C H A P T E R .1 .

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S E R E N D I P I T Y - C H A P T E R 1


Far away trips are the best kind.

They make you feel like a migratory bird.

Departing from the usual routine into something unfamiliar is like a little bird leaving its nest for the very firt time.

I needed one.It seemed like getting introduced to a new world.It makes you feel like an explorer,courageous.All kinds of excitement.

"Morocco!"I shrieked on top of my lungs once we entered the country.

I held my hands up in the air as I stood up from my seat since this car was convertible.You know,one of those car's without a hoodie,differently called,opened ones.

I was suddenly pulled down on my seat.

"Hey!You ruined my moment!"I frowned.

"I wouldn't really like people of this place to think I've taken a person with mental illness with me on summer vacation so...Keep it down"he said with his eyes focused on the road.

"I've been planing this trip since last year.Let the girl have her fun"I grumbled.

"Have a decent fun.Keep your shirt on too.Just a reminder"he winked.

"That was just one time!"

"And what a time"he tried not to smile but his eyes crinkled at the corners.

"Stop bringing that up would you?"I scoffed.

I mean I was nineteen and I had just received the accepting letter from the best university of America.I had to celebrate somehow.So forgetting that I didn't have a bra on,I took off my shirt and jumped on my bes friend's bones,meaning him.The shock expression on his face was something I'd never forget as long as I'd breathe.

"This place is better that in pictures"I smiled and took a picture.

The exciting town square reminded me that we were in Africa.People were spread across the place wearing their traditional clothes.They kept some pretty scarfs on their heads and wore what seemed to be some gowns.Some people were selling,somewhere across the street there were some man with musicI tools singing and dancing and others were just walking by.

My heart felt free.

"I'm still mad we didn't chose Vegas.But no,girls know best.You dragged us in freaking Africa"

"You'll love it complaining pants"I punch his arm.

He punched my arm back harder."Ow!"I rubbed the spot,"Keep your hands on that wheel!I came here to have some fun,explore and death it's not something I'd like to explore right now mister"

"Sure thing.Where's this hotel at?"he frowned at himself trying to get the directions on the GPS.

"Right there genius.Pull over.To the left"I retorted.


"Look at this room.It's huge"I spun over my self.

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