trick or treating

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🎃 Yummy In My Tummy 🎃

Sorry for lack of updates like usual, I just started high school and I've been really tired. I love my Vocal and English class, though, and it's so much better than elementary. Anyone going into high school, it's not bad like you may think! There's lots of different opportunities and more freedom and choice. Anyway! I don't do this often, but it's in third person and I actually really like how this turned out. I'm going to shut up now and let you read! :)

"Hurry up, Mike! Kellin is waiting for us! I want to show him my costume!" The six-year old boy yelled at his exasperated, teenage brother, sick of waiting on him.

Mike rolled his eyes, complaining to his mother, "Do I have to take him, mama!"

The two boys mother emerged from the kitchen, drying her hands with a tea towel. "Yes, Mike. This is punishment for sneaking out to see Tony when I said you couldn't. Now, get going! Poor Vic is bouncing on his heels," she cooed, smiling fondly at her youngest child.

Vic smiled excitedly, his tiny, pearly teeth on display. "Come on, Mike!" Vic cheered, grabbing his large hand with his much smaller one and dragging him out the door.

The tall boy groaned, slamming the wood shut behind him and trying to catch up to the speedy bugger that ruined his night. Before he could yell at his brother to slow down, he had already rushed to their next-door neighbors, ringing the bell an excessive amount of times.

From behind the door, Kellin's mother chuckled, knowing there was only one little boy who rung the bell like that. "Kellin!" she called, "Vic is here!"

There was a skittering noise down the staircase as the Hispanic boys best friend rushed down in his Power Rangers costume. Never being a traditional child, he chose to be the pink Power Ranger. Kellin's mother called to him to be careful as he ran at the door for his friend.

"Vic!" he proclaimed, in his pitchy voice, tackling the boy in a hug, causing their plastic, pumpkin candy pails to swing around. They pulled away eventually to admire each others costumes. Vic was dressed as Chucky and Kellin absolutely loved it. They didn't know much about the character, due to their parents not allowing them to actually watch the movie, but the duo were nearly obsessed with the character.

"Come on, Kellin! Let's go get some candy!" Vic giggled, taking Kellin's very smooth hand in his and ran down the driveway together.

"Please, make sure the boys are safe," Kellin's mother told Mike, shaking her head at the kids who were jittery, giggling messes and didn't even have a piece of candy in them yet. She actually found it pretty amusing.

"Yes, miss," Mike said in a polite voice with a charming smile.

When she shut the door, Mike's smile dropped and he turned to dork one and dork two. "Listen, dweebs, I have to waste my Halloween watching you losers, so behave and I mean it."

Kellin and Vic gave each other sideways glances, both trying not to giggle. They hummed in response, holding hands as they ran to the first house. The boys were always an affectionate pair, Vic always secretly thinking the younger had the prettiest eyes. No one knew it, but Mike too actually thought the relationship between Kellin and Vic was quite adorable.

Vic brought his hand to the door, rapping on it with his puny knuckles. Moments later, a woman dressed as the bride of Frankenstein opened the door with a large bowl of candy in her hands. "Trick or Treat!" they yelled, with dimply smiles on their adorable, innocent faces.

Being a moody teenager, Mike rolled his eyes, pulling out his phone sassily and texting Tony, his boyfriend. This was utterly ridiculous and childish to him, while the best friends were having so much fun. They continued through different neighborhoods for a considerably long time, and Mike had to admit, these kids were troopers. Not once did they complain about their feet hurting or being tired. He swore that as long as Kellin and Vic were together, they'd have the greatest time.

Now sitting on a curb, the boys scoured through their candy, pointing out to the other when they found something good. Mike was still texting away with his boyfriend, smirking at the conversation, before stealing a chocolate bar from Kellin's pail.

Kellin pouted, too afraid to stand up to someone so much older and bigger than him. So the Raven-haired boy tugged on Vic's coveralls to get his attention. He turned with a mouth full of Pop Rocks, Kellin hearing it crackle past his pink lips. He pointed to Mike, that same pout on his lips.

Hoping to make the boy feel better, Vic dug through his candy and pulled out Kellin's favorite chocolate bar, handing it to his best friend with a small hug. The notion made the other small boys stomach tingly. Vic, being over protective over his best friend, and slight crush, swallowed his candy and marched over to Mike.

"Stop stealing Kellin's candy," Vic huffed, crossing his arms to be intimidating, but his brother only found it funny. Mike swallowed the sweet chocolate.

"Oh, and what are you going to do about it, dork?" he laughed, flicking Vic's knee and looking back down at his phone.

Sometimes it bothered Vic how mean his older brother was to him, but his mama reassured him that Mike was just hormonal. As Vic went to sit back with Kellin, he stopped behind Mike when he got curious as to what he was texting.

"What does 'you're making me so hard' mean?" Vic asked, completely perplexed, his young mind in a completely different world than Mikes.

His brother quickly shut his phone off, screeching, "Vic!" Being mortified, even if the children didn't understand, Mike pushed Vic away.

The Hispanic boy stumbled over to Kellin, who was just as confused as him. "Maybe it's another way for saying you're happy?" Kellin suggested, making Vic perk up.

"You're probably right!" Vic exclaimed, giggling, "Kellin, you make me the hardest boy in the whole world!"

Kellin blushed, jumping to his feet and pulling Vic into a hug. "You make me harder," Kellin replied, neither realizing that what they were saying was pretty PG-13.

Mike, on the other hand, was horrified, his face bright red. "No! No, don't say that!" he screeched, waving his hands.

Vic looked confused, his little fingers locking with Kellin's, their hands swinging back and forth. "But Kellin makes me so hard!"

Mike didn't know whether to laugh until his sides hurt, or die of embarrassment. "Kellin and Vic, that word does not mean what you think it does! Do not ever say that again! You'll get in big trouble."

Vic and Kellin just nodded, still curious as to what hard meant and their hands still intertwined.

With the night over, they all returned to the Fuentes house, Kellin and Vic snacking away at their candy until their sweet tooth's were satisfied. The perks of living right next to each other was that sleepovers were an often occurrence.

As the final minutes of Halloween ticked away, Kellin and Vic lay curled up under the eldest's Batman covers.

"Kells?" Vic whispered into the silence.

The girly boy's eyes fluttered open, staring at Vic, though he couldn't see much with only the dull glow of Vic's night light. Both of them were very sleepy after a long night, but Vic wanted to do something first. "Yes, Vic?"

He leant closer to Kellin, pressing his full, pink lips to Kellin's pale cheek. Vic couldn't see it, but Kellin was a blushing mess. After receiving no response, young Vic grew shy and went to flip on his side, but Kellin latched onto his forearm.

The little boy swore his heart skipped a 'zillion' beats when his crush planted a warm kiss back on his cheek. Nothing else was said as the blushing boys turned on their sides, smiling to themselves until they drifted to sleep.

Q : what are you being for Halloween?

A : Chucky and my friend is Tiffany (chucky's bride)

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