another,,, idea

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So I have another story idea that I'll probably never write lmao

It's about this kid

His name is Cole and he's like,, a long lost prince to these people who call themselves the Blessed bc of this guy's ancestor who created them basically

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His name is Cole and he's like,, a long lost prince to these people who call themselves the Blessed bc of this guy's ancestor who created them basically. I'm writing a short story about this that'll explain it in better detail

 I'm writing a short story about this that'll explain it in better detail

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((Not the best drawing but w/e))

And this guy's name is Fintan (Finn for short) and he's one of the Blessed. He was sent out to go find and return the prince bc some prophet said to ((haven't really figured this part out yet :/)).

Basically the Blessed are this sort of species of human that can channel magic through their body using tattoos n stuff. They basically give u upgrades like night vision or super speed or pyrokinesis and stuff like that to fight beings whose souls were corrupted. They cleanse the soul and send it to the big lady in the sky (the sun) who gives it new life.

I might make like a way to categorize the monsters tomorrow,,

Anyway usually people complete their training and earn a full body of markings by eighteen but Fintan is sorta advanced and finished early at 16

So basically this is all I'll say for now bc I'm tired n plot spoilers but my final piece of info is, unsurprisingly, that this story is gay

If u have questions feel free to ask I probably explained this horribly

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