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I drew more things at school today

This is Autumn!! She's really sad but she has a passion for punching people and she also loves sarcastic t shirts

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This is Autumn!! She's really sad but she has a passion for punching people and she also loves sarcastic t shirts

This is the real-life counterpart of Bubblegum!!! The world Bubblegum exists in exists in Autumn's dreams, which means when Autumn goes to sleep she becomes Bubblegum!! Everyone that exists in Bubblegum's world is an OC of Autumn's or is based off a real person in Autumn's life!! Which brings me to....

This is the real-life counterpart of Bubblegum!!! The world Bubblegum exists in exists in Autumn's dreams, which means when Autumn goes to sleep she becomes Bubblegum!! Everyone that exists in Bubblegum's world is an OC of Autumn's or is based off...

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Stella!! This is the girl Vic is based on. Autumn has a crush on her, so she made Vic in the hopes that she would get to indirectly date her!!

Stella isn't exactly a crush-from-afar, they mostly have the same classes and sit only a few desks away from each other. She also hangs out in front of the school with a few of her friends while they wait for their parents to pick them up. She waves goodbye at Autumn when she walks home from school. Sometimes when it's not safe to walk, like if it's raining.

I also got a new sketchbook!! You can create your own cover so I drew Ember

I also got a new sketchbook!! You can create your own cover so I drew Ember

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I censored my name n stuff


like he was in the middle of saying something but the phone rang and he said "aw jeepers"

Also my science teacher has a picture of a bacon sandwich on the wall next to his desk.

And the kids in my math class keep telling my math teacher not to teach like my previous math teacher

My school is so wild.

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