The Real World

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  I was in the middle of school at the moment during D lunch, one of the lunch sessions. Today was nachos. And they weren't half bad either. My "friends" Rita and Rebecca were sitting near me while Ana had decided to sit with kids from the previous semester. We called them the drama kids. They were the ones who had lunch period class. I was one of the drama kids, but I hardly ever ate with them. I preferred blasting loud music into my ear and being by myself. Music, reading, and writing were my three essentials. The feeling of solitude was just whenever. As the bell for lunch to end rang, I threw away my lunch and headed out the door toward History with my teacher Mrs. Pierrottet. Only an hour and thirty minutes left. Then I can go home and jump on my PC. For an hour. Then it was off to Tae Kwon Do. Today was sparring class. I hated sparring class. As much as I enjoyed the look of fear on my opponents faces as they became the unlucky ones to face me, it was tiring. I rather type away about my life in the Transformers world. My many OC's and their many crushes. It was what I considered "fun". I never hung out with my friends, considering I didn't really have any. That I knew in person anyway. My only friends were Tony and Everett, which I only saw in school, Ana, again only in school, and my brother, who I wouldn't consider a friend but I would do almost anything for him. I even made a Transformers: Prime OC based off him. I'm sure he'd like it, if he knew anything about Transformers. These were the only thoughts I had at the end of the day today. But for now, I'd just have to suffer through another class. Then I could go home.  

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