New Room [rant]

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I'm half redoing my room!!

It's been...lemme count...

One two...

Six years. 6. 5+1. 3×2.

My room is black with silver and pink. And it's boring and has boring things on the walls.

I finally convinced my parents to let me redo all the pink stuff at least. I wish I could just have it all black...but no I'd be "too dark".

No such thing.

Anyways, now I get to hang up all my dance stuff and posters if things I actually care about :)

I got new outlet covers/lights which cover. I painted them black and white with music notes and glow in the dark paint! So excited.

I made a key holder cause I'm getting my license soon.

Look out world here I come, free as I'll ever be at 16! Jk I'm actually a really safe driver, well as safe as my inexperienced self can be. I hat unsafe drivers and I have grown up with a family of them so it annoys me. I've gotten grounded countless times cause I take the phone away from my family while they're driving. Oh well it's worth it if it saves me. a little off track.

I don't know I'm just really excited about this for some reason.

That's really it for this rant though I was just really excited and wanted to share it with you guys :)


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