with me. Are you two them?" She asked the blonde and I "What's your name?" I asked "I'm Riley" The singing girl/Riley answered "Hi Riley. I'm Maya Penelope Hart" The blonde/Maya answered "Hey Riley,Maya I'm Sam" I told them "Hi Maya,Sam. Are we friends forever?" Riley asked "Whatever you want" Maya replied I smiled "Whatever you want" I said "I wanna call you peaches" Riley said pointing at Maya "And I wanna call you bubbles" she said pointing to me
Flashback continues.................
"Now that we're best friends forever, we should get a few things straight" Riley told Maya and I "Like what?" I asked "I'm a lot of trouble. I'm gonna be the dangerous one" she said "We can handle that" Maya told her as we got in her face "Ok" she immediately said "You have a baby monitor?" Maya asked there was a ring from it "What are you doing Riley?" I heard a male voice ask (probably her dad) "Ju-" Riley began but I covered her mouth "Just sitting here talking to myself " I began to sing "Ok honey have fun" Riley's dad said the ring begins to end the call "That was fun" Riley said "We're just getting started" I told her "Yeah. I feel guilty. I'm gonna tell him" Riley said trying to stand up but Maya and I stopped her from leaving "Oh boy are we gonna be good for you" Maya smirked "And I will sprinkle you two with goodness" Riley said as she hugs us "Whatever you want" Maya and I said in unison "Can we be like this forever?" Riley asked breaking the hug "Well,do you think someday we'll have to grow up?" Maya asked "How will we know when that is?" I asked
Time skip..........
"It's now" Riley told us as we saw our younger selves sitting on Riley's bed we walked over and sat with them "Hi" Maya greeted younger Maya "Who are you?" The younger Maya asked "I'm Maya Penelope Hart" Maya said "But that's me" younger Maya said "Yeah" Maya mumbled "You're me?"young Maya asked "Yeah" Maya answered "Prove it" young Maya challenged I smiled "Sometimes when you sit on the toilet, you like to put the lid on your back and pretend you're a turtle" Maya said young Maya gasped "Named Mr Shellington" young Maya gasped I laughed "Are you me?" Young Riley asked Riley "Yeah, I am" Riley said "Prove it" "Well, I don't have to. You believe in everything" Riley answered young Riley gasped "You're me?" My young self asked "Yeah" I answered "Prove it" I challenged "Did I just challenge myself?" I thought "You think everything deserves better in the world. You're really loyal to your friends" I answered the younger me gasped and turned to young Maya and Riley "It's us" "It is?" Maya asked "Yeah" young me sad "Our daddies gone" young Maya and me said sadly at the same time "Yeah" Maya and I told us "Our mommy hits us" Young me said I felt a tear coming on "Yeah" I mumbled "Will everything be ok?" Young Maya asked I picked myself up and so did the others I placed me on my lap "Just stay close to these two and we'll be fine" Maya told her "Why are you here with us?" Young Riley asked "Um because we wanted to visit you and spend some time with you before things change" Riley told our younger selves "You're gonna change?" Young me asked "Yeah,that's what happens. But we wanted to thank you guys for being who we were" I said "What happens to us?" Young Maya asked "You stay with us. You're a part of us always" Maya said "Do we have to grow up and change?" Young Riley asked "Well we're doing a pretty ok job so far and we get to grow up into whoever's the next us" Riley said "Whether we like it or not" I mumbled "Do we have good friends?" Young Riley asked herself "We have the best friends" Riley exclaimed "Good,so who are we going to be?" Young Riley asked "What?" I asked "When you grow up more" young Maya stated "We wanna see them!" Young Riley yelled "Bring them in here!" Young me shouted "Well,we can't um cause we actually don't know who we're gonna be yet" Maya told them "But we look forward to meeting them someday" Riley said "And you'll tell them about us bubbles?" Young Riley asked I saw Riley and Maya laugh "We won't have to. You'll be there" I said "Ok so we decided to change the bay window?" Young Riley asked "Yeah" I mumbled "Well we can't wait to see what you do with the place" young Maya said we hugged our younger selves while crying
Flash forward  to the future............
"My life's never going to be the same" future me said "I know I was hard giving up the energems" Future Maya told me? "It's fine I mean we all did" I told them "Yeah so I heard the news about you and Chase?" Adult Riley said "Yeah...wait how?" I asked "Lucas" she answered "Of course" I rolled my eyes "He asked you to move in with him" Maya announced "I know" I said "When are we going to see each other?" Riley asked "Riley. Chase's apartment is right down the block!" Adult Maya exclaimed "M......He's moving back to New Zealand....and he asked me to go with him...I think I'm going to say yes" I told her "What?" Adult Maya asked I nodded "We'll keep in touch...all the time" adult Riley promised we all hugged Maya and I turned to our past selves "Well I'm disgusted" We all said in unison "What do we do?" Adult Maya asked "Now we leave this place Maya,Sam" adult Riley told us "How do we do that?" I heard adult Maya ask I think I fell asleep "Sam" I heard Riley say "Come on" Maya said we all cried as we crawled out of the window with our past and future selves
End of flash forward..........
"Ready for this change,Maya,Sam?" Riley asked as we were sitting in the new bay window "Whatever you want" Maya replied "I can't wait to see what's next. I hope it's good" Riley told us "Promise me that no matter what happens we'll always stay together?" I said "We'll always stay together" Riley and Maya promised "Than it's good" I smiled

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