I had a weird dream

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So in the dream I was going on a road trip or something and the car had one of those tv things that could pick up regular tv channels instead of needing dvds

But they would only play one commercial at a time and it was always of this guy advertising a product that fixed rusty locks

The commercial would always start with the guy walking towards the bathroom while everyone in the area suddenly had to go to the bathroom. They all rushed to the bathrooms only to find that the lock was rusty and wouldn't open. After Lock Guy finished his slow walk to the bathroom he would use the product and suddenly the lock was fixed.

But there was also always a guy in a ski mask in the background doing something. Like in one commercial that was at a construction site you could see him bury someone under a layer of cement. And another took place at an airport where Mask Guy grabbed someone and shoved them behind a wall and then u could hear a small muffled gunshot in the background.

Then there was one commercial where Mask Guy was revealed. The commercial was in like the empire state building or something and as usual people were crowding around the bathrooms but they couldn't get in bc the lock was rusty. In the background you could see Mask Guy drag a girl into the basement with a knife at her neck. Instead of going to the bathrooms, however, Lock Guy went to the door of the basement and fixed that lock. He opened the door to reveal mask guy and the girl. The girl was dead, with her throat slit, but Mask Guy was standing over her without his mask.

Mask Guy turned to Lock Guy and then you could see his face clearly and most people would have recognized him instantly as the Jared Leto Joker

Listen I don't know why it was Jared leto but I feel like it's something he would do tbh

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