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((Thunderbolt and Grimstone))

I was walking down the halls, trying to remember where everything was from the TV show. But I found that hard as for some reason as those memories kept slipping away. Like I was turning into someone else. Whatever. I did indeed though remember how to get to the control room, med-bay, and the energon storage vault. I had run into some vehicon troopers along my route, and let's say they were very... distracting.

"Get lost vehicon!" I hissed as I caught another vehicon staring at me. He whipped around quickly and ran off down a different hallway as another vehicon started staring as well.

I passed him and heard a yelp as he accidentally wielded his hand to the wall he was working on. I smirked to myself as I continued on. I kept walking until I noticed that I had passed the energon storage vault for the fifth time. Yep. I was lost. I was thinking about stepping into a separate room and asking for directions, but that would make me sound stupid. And I ain't stupid. So I continued on, remembering one of my own mottoes/sayings.

When you're lost and you don't want to look stupid, pretend you know what you're doing and keep walking without hesitation.

So that's what I did. But the vehicon troopers stares were indeed starting to get to me. I had designed Thunderbolt to like Knockout's, Megatron's, Shockwave's, and Soundwave's praise. Not troopers. Not even Starscream, though it was beneficial. As another trooper whistled at me as I passed, I grabbed him by the throat and lifted him in the air, my 'primal instincts' kicking in.

"Listen up trooper. Don't whistle at me. Got it?" I hissed viciously and he nodded slightly, fear brimming his visor.

"Good," I hissed again, dropping him violently and he scampered away. I watched with pleasure as the force of power worked its magic. He would tell the others and I would be able to walk freely.

I continued down the halls once again, soon coming to the med-bay. Rolling my optics, I decided if I was going to ever navigate this ship, I could at least ask help of some one I wouldn't mind asking. Because usually I hate asking for help.

I knocked politely on the med-bay doors and Knockout soon answered and his optics widened at seeing me.

"So you didn't 'get lost'?" he joked with a smirk.

"Well... no. I just wound up back here coincidentally. I did get lost though," I admitted hesitantly.

Knockout smirked and called, "Hey Grimstone! Come here for a sec!"

Grimstone walked up next to Knockout, who was leaning on the side of the med-bay entrance, and asked with a smirk, "What's up Doc Knock?"

Looks like his designed personality was kicking in as well.

"I'm gonna give Thunderbolt here a tour. You coming?" he asked smiling and I gave him a surprised glance.

Grim shrugged, "Sure."

"Um... I didn't ask-" I didn't get to finish.

"If I would give you a tour? So? I do it all the time with the rookies," he smirked and added when I growled, "But you're no rookie. You just were stationed some where else."

Grimstone grinned at my offensive side and Knockout lead the way down the halls of the Nemesis, staying well away from me. I made a mental note of every crevice and turn of the almost familiar warship as we walked.

We were turning the corner towards the energon storage vault when we accidentally ran into Starscream.

"Hello Knockout," he sneered.

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