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While I'm waiting for questions (which will probably take a really long time) I'm just gonna tell you some random things I think of as I walk around my house...

My bedroom:

My room is black cause I'm basic.

I have black and white outlet covers with music notes I painted myself. Yes I'm a music obsessor, I only wanna be a music writer/producer/singer when I grow up ;)

I have a loft bed cause in MN the winters are cold and any warm air helps.

I am a Teen Wolf obsessor! And proud of it👍

The last artist I listened to (since it's illegal to choose a favorite song/artist/band) is Ed Sheeran (yes listening to him now)

My kitchen:

I eat a lot...like all the time. I'm very messy and ladylike though (not)


How am I still single??

My kitchen has really ugly wallpaper.

The last thing I ate was a brownie cause the burger I wanted was burned (no wonder it was a leftover patty) which I'm eating it rn and thinking of pizza.

Excuse me while I preheat the oven...

My favorite pizza is pizza flavored with good toppings. Oooo and s'mores!

My bathroom:

I am a girl...

My toothbrush is orange and white.

I have a spider in the corner of my bathroom. I thought I drown it yesterday while taking a shower. Guess not and I'm not gonna kill it.

My door is squeaky.

My living room:

It is open to the kitchen (no doors thank God!)

I have a really comfy couch but it gets cold when no one sits on it.

My friends on Facebook have busier lives than me, well I don't have a life so makes sense. Jk. I do. Not really...

My oven is easily heard from here and pizza is easily smelled here too.

My basement:

I have 13 stairs going into my basement.

My house is like revenge of the spiders right now. Well imma guess by the mini tarantula on the wall.

We have a good selection of horror movies cudos to me.

Every room in our house is a different color.

We have a lot of videogames cudos to me also.

Yes boys get ready to get your butt whipped at Mario Kart cause I'm the bomb! Actually that was the thing I just placed in front of your FlowerPower Race car...sorry not sorry. Would've gotten first either way.

Well those are some random things about me that probably don't matter but now you know just by going on a tour of my house!

The pizza was amazing btw.


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