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Is there really a point to life? I mean, we can be famous and go down in history. Eventually everyone gets forgotten though, so in the end aren't we all still meaningless?

I may grow up and make amazing music and become famous just like Taylor Swift or Hunter Hayes or anyone, but my songs will eventually be forgotten like many of Beethoven's great pieces or Bach even.

I could discover what ball lightning and many other great meteorological phenomenon actually are and what causes them, maybe have something named after me, but soon it will be forgotten about.

The future generation may never know who Henry Ford is because cars may not even exist and he won't matter to them.

So tell me...is life really worth it?

Is it worth living with fears and hatred and happiness? Will we make a dent in human history that changes it indefinitely, no. No one ever will.

Is life pointless, should we take the advice given to us to be fearless and go for it? Should we stay sheltered and just survive?

Is life worth living or only surviving?

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