Chapter 10- Fudge

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"Fudge this desert, fudge those scientists, fudge this whole thing..." I grumbled, trying to keep by my usual no-swearing demeanor. It became increasingly hard when I was angry, though.

"Stop it, you're making me hungry." Kace sad, trying to lift my spirits. He'd been doing it the whole day as we walked, trying to get out of here, but I didn't really appreciate it. It was getting annoying.

I kicked up some sand in anger. After having a heart breaking dream set in a desert, the scientists just had to put us in one. On top of being pissed, I was incredibly thirsty and hungry.

I paused for a moment and squinted up at the sky, the sun burning my eyes. "What else do you have planned for us?" I yelled.

Kace tugged on my arm. "I think you might be getting delirious from the sun, Ann. We should find somewhere shady."

"Where do you expect there to be somewhere shady, huh? We're in a flipping desert!"

"Calm down, jeez! What do you expect me to say?" He said, look concerned and maybe a bit scared.

"Maybe I expect you shut up!" I yelled at him, storming away the best I could while trying to avoid tripping over the uneven sand. Did that kid have no sense?! He was apparently the same age as me, but he failed to act it. He acted more like seven year old Kayla following me around everywhere while I tried to get away so I could hang out with Dani in peace-

No, not Dani. Not anymore. Just bratty Danielle whom I promised myself I wouldn't think of nicely ever again.

Angry thoughts swirled in my head as I walked. And walked. And just wished it would end, whether by sight of the forest again or by a sand whirlpool. I just wished that-

Was that a pond? In the middle of the desert? Was I having some sort of hallucination?

I crouched by it, staring into the crystal clear water. But how? If there even was a pond here, then surely it would be clouded by sand and drying up.

"Ann?" Kace said timidly behind me, but I ignored him. The water was mesmerizing. Rippling, cold, and inviting me to stick a hand in and take a drink. It was like with the fire- I just couldn't resist as I reached towards it.

"Ann-" Kace aid cautiously as I touched the water and the water became blurry, along with the sand on the edge of my vision.

"Kace?" I asked as I stumbled to my feet, but the scenery was changing. The sand was folding in on me and becoming silvery walls, the water morphing into a steel floor.

I blinked, then tumbled to the floor as pain shot through my head. What the hell was happening?

"Kayla? Are you okay?" A voice I didn't think I would ever be relieved to hear sounded from nearby.

"Danielle? Help!" I groaned as I cradled my head. Her reaction was not what I wanted.

"Ann? Why are you here?" I could hear the disgust in her tone, which wasn't what I expected. She had asked if I was okay- Wait, had she said Kayla? My thoughts were too blurred to decide.

"Ann?" She said- was that concern in her voice?

She sighed and hauled me to my feet. "We gotta go, now. We need to get somewhere safe."

"This isn't safe? Where are we?" I said in a shaky voice.

"Out of the simulation. But she was supposed to get Kayla, not you." Danielle pulled me through silver walled rooms and hallways, almost yanking my arm off. I pulled it away, remembering as my head cleared that this was Danielle, and I couldn't trust her.

"Why are we out of the simulation?" I demanded, leaning against the wall.

"Now's not the time for your shit!" She exclaimed. "Hurry up or the scientists will get us!"

"And why should I trust you instead of the scientists working for the council that has kept us all safe?"

"Safe from what? The council hasn't done shit for us."

I glared at her for swearing, and for arguing too. "They made this town for us to live in, and they've employed our parents, they've given us health care- what haven't they done?"

"They haven't told you the truth. But if you want to stay here, feel free. You're not the sister I wanted to save.

The words definitely stung. I felt envious of Kayla for staying friends with Danielle, but angry at the same time- my sister didn't know what Danielle had done. And what I had done, too.

"I-I'll come with you." I said, and she turned to lead me on. I hoped I was making the right choice. I doubted I was, seeing the look she gave me as she turned and started jogging forward. I joined her as she quickened her pace.

"What's the truth, then? Why shouldn't we trust the council, or the scientists?"

"I'm not the one who gets to decide if you know."

"And this is why we're not friends anymore." I muttered. She must of heard me, because her glare intensified.

"The reason we're not friends anymore is because you are an arse." She growled, slowing down as we reached a tall metal door.

"I'm the arse! If anything, you are! Do you know how much it hurt me when you betrayed my trust?" I half shouted as she fiddled with the lock. I may have kept my nice reputation while she lost hers, but that wasn't worth being betrayed and losing my only true friend.

"Shut up! Just shut up!" She yelled, slamming the door open and walking out into an alley, grabbing the edge of the door and pushing it against me so I couldn't get out. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't just leave you here."

"Maybe because you betrayed my trust once, yet you're the one who doesn't trust me enough to tell me why I can't stay? Or maybe just the fact that you're an in general turd!" I yelled back at her, shoving my weight against the door to no avail. I could hear someone shouting nearby- they'd definitely heard us.

"Shove off! Just stop being a priss for once, Ann!" She shoved the door closed, sending me tumbling backwards. I heard her curse from outside as the lock started moving again- it must've locked upon closing or whatever. I was screwed.

"Get out of here." I said loudly, leaning against the door as I saw someone turn the corner at the end of the hall. An imposing lady in a white lab coat, walking towards me fast.

I expected her to argue- to say she wouldn't leave me here, to say she had a plan. Instead I heard silence from the other side.

"Bye, I guess." I muttered as the lady reached me and glared daggers. Apparently my shock all skills had dropped to a zero in the few days I was in the Journey- I'd managed to piss of Danielle and this woman in the space of what- twenty minutes?

"Ann Wilston. You're early."

A/N- Another short chapter on Ann's end, and a bit late too, sorry. (Even though I get the notion that no one is reading this, but that doesn't mean I'll stop writing it.)

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