Liam and Ethan start work

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((A/N: should I start writing from a specific characters point of view? Or should I do that when it's more of an important part? Someone please let me know, thanks))

Levi woke up around five in the morning, he didn't remember when he fell asleep but he knew he didn't sleep very well. He struggled to keep his eyes open and he shuffled his feet as he walked to the bathroom. The raven haired man finally realized his body needed sleep. As quickly as he could Levi went to the bathroom, washed his hands, and crawled back into bed.

He slept for an hour and a half more only waking up when he was all but tossed out of bed. "What the fuck!" He yelled.

"The alarm has been going off for fifteen minutes and I have no idea how to turn it off." Eren said he was clearly frustrated. Levi sighed and moved to press the button. "Are you shitting me..." Eren mumbled.

"It was so hard, I don't know how I could've done that." Levi said sarcastically.

"Shut up...what button did you press?" Levi pointed to a button on the top of the clock.

"This one. I'm showering first." Levi said.

"What why!" Eren whined.

"Because I'm older, and I said so." He moved to get up and walk to the bathroom. Eren pouted and laid on the bed. Levi took his shirt off and looked to himself in the mirror. The lack of sleep was present in his features, the dark bags under his eyes, the color had drained more from his face, and the more he looked at himself, the duller his eyes seemed. He sighed and finished stripping before stepping into the shower and turning on the water.

Eren didn't move from the bed. He looked to Levi's empty bed and sighed a bit. Levi got out of the shower and dried off getting dressed and ready for the day. He walked out to see Eren staring at his bed. "Oi, what are you doing?"

Eren shot up and looked to Levi. "Nothing," he said and moved to get up, he ran his finger under Levi's jaw. "You look nice." He smirked and moved to walk into the bathroom. Levi rolled his eyes ignoring the heat he felt in his cheeks and went to get shoes. Usually he could hide every emotion but there was something about that brat...

Eventually the two were ready, they grabbed their ID's, they walked through the hallway and as always Eren walked close to Levi. They walked out the door and started walking down the block.

"Are you hungry?" Levi looked to Eren when his stomach rumbled loudly.

"Yea but-"

"Where do you want to go?" Levi asked.

"Um...I don't care...I'll be fine if I don't eat..."

"Eren..." Levi sighed and shook his head, he grabbed Eren's hand and pulled him into a gas station. "Go pick out a doughnut or two." He said and walked to get a coffee. Eren didn't bother arguing, he picked out two doughnuts and waited for Levi who came back to him with a coffee.

Levi paid and the two left walking to the agency, Eren split a doughnut and offered it to Levi who surprisingly took it. Eren's phone rang as the entered the building so he answered it. "Hello?"

"Ethan, I'm going to assume you are next to Lee, you both need to make sure you stay close, your mission is going to be to make your way to the top. And fast." Annie said over the phone.

"I'm sure we will do just that." He said and Levi looked to him.

"Remember, I'm counting on you two. If you let me down, we'll have some issues." Annie said and hung up.

"This should be fun..." Eren said and looked to Levi.

"I'm sure it's safe to assume that was information?"

"Mhm...boss wants us to get to the top of the ranks, and if we don't she's not going to be happy." Eren said and Levi nodded.

"I guess we better get started."

"Of course, Liam." Eren said with a slight smirk.

"Zip it, Ethan."

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