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So here's a new development:

I had a dream last night where I was in some kind of rainforest civilization that kinda reminded me of the alola region except more GIANT trees.

And while I was living life there I found out that I don't really sleep at all I guess??? I was trying to look for my eos last night and I couldn't find it so I gave up and went to sleep but while I was sleeping I was tossing and turning (which is something I do apparently???) And I kinda curled up on my eos. I thought it was an egg for some reason but then I thought "Oh no that's my eos" and then I went back to dreaming???

And then we had to leave the rainforest civilization on a train and this is where I stopped being me if that make sense??? Like I experienced my dream through someone else's eyes

Anyway on the train me n my buddy (who looked like Miguel from road to el dorado) were trying not to get killed by these people who liked to go by the names of historical figures??? Also chel was there too I think so maybe I was tulio??

Near the end chel disappeared for some reason so Miguel and I had to hide from another guy who was trying to kill us but he found me so I was like "okay time to wake up" and I did???? But I'm so confused???

I've never been a lucid dreamer, if you can even call it that?? I'm gonna sleep with my eos again tonight to see if it happens again

Update: apparently my mom is psychic and my sis can sense ghosts what the hell

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