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In this one-shot, it is in a modern time. Kakashi is 23 and iruka is 21. Enjoy!

Kakashi was doing some shopping for his love iruka as he was sick. Kakashi knew what to get, but he was terribly forgetful. He walked the streets slowly, watching devilish eyes stare him down. He knew exactly why. It was because he was gay. They didn't except people like him in this town.

When Kakashi reached the chemist, he asked the woman behind the counter for what he needed.
"Sorry dear, but we don't have any of that left, try next door." The woman stated sternly. Kakashi huffed but walked away politely. He did as told and walked into the chemist next door. He then asked again for what he needed.
"Ugh, no we don't serve faggots in ere! Get lost you sinner!" The man behind the counter yelled. This made Kakashi mad.
"For fuck's sake! Why should it matter if I'm gay?! My boyfriend is at home, possibly dying and you won't serve me because I'm gay?! Would you rather you became a murderer because you wouldn't serve me?! Huh?!" Kakashi yelled. He sure scared the man.

"S-sorry sir, I-I'll get I-it right a-away s-sir!" The man stuttered.

Kakashi took the bottle and walked off, still a bit pissed off.
He began to walk home before he stopped at a flower shop's door.
He walked in with a bit of a smile, he knew for a fact they'd serve him in here.

"Kakashi! Where've you been?" Sasuke smiled.
"Busy, iruka isn't very well so I thought some flowers would cheer him up!" He laughed. "How's naruto and the kids?" He asked.
"Eh, good, minake (min-ah-kay) is still a brat but we're getting there with him." Sasuke smiled.
"So what can I get ya?" Sasuke asked, pulling a few ribbons.
Kakashi pointed at some purple and red flowers.

When he finally got home, he couldn't wait to see his iruka and his baby girl.
"Daddy!" Kame yelled, pouncing over to him. Kakashi placed the flowers on the side along with the medicine for iruka.
"Hey gorgeous!" Kakashi smiled, picking his daughter up and spinning her around. She giggled and kissed his face a few times before running off to play with her toys.

Kakashi walked up to their room to find iruka sat upright with Kame sat on his lap with a doll cradled in her arms. Kakashi sighed happily.

"Hey Ruka, how you feeling?" Kakashi asked his unwell lover.
"I'm good, just not so well" iruka laughed. "W-what's that?" Iruka indicated to kakashi's hands behind his back.
Kakashi blushed a little.
"U-uh... F-flowers.. For you!" He smiled.
Iruka blushed, as he began to feel uneasy.
"I don't feel to good..." He said before blacking out.
"Iruka? Iruka!" Kakashi yelped and ran to his side.
"Iruka don't you dare!" Kakashi yelled, before ringing an ambulance. He then rang Sasuke to look after Kame whilst they were in the hospital.

They were rushed into A&E without hesitation, this was the eleventh time this month.

Kakashi was told to wait in the waiting room. But he wasn't having none of it.
"Don't you dare! He is my boyfriend and he's dying by the minute, and you're telling me I can't be with him?! What bullshit!" He yelled.
He did as he was told and sat by a couple with a little boy.
"Mummy, why did the man say boyfriend? Why did God make him different? That's wrong isn't it?" The child said to his mother.
His mother looked up in disgust, then scoffed.
"No. Don't talk to that man! He has disobeyed gods needs. He is a sin." She yelled, before moving her son away from him.
Kakashi's blood boiled.
"Oh? Really? But... Why? Doesn't it mean he's in love? Should it matter?" The young boy said. Kakashi calmed down a little, and listened to the boy and the mother's convocation. "Yes it matters! He's not aloud to love! Especially men! It's not-"
Kakashi cut her off.
"Right? Is that what you were gonna say? Well you're wrong. Listen to what your child is saying!" He yelled.
To woman was shocked. She couldn't speak.
"Mum... I just.. I think I'm like him..." The boy said before breaking down.

Before Kakashi could figure out what the woman was going to say, he was called in.

"We're sorry sir... We don't think he's going to make it... He wants to see you..." The doctor explained.
Kakashi broke down.
His love, his life, his everything, was in a hospital bed dying by the minute, and he couldn't do anything.
Kakashi nodded, sadly.

"I've failed you iruka..." Kakashi sobbed.
"No you...d-didn't... I f-failed you.... B-but no m-matter what... I'll a-always l-love you..." Iruka coughed.

Those were the last words iruka ever spoke to his love.

There, in the waiting room, on an empty chair, alone, lay a bouquet of flowers, dying...

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