Girl meets secret of life

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Riley,Maya and I were standing outside the history classroom Riley closed her locker "y'know what I like? Life and I like it when it doesn't change" Riley told us "we should sing our happy song" "we don't have a happy song" I said "we should have a happy song" Riley said "we should never have a happy song" Maya said I nodded "not with that attitude" Riley told her the bell rang and we walked into class and sat down "so you don't want anything to change?" Maya asked "no I don't like change, change fills my pockets with pennies of uncertainty" Riley said "pennies of uncertainty?" I asked Riley nodded "ok" I said "all right so....should we actually finally learn about what happened in Belgium in 1831?" Matthews asked "no!" Farkle shouted "no?" Matthews asked "I always give my hopes up and something happens to hurt my little Farkle heart" Farkle said "this time I refuse to believe" "in 1831...." Matthews began "yes?" Farkle said smiling as his eyes widened "wait! Anything going to suddenly happen to you?" Farkle asked Riley "no changes,loving life" she answered "anything going to happen to you?" He asked Lucas "nothing ever happens to me" he said "Sam?" Farkle asked "nothing new here" I said "Maya?" We all turned to see a sleeping Maya "oh my gosh this is it" Farkle said "in Belgium 1831" Matthews started someone walked through the door "what y'all started without me?" The guy asked "get out!" Farkle yelled waking Maya up "somebody in this room is going to be very surprised to see me" the guy told us "is it me?" Riley asked "don't know sugar but could you be any cuter?" The boy asked "well I can't answer that" Riley said "you got a transcript kid?" Matthews asked "I do check out them grades here let me sing them to you" the kid said "d,d,d,d,d,d,f" "yeah I know that song" Maya said "Isaiah Babineaux from Austin Texas" Matthews read from the transcript everyone suddenly looked at Lucas "what are you doing here Zay?" Lucas asked "well the first thing I'm doing is waiting for a better reaction from you" Zay said "Maya,Sam I think somethings changing" Riley told us "ok Mr Teach where do I sit? You know usually I'm more of a back row kinda guy" Zay said he saw Brenda "woah the unusual" "have a seat right there Mr Babineaux" Matthews pointed to the desk behind Lucas "Lucas do you know this Isaiah?" Riley asked "yeah tell them you know me good" Zay said "how about we talk later ok?" Lucas told Zay "well Mr Babineaux if you work out as well as last years new student we're happy to have you" Matthews said looking at Lucas "wait what Lucas you're doing ok here?" Zay asked "not currently on probation,no disciplinary actions? They  just let you wander free?" Zay asked "sit down!" Farkle yelled Zay sat down "ok new guys all settled in so,do it! Do it while I'm still tingly!" Farkle shouted "so in Belgium 1831" Matthews began "what's the secret of life?" Yogi asked we all turned to him "sorry Mr Farkle" Yogi apologized "I know I'm not your daughter or your daughter's best friends but I too have a value in this world what's the secret of life?" Yogi said Matthews laughed and looked at Farkle "don't do it" Farkle ordered Matthews picked up the eraser "put the eraser down and nobody gets hurt" he said Matthews ignored him and erased the board Farkle screamed "Yogi has asked the primary riddle of the universe: what's the secret of life? People spend their whole lives trying to figure it out, I was lucky , I had a teacher who cared enough about me to make sure I knew" Matthews explained "Lucas you got a option on this?" Matthews asked "yeah what do you got Mr Moral Compass?" I asked "Did you just call Lucas Friar your moral compass? She called you moral compass" Zay said while laughing Lucas turned to him and Zay stopped "ok" "something bad is happening Sam,Maya" Riley told us "you don't say?" I asked sarcastically "it occurs to me you're trying to tell us that ranger Rick was a little different back in Texas" Maya said to Zay "a little? What do they know exactly? Cause I wouldn't wanna say anything wrong" Zay said "they know you're a year older right?" "Yeah now they do" Lucas said "oh yeah it's my fault look at ya!" Zay shouted "okay that's enough mr Babineaux" Matthews said "oh so you know about him?" Zay asked "I know all about mr friar" Matthews said "excuse me?" Riley asked "back in Texas-" Lucas started "Lucas! You sure?" Matthews asked he nodded "back in Texas I did something I had to leave" Lucas said "it was great! I mean they threw him out of the whole school!" Zay shouted smiling "what?!" Riley yelled "I came here to get a new start nobody knew me here" Lucas said "I know him" Zay said raising his hand "does that mean I don't know you?" Riley asked
Time skip..........
My BFF's and I sat down in the cafeteria "look,we don't know the story yet let's know the story before you go the Rileytown" Maya told Riley "I'm not going to Rileytown I'm calm" Riley said "I like it worse when you're calm" Maya said "come on be you" "yayyyyyyyy" I raised Riley's hands in the air Lucas sat down next to us all of a sudden "deny it" Riley ordered "Riley" Lucas started "tell me whoever this Zay kid is,that he can't just come in here and change you from the Lucas we know,tell me nothing changes" she said "that's all you have to do Lucas,You hear me? I just called you by your actual name for the first time....ever that's how important this is to me because it's important to her" I said "deny it" Maya added "I can't" Lucas said Riley sighed "I like you, I had my first kiss with you,you're my first real boyfriend" Riley said "do you think it's right to let me date you without telling me who you are?" Riley asked "you know who I am, I'm Lucas Friar I asked your dads permission to ask you out who does that?" Lucas said "you were kicked out of school?" Riley asked "yes" Lucas said "for a whole year?" She asked "Yes" Lucas said "I finally like you" Maya said "you told me you gave birth to a horse" Riley said "that had to hurt" I commented "why didn't you tell me about this?" Riley asked "it's not something I'm proud of" Lucas said "I thought I could start over I guess I was wrong, I guess you do something and that's the end of you" Lucas said "you that's what I'm upset about? Whatever you did?" Riley asked "then I don't know you and you don't know me" Riley said "why are you acting like this?" Lucas asked "we promised each other no secrets,and you didn't tell me about this,whatever you did,why wouldn't you trust me with it?" Riley asked "people who care about you are supposed to trust you with stuff" Riley looked at Maya and I "wait my father knew about this?" She asked
Time skip............
Riley stormed into the Matthews apartment Maya and I followed behind we ran after her "boy you're going to get yelled at Matthews!" I yelled as I walked in "oh we missed it do it again" I said tapping Riley on the shoulder "a normal people sanctuary I'd like a fountain or a candle" Mrs Matthews said "how could you keep something like this away from me?" Riley asked "just some place where people don't get hysterical over every little thing" Mrs Matthews said "yes I did know that Lucas was expelled" Matthews told his daughter "what?!" Mrs Matthews yelled "Topanga,you know this I told you all about this" Matthews informed his wife "yes, I know you told me all about this,but I want nothing to do with that" Mrs Matthews said looking at Riley "why would you let me date him or like him if you knew something about him?" Riley asked "Riley,whatever this is about Lucas,that I know nothing about,I'm sure your father knows exactly what you need to learn from it" Mrs Matthews said "really? Dad?" Riley asked "you got anything?"
Time skip............
"Al washes a car in 6 minutes, Fred washes the same car in 8 minutes" Matthews began his lesson "how long does it take Al and Fred to wash the same car all together?" "How is this anything?" I asked "3 minutes 25.7 seconds" Farkle answered "wrong" Matthews said "excuse me?" Farkle asked "what did you just say?" "you're wrong" Matthews repeated "I'm wrong? You're a history teacher teaching English,science,whatever you've got going on at home! You waltz your wife in here on career day" Farkle said "she's a respected attorney" Matthews said "my father says she should've been my mother!" Farkle shouted "what do you want from me?" Matthews asked "Mr Matthews teaches us about a lot of things" Lucas said "he's open minded that way" "I teach this way, because in my old school I had a very strict teacher" Matthews told us "he teach history,English or math?" Zay asked "I don't know but in his class there was no talking" Matthews said "no interruptions" "so you didn't like him?" Farkle asked "I loved him" Matthews answered "then why don't you teach like him?" Farkle asked "because I would never try and be like him I could only fail" Matthews said "I only succeed with you guys if I get my teaching across as effectively as he did" "you do" Maya said before turning to us "he does" "thank you Maya" Matthews thanked her "and I will now" Matthews said "Al washes a car in 6 minutes Fred washes the same car in 8 minutes" "he thinks it's math class! Somebody stop him!" Zay shouted "for once I agree with this guy!" I shouted pointing to Zay "you what's your name?" Zay asked Farkle "Farkle" Farkle replied "what did you call me?" Zay asked offended "my is Farkle" Farkle said "who would do that to you? Zay asked "so your assignment today is to wash a car" Matthews told us "together" "with him?" Riley asked pointing at Lucas "especially with him" Matthews answered "if you do it correctly,you will find the answer is 3 minutes 25.7 seconds" Farkle said "if you do it correctly,you will find the secret of life" Matthews told us
Time skip...........
I stood next to Riley and Lucas as we watched Maya wash a car outside in the school parking lot Farkle was timing her "done!" Maya announced "amazing" Farkle commented "how long?" She asked "19 minutes 42 seconds" Farkle told her "you're the worst car washer in this class" "oh you mean no one will ever ask me to wash a car for them?" Maya asked sarcastically as she walked up to Riley and I "say it" "you're a genius" we said "oh stop" Maya said "the only two who washed the car in 6 minutes and 8 minutes exactly were Riley and-" Farkle began "Lucas? Was it Lucas? Could it have been Lucas?" I asked "Lucas?" "Yeah Lucas" Farkle said "I'm not washing a car with him" Riley told Farkle "oh yes your are, and you are washing it in 3 minutes 25.7 seconds and I will go back to your father and say ha!" Farkle shouted "now pick up that hose" "fine" Riley picked up the hose "and you pick up that bucket" Farkle ordered Lucas "yes sir" Lucas said he picked up the bucket "and go!" Farkle shouted Riley and Lucas were washing opposite ends of the car "no,no work together the equation doesn't work if you don't work together!" Farkle shouted "get over your drama and do it!" "Riley I could use some water over here to rinse this off" Lucas said "oh water? You want some water?" Riley asked "yes please" Lucas answered "oh huckleberry,huckleberry whatever bad,bad things you did at your old school you are still such a huckleberry" I told him "why? You need water to rinse off-" Lucas began Riley spayed water all over him I quickly moved out of the way Lucas tumbled on the hood of the car and landed on the other side Riley stopped spraying him "tell me what you did!" She yelled "nothing this bad!" Lucas yelled Riley sprayed him again and stopped "they threw you out of school! Riley shouted "wash the car!" Farkle shouted "you're supposed to be washing the car,why aren't you washing the car? Wash the car!" "When are you going to tell me what you did?" Riley asked "fine! You want me to tell you what I did?" Lucas asked "uh yeah why do you think I would be doing this is I didn't what to know?" She asked "ok good girl just give me the hose and I'll tell you" Lucas said Riley gave him the hose "thank you" Riley said "no thank you" Lucas said "Maya!" Riley yelled as Lucas sprayed he I tried not to laugh he backed her into a fence "Sam!" She called my name I ran over to her "wait!" I yelled Lucas stopped spraying Riley "you made her lose her contact lens!" I yelled at him "oh my gosh I didn't realize!" Lucas began looking for it as he dropped the hose I walked behind him a picked up the bucket of soapy water "wait since when does Riley wear-" Lucas began I dumped the water on his head and put the bucket on his head and turned to Riley "glad to help but you're on your own" I walked back to Farkle and Maya to watch the rest of the "show" I saw Riley push Lucas against the car "you were the first boy I ever liked! The first boy I ever really trusted! That's a big deal for me! Are you worth it? Tell me and I'll believe you, I want to believe you! Are you worth it?" Riley asked "yes" Lucas said we walked up to Riley and Lucas "you two have completely ruined this experiment for me with your relationship issues! You are significantly over 3 minutes!" Farkle yelled "by how much?" Riley asked "a day! And you haven't even dried the car yet" he said we watched as Riley and Lucas used Farkle to dry hood of the car "ok I think it's dry!" Farkle yelled Maya walked up to the hose and picked it up "hey! Farkle is right! This is a serious assignment! Put him down!" Maya shouted Lucas put Farkle down "now line up right there! Stand up straight! Straighter!" She shouted we all stood in a line as straight as we could "I'm going to show you how to do this right! Open your mouths! Open them!" Maya yelled I was confused "amateurs" Maya said as she sprayed all of us
Time skip.........
"Al washes a car in 6 minutes Fred washes the same car in 8 minutes how long does it take Al and Fred to wash the same car together?" Matthews repeated in class the next day "Farkle?" Matthews asked Farkle jumped up "they were snapping towels at each other!" He shouted "I said "the car's not even dry yet" and then they went-" Farkle stopped to imitate a hose spraying "woah she's the fountain!" He yelled "so not 3 minutes 25.7 seconds?" Matthews asked "I was wruhh" Farkle mumbled as he sat back down "excuse me?" Matthews asked "I was wruhh!" Farkle yelled "well it takes big men to admit when they were wruhh!" Matthews said "there is no answer to this equation, except on paper, except in math class, which this isn't" "is there a answer to life?" Lucas asked "ah now we have arrived at the secret" Matthews said "Lucas's secret?" Riley asked "bigger than that" he replied "Riley,sometimes things come out when they're supposed to come out" Lucas said "as long as you're not different than I think because I think a lot of you" Riley said "I used to be different than I am now" Lucas told Riley "what happened?" She asked "I came here" Lucas smiled "and there's your answer, Yogi there's the secret of life people change people" Matthews said "no matter what I teach you in here,learning from the people you care about is more important than the  words on any page that's why I talk in here sometimes that's why it's interesting" Matthews looked at the desk behind Lucas "Mr Babineaux might've appreciated that,if he was here" Matthews said "where's your friend Mr Friar?" "I don't know I can't always be responsible for him" Lucas said "sure you can but maybe in a different way now" Matthews told him "look Zay's mouth gets him in trouble he thinks he's tougher than he is,maybe but he's my friend and I care about my friends" Lucas said "Riley, you understand that better then anyone what was I supposed to do?!" Lucas shouted "I'm sorry again I'm working on it ok?" Lucas apologized Riley nodded "Lucas!" We all heard Zay yell "oh not again I'll be right back sir" Lucas said as he walked to the door "Lucas" Matthews started "I'm okay sir" Lucas said "Lucas!" Matthews yelled "I'm okay sir" he repeated he looked at all of us "if I manage to not come back expelled,then you have all changed me" Lucas said as he walked out the door Riley,Maya,Farkle,Mr Matthews and I followed him we saw Zay up against the lockers and this kid named Joey held him "I did it again I'm sorry" Zay apologized "it's okay Zay get outta here" Lucas told him Joey let go off Zay and Zay ran towards the bench "are you kidding me? I had a neck in my hand I liked it I missed it" Joey said "you my new neck?" Farkle hid behind a wall "are you the one? Because there's one in every school isn't there?" Lucas asked "so in this school your the-" "yeah it's me" Joey said "daddy? Are you going to stop this?" Riley asked "not yet" Matthews said to his daughter "I couldn't help but notice your pointy boots back in Texas we appreciate a nice pointy boot" Lucas stepped on Joeys foot and pinned him up against the lockes "they can end a fight real quick unless somebody knows to put his heel on the soft part where all of your toes are" Lucas hissed "ow!" Joey said "now I'm sure you'd like to throw a punch except I got both of your wrists and I'm as strong as a horse I don't even work at it I just am" Lucas hissed "mr Matthews-" I started "not yet Sam" he told me "the way I see it,all that matters is what happens after you let go" Joey said "yeah I know it'd be simpler to just just start taking shots at each other, but I'm going to tell you something, and you really need to hear this in the end you're going to be the one on the floor and I'm going to be the one who walks away" Lucas said "ohh" Maya said I nodded "so I'm going to do you a favor and let you keep your reputation now I'd like you to let me keep mine,otherwise we're going to be 20 and still be in middle school" Lucas released Joey "you want that?" "I am 20" Joey said he walked away Zay walked up to Lucas "so I could've taken him right?" Zay asked I rolled my eyes "sure" Lucas said "why do you keep finding yourself in these situations?" "Well, I like knowing you have my back" Zay said Zay sat on the bench with Lucas "so what are you doing here Zay?" Lucas asked him "well,maybe I missed my best friend all right? Maybe I had a friend in Texas and he moved away and I missed hanging out with him" Zay said "and I convinced my entire family to pack everything-" "your dad got transferred?" Lucas asked cutting him off "yeah same as you" Zay said "look I'm glad you're here buddy but I don't wanna have to keep being the same guy you knew back in Texas" Lucas told him "yeah I'm not so sure you are" Zay said the two boys walked back into the classroom "people change people" Matthews said "secret of life" Farkle added
Time skip............
We were at the Matthews apartment eating dinner "I can drive daddy crazy in 8 seconds" Riley said "I can drive mommy crazy in 6 seconds" Auggie said "now the question is how long does it take Auggie and Riley to drive mommy and daddy crazy together?" Maya said "you feel like a movie?" Matthews asked "love to" Mrs Matthews said as they started walking towards the door "hey!" Riley shouted "what?" Auggie yelled "cheaters" Maya said "you can't just get up in the middle of dinner and walk out on them before they drive you crazy" I told them "we can do whatever we want see we couldn't when we were kids,but that's why we became parents" Mrs Matthews said "well what do you call that?" Riley asked "secret of life" Matthews said I narrowed my eyes at him "there's lots of them" he said the two of them walked out of the apartment

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