A New World

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  History had just ended and I sighed and rolled my eyes. Finally. I could go home and get as much done with my story as possible before Tae Kwon Do. As I walked to the bus and hopped on, I settled down as Virag and Sara came up on the bus as well. Farah was already there behind me so they sat opposite of her. I started blasting music into my ears to avoid their conversations. They were all, in my opinion, devas. Well not Farah. Farah was cool. Virag and Sara I could do without on the bus. As we made our way home, we got off early again and walked under the road down a path that lead to our house. Sure, it was more walking, but then we got home the same time our bus usually got to our stop. We walked and walked and Virag kept trying to drag a conversation out of me. Then she stopped and said, "Wait. I need to take this artsy picture!"

She gave my her phone and she ran to go pose. I rolled my eyes and took several bursts.

"You owe me eleven sticks now," I muttered and continued to walk as Virag grabbed her stuff.

"Yeah yeah I know," Virag answered absent-mindedly as she viewed the pictures.

Yes. I love collecting sticks and every time Virag make me take an "artsy picture" she owes me a stick. As we kept walking, we reached the intersection which we split and go our separate ways into to different parts of our neighborhood, I went left and she went right through the forest, as usual.

  As I emerged, I spotted my brother playing with bubbles on the sidewalk.

"You're home early," I commented.

"I stayed home remember," he smiled.

"Right. Lucky you," I muttered as he smiled again and created a giant bubble with his little mechanism. There was a long string tied into a large loop around to sticks with a washer weighing down the bottom.

I watched for a while before I heard a little sizzle come from the nearby bush.

"Bro. Ya hear that?" I asked.

He stopped playing and listened and we both heard the sizzling. We walked over to bush it was coming from. A dynamite was planted in the middle, and the fuse had a centimeter left. The thought we both had was that my brother's bubble mix was made of alcohol and detergent with certain chemicals in it. As the dynamite exploded, it caught the bubbles and next thing I new, I was waking up lying flat on what felt like hard, dusty, earth.  

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