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Grace's POV 

Saturday January 9th 

5 : 18 PM 

I rubbed my temples with my small fingers as I stood up for what seems like the thousand time ''Yes?'' I yelled at the stairs '' Tyler is being an annoying bitch again'' Melissa cussed harshly from upstairs. '' It's not true she's a lying whore'' Tyler cussed back. Only hearing them made me think about how Hailey and I used to argue, sometimes it went really far  but at the end of the day we still hugged each other good night. I frowned thinking about these memories, I can do anything but take back what I did.

I felt my body jump high as I heard a big slap sound '' WHAT THE FUCK'' I heard Tyler's voice yell and that was my cue to stop them. I ran up the stairs and into Melissa's room only to be greeted by Tyler on top of Melissa's desk with a pillow as protection while Melissa was hitting him with another one. ''HEY'' I yelled as they both stopped doing what they were doing.

''Tyler get down of there'' I said sternly and continued ''I want to see both of you downstairs in 2 minutes.'' 

''Yes ma'am '' They said in unison and nodded. I walked out and and took a deep breathe, that felt really weird, being so mature and serious. I ran my pale hand through my mid-long  hair and walked down the last steps. I learned the map of the house, it wasn't really that hard actually.

After a few moments of pure silence I was enjoying, footsteps were tumbling down the stairs. I sighed and sat up. The two twins sat down on the modern couch. Their whole house is very modern may I add.''Why can't y'all just calm down and stop hitting each other'' I said and looked at Melissa as she looked down ''I didn't hit her she slapped the shit out of me''  '' Shut up you pu-'' 

''Guys'' I said loudly ''Until your mother comes home which is in-'' I started and checked the clock 5 : 47 PM '' - in about an hour I don't wanna hear any swearing or hurting, Am I clear?'' I asked and they nodded and rushed upstairs making me sigh again. I think I should be on the record book :  100 sighs per hour.

I stood up and stretched letting out a weird high pitched noise then walked to the big kitchen. I felt my thin socks touch the cold tiles as I entered the room. I took out the Lasagna and noticed that it was hot, really hot. '' Ying and Yang food is ready.'' I yelled and heard the familiar sound of footsteps running into the kitchen. ''What are we eating?'' Tyler asked with his big blue eyes, ''Lasagna'' I replied shortly and started to cut the food. I gave each one of us a plate with lasagna and now we just ate in silence.

After the comfortable silence we all went to the living room and watched the Grinch stole Christmas that has probably been on TV since December. I smiled, sadly as I remembered watching this every winter with Hailey and my father, I miss them so much. I felt my eyes tearing up and tears were at the very edge of falling. '' Are you okay Grace?'' Melissa's voice whispered I nodded and wiped my eyes which didn't seem so convincing. She nodded and started to paid attention to the classic movie.

I jumped as the front door opened harshly. ''That's mom, she's drunk.'' Tyler said bluntly but with fear in his voice, like he knows exactly what's about to happen. ''Where are the little fuckers'' I heard Nessa's voice yelled through the hall and around the house. Melissa whimpered as she heard her mothers voice ring through her ears. ''Don't let her get us'' The 14 year old girl whispered and grabbed my arm tightly. I slowly stood up and walked towards the loud breathing. I stopped in my tracks as I saw Vanessa, she looked horrible. Her lipstick was smudged, her mascara has been dried out on her cheeks and she got blue bags. My eyes widened as I saw the bottle of jägermeister in her hand.

''Vanessa are you okay?'' I asked not trying to trigger anything but failed miserably ''OF COURSE SOMETHING IS WRONG YOU BITCH '' She spat and threw her ring at me, It landed near my face as I dodged it. ''I think I gotta call my mother'' I said calmly and she glared at me as I burned her house down. I slowly picked out my phone and tapped the number I knew by heart.

''Yes honey?'' The familiar voice of my mother rang through my ears immediately calming me down ''It's Vanessa she is in a bad state right now, I need you to come here.'' I whispered so Nessa couldn't hear me. ''I'm on my way honey just hold on.'' She said and hung up. ''Who did you call'' Nessa asked harshly making me jump. I'm very jumpy as you can see, ''N-No one,'' I stuttered ''You lying BITCH'' She said and took a few steps making me take a few back. 

This is certainly not what I signed up for, I thought and looked at my left noticing the twins with fear plastered on their faces. I nodded towards the front door telling them to go outside and they scurried quietly away. Vanessa took small but heavy steps towards me as I noticed that I was pushed against the wall. Her dark eyes was staring into mine, it felt like she was staring into my soul and then the unexpected happened.

She broke in to tears and fell on her knees. "I can't take it no more" she cried as she buried her head into her tanned hands. I didn't know what to do, either help her or make a run for it. I grabbed her wet hands slowly and helped her getting up. " Let's get you some water" I said softly and she nodded while tears was running down her rosy cheeks.

As we entered the kitchen I immediately took out a glass and filled it with cold water as she sat down on a chair. I handed her the glass and she mumbles a thank you. My head snapped as the kitchen door opened revealing my mother and she walked quickly and took my in her arms " Thank god you're okay" she said and I pulled away and looked at her with confusion on my face.

She walked towards Vanessa and then looked at me. She waved sloppily at the door motioning me to leave so I did. Why is everyone and everything confusing me, I thought and walked outside. I took a deep breathe of the fresh air that was filling my lungs and blowing on my face.

The neighborhood was empty, it was so quiet that anybody would think that nobody even lives here, I looked at a big blue house, it was pretty. It had many flowers and roses around the house. I jumped as I felt a light tap on my shoulder. " Why are you so jumpy" The familiar voice asked. I turned around and saw Tyler and Melissa. I looked down and noticed how they were holding their hands in fear. I remember holding Hailey's hand in fear when we watched some scary movies or when we sneaked out.

" I.. I don't know" I said and he nodded I saw my mother coming out of the house and she told us all to get in the car. " What about Mum? " Melissa asked my mother quietly. " Oh uhm.. She'll be fine, " she replied unsurely. I glances at her and she shrugged at me making me sigh.

The car ride was quiet. No one talked or even tried to. We all had nothing to say or even question. The only noise that was heard was the humming of the car. We didn't even listen to music on the car radio, we just sat in silence.






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