My first Heartbreak

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I want to post this not for pity or to try and make anyone feel better with my sob story but I want this to be a lesson to everyone put there to be careful. Don't trust people too much and I'll always be here for anyone that just needs someone to rant to. I WILL listen!

So my first heartbreak, gosh this brings back bad memories.

Okay so I was in sixth grade, I had a crush on this guy and he had a crush on me.

We were really good friends and then we started dating. He was super kind and funny and gentle. I was his first girlfriend and actual crush and everything just felt so right.


Then summer came and I had no way to contact him. He would talk to me through a friend of mine just to try and talk.

We came back to school in seventh grade and everything was fine, in fact we were closer than ever.

He always sat at the table next to me and held my hand and everything.

Well, one day he sat at a different table and wouldn't talk to me. My friends went over there and then came back to me and told me that he said "I don't want to date her anymore."

I looked at him, he had a giant guilty look in his eyes. At that point I wasn't crying yet but I felt tears coming on. I rushed to the bathroom and cried for quite a while.

I finally got over him a while later. Then when I was finally okay again and mostly stable I found out why he dumped me.

My current best friend at the time was dating this guy (let's call him Fred) that was best friends with my boyfriend. Well, he dumped my best friend and told my boyfriend he should dump me too.

For whatever reason he did. Then Fred ditched my ex boyfriend and got back together with my best friend.

Anyways that's my pathetic heartbreak story. It wouldn't have hurt so bad but it was my first boyfriend and he was that classic cliche boyfriend and everything felt so right, but I also lost my best friend(him) in that mix too.

Too this day when he looks at me he loses his smile and gets a pained expression in his eyes and can't look at me anymore.

So yeah, I get that it can suck. I also get that it's worse for some than others so if you guys ever need me (even if it's not relationship stuff) don't be afraid to message me. I'm not the best advice giver but I can listen really good.


UnworthinessArse that PM earlier...I'm always here if you just need someone to rant to

Marjorine_Stotch this ^^ was Beau. Thank you for telling me about "Fred" so I could understand why and finally let him go, even though I'm not sure I have.

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