scary stories

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🎃Scared, baby girl?🎃

[] Vic's Pov []

Kelli unhooked her bra, tossed it into the hamper and picked up her sports bra. It was pastel pink and looked really cute on her.

"Fire at Tony's, right?"

I nodded, pushing myself off the bed, and heading to our closet. Picking out two sweaters, I handed Kelli my Thrasher one and took a Key Street one for myself. It was supposed to be a chilly night. She kissed my cheek after sliding the tie-dye fabric over her head.

"Please, tell me there's going to be marshmallows at the fire?" Kelli asked as she ran a brush through her wavy, black hair, whilst looking in the vanity mirror.

I chuckled, snaking my arms around her petite waist. "Probably. Everyone knows how obsessed you are the with the tiny, rainbow ones." My stomach swarmed with butterflies when she giggled, turning her head to kiss my temple.

"I hope so. I'm ready, now, anyways. Let's go." I intertwined my fingers with hers, heading to Tony's. Luckily, Tony lived literally three houses down from Kelli and I.

When we got to Tony's driveway we could already here our friends laughing and talking, the fire's crackling mixing into the night air. We were greeted at Tony's gate by Jaime, who smiled his usual bright smile, his face mostly shadowed due to the flickering fire behind me.

"Hey, dude," I greeted, while Kelli just waved shyly like the adorable thing she was.

Entering the backyard, we saw everyone huddled around the fire. There was only around ten of us, including Kelli and I. We approached them, taking a seat on two lawn chairs next to each other. After greeting everyone, Kelli and I settled back in our chairs, taking in the fires warmth. I turned when I felt a small tug at the bottom of my sweater. I was met wit those large, innocent eyes, her gorgeous, pale face illuminated by the orange glow of the fire. She took my breath away.

"Marshmallows?" she whispered. I couldn't help but to awe out loud. Her shyness was adorable.

"Tony, my girlfriend wants marshmallows." Tony's head shot up at me and he nodded, throwing the bag over to me.

I caught it and handed it to Kelli with a smile. She took it sheepishly with burning cheeks, and kisses the corner of my lips.

"You know," I heard Austin announce, silencing the groups conversations, "Halloween is coming, and it's never a true fire without scary stories." A devilish grin was plastered to his lips, the fire shadowing areas of his face and making him appear wicked.

Andy's face lit up with what I assumed was a story idea that came to his mind. "Hope you brought an extra pair of panties, big boy. Because you're about to shit yourself," Andy said to Austin, making us chuckle.

We all quieted down, listening intently to the crackling fire and Andy's deep voice lowered to a soft, dark level,

"Ninety seventy three, a couple from Ohio take a road trip into the country to get away from they're busy lives. As the couple drive down the long, winding road on a frigid night, they're in shock when they're car all of a sudden breaks down. With no one around for miles, the boyfriend has no choice but to make his way to the nearest town. He tells his girlfriend that he'll be back. The girl waited for nearly three hours and her boyfriend hadn't returned. Turning on the radio, she felt her heart plummet to the pit of her stomach when the news played through the small space. Notorious serial killer escapes from prison. Take caution and remain indoors until further notice. The frightened girl turned off all the car lights, locked the doors, and sunk low in her chair. Suddenly. . .she heard something. Something so faint she wasn't even sure if it was real. There it was again. . . scraaape, scraaaaaaape."

Andy trailed a stick down the metal fire place, his eyes widened in exaggeration. I heard Kelli's breath hitch beside me. She wasn't very good with scary stuff, the poor thing.

"It didn't stop. She listened to the scraping for god knows how long, praying that someone, anyone, would show up. Finally, the girl heard sirens in the distance and soon the flashing lights were heading her way. On trembling legs, she scrambled from her car, stood in front of it and flailed her arms desperately. They pulled over, flashing they're lights behind her. 'Did they not see her ?', she thought. The first officer was pale as a sheet. 'D-don't turn around' , he whispered. The foolish girl did the complete opposite, immediately wishing she hadn't. There her boyfriend was, strung up like a prize pig with ropes wrapped around his feet, hanging from the tree. His stomach was sliced completely open, his intestines wrapped around his neck like some sick, fashionable scarf. The girl let out a horrified, bone-shattering scream when she realized the scraping noise was his nails trailing back and forth on the cars roof to the swaying wind. . . . scraaaape, scraaaaaape. . . . ." Andy finished, eyes scanning over everyone, trying to get a kick out of us.

When his eyes fell on Kelli's, he smirked, his eyes flickering to something behind her. His face fell and his eyes bulged. Kelli gasped, jumping out of her chair and trying to see what Andy did, but he merely burst into laughter. Kelli crossed her arms over her chest, huffing. "That's not funny, you dick."

"Just a little," Andy giggled.

She rolled her eyes, and instead of returning to her spot, she plopped herself down on my lap, huddling close to me. "Awe, you're cute when you're scared," I whispered in her ear, missing the story Ashton was now telling.

"Shut up," she mumbled.

I giggled at her, wrapping my arms around her with my chin resting on her shoulder. Whenever Kelli got scared, she'd let out a cute, small gasp and clutch my hands firmly. I'd kiss behind her ear in response to let her know I was with her and it was just a story. This would make her muscles relax and her breathing slow. Scared or not, Kelli was cuddled close to me.

Now, everyone had went inside to get more drinks and use the washroom, Kelli and I opting to wait and watch the fire. We were doing anything but that, really. The thin girl was now turned the other way on my lap, straddling my hips as she vigorously made out with me. She was grinding her ass back against me. I spread my legs so the pressure went to my clit.

"Fuck," I muttered, my lips swollen but I continued to kiss her. Maybe we were getting a little carried away, but I didn't care. I reached between us, slipping my hands in her pants and rubbing my thumb against her clit through her panties.

"V-vic, not here," she whimpered, trying to pull away, but I just focused my attention on the creamy skin of her neck. I had to get in a hickey or two before pulling away, because I didn't want our friends to see us getting frisky.

"I love you, darling," I tell her, my nose brushing hers, our foreheads pressed together.

"I love you, too, Victoria."

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