Formal [sad rant]

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So my best guy friend of over four years (also my crush of over four years) got asked to formal by my friend.

I honestly am so mixed emotion right now...

I'm happy for her cuz she's my friend, but also kinda mad cuz she knew I was gonna ask him.

I'm happy I don't have to go to formal now, but I kinda wanted to go.

I'm kinda of upset cuz I asked less then a minute after her (long story short I text him and asked before I showed him the sign and his message to her say 'yes' sent to him as mine came through to him) so...yeah

I'm kind of upset cuz she said she didn't want to go and she was forced but she was gonna ask someone else. She obviously didn't.

But I'm happy for both of them and they will have a lot of fun and I get to sit home and eat a pizza (yaaassss)

I feel like my heart is breaking but I have to accept the fact we are best friends and will never be anything more.

So mixed emotion right now my brain hurts just like the rest of me :'{


P.S. if u wanna see the sign I spent forever on its in a previous chapter. It still isn't finished and I don't really have any interest now that he is FOR SURE not going with me.

P.S.S. If u are going to hate and just say "well go with someone else and get over it"

1. You can leave now thanks.
2. I have anxiety and can't be in crowds but I'm comfortable around him so I could do it for one night.
3. I don't wanna go with anyone else


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