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I'd slowly open my eyes, and still see Phil laying on top of me... Wait what happened last night?
I try to recall my memories and we were watching a movie... then fell to sleep. That's it right? It has to be just that, what am I a human pillow for him? But he looks so cute when he's sleeping.. so innocent. I delicately remove his black fringe away from his face. As I recall what happened yesterday, I smile. Thinking to myself I realised it was monday... Monday..? I sit up waking Phil up, looking all around for my phone to see what time it is.

"Dan..?" Hearing phils groggy voice for the first time makes me freeze in my tracks. I look over to Phil and see him looking confused. I shake my head and continue looking for my phone. I soon find it underneath the pillow of where I was sleeping and check what time it is.

"2:00 PM" The clock reads.
I read it over and over wishing it was a different time but it knew. I knew that I'm late to work. There's no point in even going anymore so I'll stay home. I could say I'm sick can't I? My breathing starts to shorten and I feel my head pound. ...I didn't give a call warning... will I loose my job? My thoughts take over my head and I start to hyperventilate. I look over at Phil and his eyes are wide as well as his mouth.

"Dan..?! Dan it's gonna be ok all right? If you're worried about your job, don't be they won't fire you from being absent once." Phil says and I look around, going over what he said. I try to slow my breathing down, focusing on the rhythm of my now pounding heart looking into phils eyes. I feel hands lightly brush aganst my cheek and I grab phils hands that are holding my head. I close my eyes focusing on my breath and it slows down. Once again I look over and Phil, and Phil hugs me tightly, now with me laying down on the couch. I wrap my arms around his neck, breathing in his scent and smiling to myself, calming down. "Are you a bit better now?" Phil questioned as I felt him combing his hand through my hair down to my back, rubbing my back.

"Yeah, I think." I'd say back, slightly sitting up and Phil removes himself off of me. "We should have coffee" I'd say

"Yeah, sure" Phil says back, walking to the kitchen and stretching. As he does this, I admire how cute he looks and smile to myself looking down. "You good you rat?" I hear him say and I snap out of my thoughts and smile at him.

"Yes uglie now make me coffee." I jokingly demand. I sit down and think, I just feel happier now. I wasn't like this before, I'm glad he's in my life. He just... makes me genuinely happy, it's almost odd.

"Here's your coffee you rat." He say chuckling as I take the mug of coffee from him and take a sip. I make a face out of displease of how hot it is. "What's wrong? Is the coffee almost as hot as you?" Phil says looking at me and I spit out the boiling hot coffee in my mouth and start laughing hysterically.

"Yeah, sure it is." I'd say laughing looking back into his blue pools of eyes.

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