Step by step

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Kakashi and iruka are the same age (18) and they're spending their day to recover the fight they'd had.

Kakashi and iruka were walking side by side towards the park. Not that they wanted to. They hated each other for an unknown to man reason. One that they couldn't contain.

Iruka saw the park and huffed.
"Why do we have to be here? Why couldn't we just ignore each other and move on?" Iruka grumbled.
Kakashi shook his head and carried on walking. "Because that's not how everything works..." He sighed.

Iruka was silenced, as Kakashi spoke. He didn't know what to say. Was there any need in saying anything?

When they reached the park, Kakashi sat down on one of the swings and started rocking back and forth slowly. "I wish we didn't fight, we always fight." Kakashi sighed. He was true. Iruka knew that Kakashi was true.
"I'm starting to feel like the twins..." He chuckled, sadly. "Who, Kyuubi and Naruto?" Iruka suggested. "Yeah... They're always fighting..."

"I don't want to fight anymore... I don't want another heartbreak either..." Kakashi sighed, walking towards the old oak tree. "We made a promise, to be friends forever didn't we?" Kakashi asked, pointing to the calving in the tree. 'Kakashi and iruka, best friends forever!'

"Yeah, we did..." Iruka replied.
Kakashi shed a single tear, but wiped it away before iruka could see.
"I don't think I can take it anymore... We fight, we make up. Then we start again. That's not what I want... I want to be with you forever, but you're 'not gay' or I'm 'a dirty fag'... Why do we have to fight over something petty like that?" Kakashi sobbed.
Iruka said nothing but stared at Kakashi like he was crazy.

"I hate this... I hate the way I am, the way I look... I hate the fact that I'm attracted to guys and not girls... I hate you for not realising this is who I am... But at the same time, I can't help but do anything but not hate you..." He sighed.

Iruka stayed silent.

"Maybe you're right, maybe we should just ignore each other and move on... Maybe it's for the best." Kakashi spoke, before beginning to walk away.

"Good bye, iruka..."
"Wait!" Iruka finally yelled.

He grabbed Kakashi by the wrist and turned him around to face him. "If you're gonna leave, then at least let me do this." He said, before pressing his lips onto kakashi's.

Kakashi was taken by surprise. 'Did iruka finally realise something? Or was this just to make me happy?' He thought before melting into the kiss.

The kiss became more passionate by the minute, as iruka slipped his tongue into kakashi's mouth in order to seeped the kiss.
Moans of annoyance, acceptance and anger erupted from both boy's mouths.

Iruka pulled away from the kiss and began to drag Kakashi towards their house.

Still kissing as they walked through door. Kakashi pushed iruka down onto the sofa and began to kiss him passionately.


The two boys woke up to the sun steaming through the curtains. Iruka growled as a pain erupted through his lower back. That was both of their first times.
Kakashi nuzzled into iruka's chest.

"Does this mean you love me back?" Kakashi whispered.
Iruka nodded, an kissed the top of his forehead.

"Let's take it slow from now on though, we can work through the fighting step by step."

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