Girl meets True Selves

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Maya and I climb through the bay window to see Riley brushing her hair and singing "Maya and Sam are back! And they're Maya and Sam again!" Maya takes the brush from Riley and throws it out the window "And that's why I have extra brushes now" Riley sings I throw the other one out the window "And they're gone!" Riley mumbles "Ok, Rapunzel, I'm in a hurry for school" I tell her "What? Sam wouldn't say that" Riley says ""I've been held back by your goody-moon-dust- spell so long that I haven't done any real damage to this high school situation at all" I say "Ok let's discuss. What kinda damage are we talking about?" Riley asks "Damage" Maya whispers "I will allow you two just enough freedom. No. For one fun-sized Maya and Sam episode. No. That gets my blood pumping just a little bit" Riley exclaims "No ain't gonna cut it" Maya puts in "Then I will allow one medium-sized Maya and Sam episode that allows me to go "Heavens to Betsy, Maya,Sam. Will you guys ever learn?" Riley continues "Listen, Petunia, we've been living life on Candy Cane Lane  the past year and we're pent-up boiling cauldrons of we're-gonna-do-something" Maya tells her ""I will allow you two just enough freedom or one-" "Quiet! We run the show. You don't allow us. We don't allow you. You want the old Maya and Sam back? Mamma's gonna do a big-bad thing" I say "Well, I don't believe you will" Riley tells me "Because I only brought you back to exactly where I need you two to be, and I was very careful not to go too far. Right? Maya? Sam?" Maya and I climb out of the window right as we hear Riley call "Peaches? Bubbles?"
Time skip............
"Pompeii" Matthews starts his lesson "Lucas" he calls "You mean "Farkle?" Lucas asks "I mean "Lucas" "Oh" "I want to see what you know" Matthews tells him "Ok, here's what I know.... Farkle" Lucas says "Why thank you" Farkle jokes "Pompeii was an ancient village in Italy located near the beauty and culture of Naples. It was a resort town where the wealthy would go to soak up the sun" "It was like the Hawaii of Italy!" Lucas shouts "Thanks Lucas" Matthews jokes "Call on me any time" He replies "Pompeii sounds so beautiful Maya,Sam. We should go there. We should go there and be calm" Riley tells us Matthews laughs "Lemme tell you about a whole city that became calm very quick. Now, who here knows about Mount Vesuvius?" "Mount Vesuvius was a pent-up boiling cauldron of we- wanna-do- something!" I yell "Vesuvius sat quiet for a long time, but then it did what volcanos must do. It 'sploded!" Matthews explains "Why do volcanos have to 'splode?" Riley asks "Because if it doesn't, it'll just blow up worse later" Lucas says "Vesuvius wiped out the entire population of Pompeii. It's one of the greatest natural disasters the world has ever known" Matthews finishes "Ok, then do it right now!" Riley exclaims "Do what you two need to do to be Maya and Sam, but please don't wipe us out peaches,bubbles" the fire alarm starts ringing I look at Maya in confusion "That's it! Oh, a fire alarm. Oh, you sassy troublemakers. Fire alarm everybody! Yes! Oh my gosh! This is bananas!" Riley shouts "Your blood pumping?" I ask "Oh, it's so pumping!" "Good. We didn't do it" "Yes, you did. Ok single file everybody! Choo-Choo! Everyone find a safety buddy! My safety buddies are Maya and Sam. They exploded and now they're tired" Riley says "Um, we didn't do it" Maya tells her "Yes you did! But you two can't do anything more for 3,000 years" the PA system goes off "Hello, students. Sorry about that, a little glitch in the system. False alarm. Our mistake. Back to work" "You didn't do it Maya and Sam the volcanos?" Riley asks sitting back down "No explodey" I mumble "Do you need a nappy?" Riley asks "Wide awakey" Maya answers "Well, you're gonna wipe out the whole village, ain't ya?" "And the neighboring towns" I nod
Time skip..................
"What are you doing?" I ask Lucas as he does a bad British accent as we're all in the bakery after school "Mount Farkleuvius has awoken in all its bubbling glory" he speaks "What is that?" Farkle asks "That's my fancy British guy Mortimer" Lucas says "Sounds like you're eating meatloaf" Maya comments "Meatloaf" Lucas British accent continues "Ok, thing #211 he can't do: accents" Farkle states "Oh, but it's so charming when he can't do things" Riley tells us I roll my eyes "He's a face! He's just a face! What is the matter with you?" Maya asks "Mount Farkleuvius sends two billion tons of burning lava straight into the air" Lucas sputters "And back on his head" "Why?" Farkle asks "Because you insulted Mortimer!" "What's his last name?" "Twiggle-bottom-smythe" Lucas answers we all laugh "Ok, fine I'll do it" Farkle says "Maya, Sam what is going on with you two?" Lucas asks "It's like we don't have a role here" Maya starts "Riley the sweet, Farkle the genius, Lucas the good" "Ugh, I thought that was gone" Lucas put in "It's not gone. We're gone. We're the ones that are gone" "Guys, I've been down this road. Forget it. I missed a whole year of school because I thought I had to be something" he says "That doesn't get you anywhere" Riley mumbles "Yeah, and now you say "please" and "thank you" and what does that get you?" Maya asks "It gets me to like him. Do you still like him?" "We don't know what we like anymore!" I tell her "Woah" Farkle says I walk over and hold his shirt "No "Woah". No "Woah" while we're figuring things out" I tell him "Woah. We're getting older. These are gonna be more unpredictable" Farkle says "I'm telling!"I yell "I'm telling!" Farkle yells back "Maya? Sam?" Riley asks "We need to know who we am before we know what we like" Maya tells her "Hey, y'know what's up with me?" Ms Hart asks walking around the counter "The cash register is short $100" "So what's up with you? That's great" I mumble "Y'know what's up with me? Who toke my $100?" She asks looking at us all "Just do it" Riley mumbles "We didn't take the money!" I exclaim "Yes, you did" Riley tells me "Maya, Sam you took the money! They took the money everybody! Yeah! They're cat burglars!" "We didn't do it" Maya says "Yes you did!" Riley argues "This is all over" Lucas mumbles to Farkle "Well, if no one took my $100 then what happened?" Ms Hart asks she looks in the drawers "Huh? Somebody just put two 50s under the whole drawer and forgot all about it? Somebody just......did that. Stay in school kids" she tells us as she leaves "We don't want our roles with us to be some people you think takes money or sets off fire alarms. You think you know what we're capable of? You have know idea what we're capable of" Maya starts "You want the Maya and Sam back? The Maya and Sam we really are? You got them" I finish as Maya and I run out of the bakery
Time skip...........
We ended up skipping school so Maya and I went to the park in the middle of the night "Hart? Ford?" Carla asks as she opens the fence and rattles it "Hart! Ford!" She yells running over to us "It's you guys isn't it?" "It's us, Carla" I say "It's been awhile. Nice jacket" she tells me. "Thanks" I say "Give it to me. Oh, man I'm just messing with you Ford" Carla says I laugh "Messing with you!" "You know we just came to visit a little" Maya tells her "It's, uh, almost dark. It's a little scary here after dark" Carla says "We appreciate that, thanks" Maya says I nod "Looks like they're  prepared for it, though" she mumbles "Where's that little friend of yours? Dorothy" "Riley" I correct "Dorothy. You 3 are like those stuck together twins, except one more" Carla says "There's a word for that. What's that called?" "Sesame twins" Renee says standing next to her "See what you left me here with?" "Dorothy kid's stupid" she says "Her names Riley" Maya corrects "She's all "I'm Dorothy. I got a perfect life. I'm Little Miss Perfect Life" "You sound jealous" Renee tells her "I'm not jealous of anything. I just want what she has" They both laugh "Miss you around here. Man, what's with the brick and hammer? You gonna build a house?" Renee asks I roll my eyes "They're Maya Hart and Sam Ford. They're gonna burn the joint down" Carla tells her "Nah, look at them. They've changed. They're soft like Dorothy" Renee laughs "Now, I'm gonna need you to call her Riley" I tell her "You're soft like Riley. How's that?" "We're not soft" Maya mumbles "Yeah, you are a little bit. That's ok, can always fix that. And you know how you fix things? With a hammer" Renee says "Ok" Maya mumbles "Got a lot of equipment here, Hart, Ford. Could do a lot of damage with it. Is that what you came here for? To see what you're still capable of?" Carla asks "Yeah.....Yeah we came here to see what we're still capable of" I tell her "Good. Because I'd love to have you back here instead of Renee" she says "Yeah instead of Renee!" Renee cheers "Now that's see what this hammer is capable of" she takes the hammer and hits the statue I gasp and try not to cry "Ok, slugger, let's give someone else a chance" Carla says giving the hammer to Maya "Show us what ya got......softy" She mocks "She's not soft!" I yell "We're not soft!" "Oh would ya look at this? Little Ford thinks she's all tough" Carla says "Yeah, you're not tough. You're scared,and broken,don't try to hide that" Renee finishes "I got something to do" I say breathing out as I run to the abandon building and climb up the ladder I walk inside "Woah" I breathe I walk into my old room "Nothing's changed" I look through my old journal and find a picture of my dad "She's dead because of you" I mumble I quickly close the journal and stick the picture in my pocket and then leave I meet up with Maya and we try to run but we're taken down by the cops
Time skip...............
We walk into the Matthews apartment with Officer James "You have failed" I hear Matthews say "Baby girls, what did you do?" Ms Hart asks "California codes 145 and 375" Officer James says "Vandalism? Robbery?" Mrs Matthews asks "What?" Matthews and Ms Hart ask "What?" All of our friends also ask "Y-you did this" I say shook up "Put us in jail for the rest of our lives and don't allow visitors or else she'll come and bring us stupid lemon meringue pies!" Maya exclaims "It's for you and all you jailbird friends!" Riley exclaims "You're the girl whose head she put back on" James says "What?" Riley asks "Maya" I say "She's our best friend and she ruined us!" I yell "Well, they're my best friends and I love them!" Riley shouts "We couldn't find her. Looks like somebody found her" "Maya,Sam what did you do?" Riley asks "This girl did a number on a public park. My park in fact. And this girl stole from a abandon house" James tells them "I watch that park everyday" "I'm sorry" Mrs Matthews says "You all care about these girls?" "We do" "Well, we're gonna take a little field trip. Show you what these girls did to my park and the abandon house" we all head out the door
Time skip..................
"You did this?" I say pointing to the HOPE sign Maya did "What?" Riley asks "Guys I wasn't even with you" "Yeah you were. I had a brick in my hand" Maya says "Oh! So that's what happened!" I exclaim "Why?" Riley asks "Because they went after you" she explains "Who Maya?" Riley asks "These two girls Maya and I used to know" I tell her "We could have been them. Riley,We would have been them. But we're not. Because they think a brick and a hammer makes you strong. And as much as I wanted to throw a brick through a window,I know that if I did that, that's what would make me weak. Sam stood up for me and then ran off...I knew what to do, because I'm strong....because there's something inside of me that stops me now. It knows how important you've been in our lives and it'll never let us do any real damage as long as we live. That part inside of me.....I'm gonna call it Dorothy" Maya tells us "Call it whatever you want. I'm just glad you two didn't do anything bad" Riley tells us "What did you do? What happened?" Matthews asks me "I might, broken into my old house and uh, stole a picture" I say "What's the picture?" Riley asks as she puts her hand in my pocket and pulls it out "Bubbles" Riley cries hugging me "I never knew that much about mom still kept a picture, that I never got to see until now" I say as a tear goes down my face "Why aren't we bad Matthews?" I ask "The friends we choose can have the most profound influence in our entire lives one way or another. This way. I'm proud of you girls" Matthews says I smile "What happened to Carla and Renee?" I ask Maya "Oh, well I might have had a brick and a hammer and I might have swung them over my head a little bit and ran, like right towards them like I was......" She says "Maya? So you're Maya and Sam again?" Lucas asks "Well, they seem to think so. They ran away so fast" "My park. I watch this every day" James says walking over to us "We're sorry. You know we're not gonna give up on Carla and Renee" Maya tells him "And I don't want you two to be like them, ok?" "We can't. Dorothy won't let us" I smile "California codes 145 and 375. Vandalism and Robbery. I'm gonna write these up. Then I'm gonna put it in a folder. Then I'm gonna misplace the folder. And if I never hear from you 3 hoodlums ever again, that folder remains misplaced" James tells us "I'm a hoodlum" Riley mumbles "Why are you giving us a break?" Maya asks "My park. I look at this park everyday. I have Hope for this park too" James says "Thank you" Maya says "Thank you" James tells her "Hey, sometimes the system works" "Thanks for putting my head back on" Riley tells Maya "Yeah, you too" Maya replies "Huh?" She asks "Yeah...before I knew you" "You always knew us" Riley tells her "When I was real young, I used to come to this park and look at this statue and wonder if I would have friends as good as these. They would hold hands with each other and smile. I used to wonder what they were so happy about. Now I know" Maya tells us as she smiles "Me too" I smile the others start to walk away but Officer James motions me to stay behind "What's happening?" I ask nervously "You're Samantha? Samantha Ford?" He asks "I go by Sam" I say trying not to sound rude "How do you know that?" "I used to be friends with your dad. I remember when you were little" he says "Y-you knew my dad?" I ask he nods "I heard he left his family...word gets around fast, I heard about your moms passing. It must be hard" He says I nod "Having a dad who abandons you. And mom who leaves 10 years later?" I ask "Yeah but what can't any other 14 year old girl handle?" I cry on my sleeve "Can I see your arm?" He asks I lift up my sleeve revealing bruises she left "Oh, Sam....sorry to say this, but we have to take you to a hospital" He says to me I nod as I quickly walk around side his car and get in the back as we drive to the hospital
Ok so I changed the ending a little bit!! Next will be the hospital part and then moving on to the normal season 3 parts!! Comment down below!!

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