Kiddnaps are never predicted

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Levi woke up to do the same routine he had become so use to in the three months they've spent "undercover" with the agency. He showered and dried himself before he walked out to wake up Eren. "Eren..." he shook him awake. Eren rolled over and snuggled back to the pillows. Levi sighed and pushed Eren off the bed who quickly woke up.

"Lee! What the hell!" Eren shouted and looked to him, who in turned chuckled covering his mouth. Eren's expression stopped being mad and looked to more shocked.

"What?" Levi looked to him, as quick as any sign of happiness was present in his expression, it was gone.

"Do it again!" Eren stood up quickly.

"Do what again?"

"Lee!" Eren crawled across the bed and placed his hands on Levi's shoulders bringing his face uncomfortably close to Levi's. "I saw you kinda smile a little."

"No you didn't."

"Yes I did! But you covered your face."

"I didn't smile." Levi said and Eren pouted, he moved away from Levi and went to get in the shower.

Once they were both ready they left to go to work, Hanji was waiting by the door to hug them both. "It's been too long boys!"

"Shitty Glasses, we saw you yesterday." Levi mumbled and Eren smiled a little.

"Do we have a mission today?" He asked hopeful and Hanji nodded.

"You two are going into Queens, the Titans have had reported activity in a bar there and you two need to check out because of you positions." Hanji said.

"Yes!" Eren said excitedly, they haven't had to do much other than report back and forth.

"If you don't mind them, I'm going to contact Annie to keep her posted so we don't die."

"Alright, hurry up Short Stack." Hanji laughed.

Levi flipped her off and went to call Annie, eventually Eren and him left. They got on the subway and headed toward Queens.

The two men got off at a stop about five blocks from the street they needed to be on. They headed up those lovely green stairs and started toward the bar. They were to be staying at a hotel near the bar but Eren insisted they go look around for a little while. "So Lee..."

"Eren..." Levi looked to him.

"Why don't you like to smile?"

"I was never aloud to." He said without thinking.

"What do you-" Eren started but Levi shook his head; he wasn't going to answer him right now.

They walked in an awkward silence, Levi knew Eren wanted answers, but he wasn't going to give them, he didn't have to. When the dull run down bar came into view the two walked by it, looking around and for the most part it seemed pretty normal.

"There, we had a sneak peak." Levi spoke slowly and Eren nodded. Something didn't feel right, he just couldn't put his finger on it. Levi called a cab and they went to the hotel to check in.

Eren and Levi took this as a day off almost, they laid around and did nothing most of the day, but around six Eren looked over to Levi. "Hey Lee..."


"Can we go out? By the time we get there it will be six thirty almost and I'm hungry..."

"We can...but we need a plan. We are looking for anyone with any indication they are apart of the gang, we are looking for red bandanas, that their color in this area."

"How do you know that?" Eren asked.

"I read the file." Levi said and Eren nodded they each grabbed their own bandanas that had been packed for them in the room already and tied them somewhere.

They got back to the bar around the time Eren guessed, his stomach had already rumbled a few times. Levi lead them inside and Eren went to the bar to order food while Levi stood next to him. But being in a bar, one open all day...a man who was already very drunk spilled a beer on Eren. So with Eren in the bathroom, Levi waited for food.

Both Eren and the food got back to Levi at the same time, they stood at the bar to eat since there was no other space. "So Liam...tell me about yourself." Eren said with a small smile trying to make small talk but Levi looked up to him confused.

"What about me?" He was trying to drag this out until Eren got bored with the conversation.

"Anything! I'm dying to know." Eren said and Levi sighed.

"I don't know what you want to know." Levi said trying to avoid it.

"You could explain what you said earlier..." Eren said and Levi looked away from him.

"Or I could keep that to myself."

"Sorry..." Eren mumbled.

"Don't worry about it. Now come on, we have work to do." Levi said and the younger nodded both standing up.

The older of the two started to look around and eventually he found someone they could talk to. He started leading them in that direction but there was a flaw with all of this...

He turned to look to Eren, only to realize, Titans can have spies too...

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