Chapter 1: The problem is...

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Chapter 1

It was another hot and sticky day in New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, the temperature making the leather chair Devlin McPhee sat in stick to her exposed thighs. Sighing, she squirmed uncomfortably in the chair before resting her chin in her palm, waiting for her guidance counselor to finally make his appearance. The school day had already finished, and he was ten minutes late for their meeting. Glancing at the clock, Devlin clicked her tongue against her teeth; at this rate she would be late for her shift.

Another minute ticked by before Mr. Matthews busted into the room, running a hand through his blonde locks. Devlin opened her mouth to speak but he cut her off. "Yes Devi, I'm late again you don't have to say it every time."

Devlin scoffed and sat back in her chair. "Well if you hate having me remind you every time you are late, maybe you should try to get here on time."

Mr. Matthews made his way to the chair across from Devlin and chuckled as he sat in it. "If you're worried about being late to the shelter again, I'll drive you. It's no big deal."

Devlin shook her head "No it's okay Eric, thankfully my car is now in working condition, or else I would take you up on that offer."

Eric Matthews was Devlin's Mother's friend's son, and her neighbor. They had been friends for a while, considering they had been living next to each other all of Devlin's life. They were only four years apart; he had already graduated a year before she entered high school. Eric was lucky to have his job at such a young age, his mother was the vice principal of the school so that came in his favor. He had also finished college a year early, hence the fact that he was now a high school guidance counselor.

"So what's up now?" Devlin asked, as she folded her arms across her chest.

"You know how your goal is to graduate with your advanced diploma?" Eric questioned, settling back into the leather.

"What about it?" Devlin cocked her head to the side in question.

Eric nervously scratched the back of his neck before speaking again. "Well you kinda can't receive the advanced unless you've done some act of community service."

Devlin, who had been busy staring into space, snapped her head in Eric's direction, a look of confusion on her face. "I've done more than enough community service; the school has it all on record."

In fact Devlin had won an award from the town because of all the community service hours she had committed. She could still remember the look on her face when they took her picture with the mayor, her cheeks wide and red from the sun burn she had received from staying outside in the park helping to pick up the trash. Her red hair had been piled up high into an elegant bun, with a few curls loose around her face, and she was wearing her favorite yellow sun dress. Devlin's time outside of school was usually always spent either at work, earning money to help her parents pay the bills, or volunteering at any event possible. She was a regular at the Morganne Orphanage two towns over, a blood donor at their blood bank, and besides cleaning up the town park, she was also a helper over at the animal shelter.

"About that, yes you have done community service, but none of it benefited the school. You have to complete one act of community service in which has helped the school in some way. For example you could participate in the school musical." The look of horror that crossed Devlin's face at mention of the school's musical made Eric chuckle. "Or about joining the chess club, or debate team?"

Devlin shook her head. "No way, I hate chess and I'm not that great at debating against others, I get too...umm involved, and not in a good way."

" about cheer-leading then?" Devlin gasped and nearly tackled Eric in his seat for such a suggestion.

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