This is not a date.

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"I work undercover and that's that. There will be no other questions, meet me in a week at the location we discussed. I expect you there at seven, don't be late, don't be early. I'll be in the back, red shirt, black pants, you'll know it's me by my cravat. Remember, this isn't a date. We have a mission.
                                       ~ Rivaille"
Eren had been getting on the subway when he received the message, he felt his pocket buzz as he made his way up the steps and when he snatched a seat he pulled his phone out. His eyes scanned the screen before he read the name and smirked a bit. Rivaille was another agent he had worked with, and while they had never seen each other, Eren made it his own personal mission to flirt with the man every chance he got.

Of course the week would drag on, Eren already knew that. The mission's description was left to Rivaille, meaning Eren had no idea what exactly he was going to do but a part of him knew it would be just fine. Levi--known so far as Rivaille--had been know to be a pain in the ass to anyone he worked with and he made sure to do the same to Eren whenever they had brief conversations.

The ravenette walked along the road, listening to the cars drive by. The gloomy New York day matched the mood of his own, the rain from the night before made the pavement dark and the faint smell of the air indicated more rain. Agents Ral and Jinn had been kidnapped, just recently Ral's body was sent to the office. He took a deep breath and started into an apartment building, walking up the stairs; each step felt like another leap toward hell.

Once he reached apartment 3-14, he unlocked the door and walked in. He hung his coat and took of his shoes placing them next to the small table he had by the door. The apartment was not what should be expected from him, while the walls were bare white, the colors were warm shades. He made his way to the couch and sat down.

Eren eventually got off the subway, he walked up the oh so familiar green stairs; each step felt like a leap toward a better day. His legs carried him to a Starbucks in the area, which wasn't to hard to find, and stood in line. Unbuttoning his coat as he waited for his turn, he looked out the window across the way and noticed how gray the sky had changed.

He sighed a bit and moved to put in his order. The brunette moved to the separate counter to wait for his French Vanilla Cappuccino; as the warm cup was passed to his cool hand he thanked the woman working and moved to find a small table to sit at. He couldn't help but look to the sky again, it really had a way of shitting on his good mood.

His hand slipped into his pocket to pull out his phone, and he moved to text Rivaille. "Hey hot stuff, can we bump that meeting up to a sooner date, I'm getting a little antsy here and I hate not knowing details. Let's say, same spot, same rules, but tomorrow night?"

Levi took a deep breath when he felt his phone, he never knew what to expect when the device buzzed. He skimmed the text before he responded "No."

"Ah, come on..."

"Damn brat." Levi tsked, he hated when Eren acted like this because the only way to get the younger to zip his lip was to agree to whatever god awful thing he was asking. "Listen, we work on my schedule, not yours. I don't have time tomorrow I'm busy getting evidence so I can answer your questions." Levi tried to argue anyway.

"Rivaille, if I knew the mission task, I could help with evidence and answer my own questions."

Levi could practically hear the whine in Eren's voice, and he hated the brat for it. "We can meet under one condition."

"What is that?"

"After this, you stop changing all my plans."

"Deal! I'll see you tomorrow." Eren sent the last text and slipped his phone back into his pocket to enjoy his coffee. The light sprinkles of rain started to fall and Eren cursed under his breath.

The taller had always enjoyed the rain, but he dreaded walking in it when the air was cool. He stood up anyway, making his way to the door, coffee still in hand. Crisp autumn air blew in his face as he opened the door and started the walk to his apartment.

*short time skip to the next day*

Levi had been up all night, it's not like he had accomplished much by doing so, but sleep was never really his friend. He walked slowly to the window, the rain had stopped, but the sun still wasn't out. The ravenette ran his fingers effortless through his hair sighing through his nose. His body ached for the need to sleep, calling him to the bed again. His eyes looked to the heap of pillows and blankets contemplating if the warmth he received there would be enough to trick him into sleep; after all that time, he knew better, he'd lay down and be wide awake.

Eren, for once in his life, woke up on time, but who could blame him? Rivaille was back in town, and actually going to meet up with him in person. He use to fantasize about the man, but he also learned a little detail about him from Hanji--or Agent Zoë--and he gave up trying to place the puzzle together.

With ignorance at his bliss, Eren was on cloud nine, almost forgetting there was real work to be done. He did forget one very important detail, things always change, and with Rivaille, those changes didn't have to be good.

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