My Savior

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Oh my dear tomorrow

Come rescue me from the suffering of today

Make me whole

Help me move on and through the thickness of disappointment

They said you would come but I cannot see you near

With squinted eyes I only see charred trees

Of which threaten to collapse upon my small body

Days like today

Like now I forget how to smile

How to enjoy the wonders of this ever-changing world

I am not at home

I want to be in my snug bed

The comfort and familiarity

Slowly the day draws me into the mud

Deeper and deeper

I beg to go home

I beg any god that cares to listen to my pleas

Please let me go home


The tomorrow that will never come shall be my savior

A shadow

A ghost

A wisp of hope

Do me a deed

Do not lay a hope in my heart that does not exist

My suffering is now my mentality

Will I ever be all right?

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