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Chapter 2.


Those were the words that she wanted to tell the tall, skinny man casually sitting in the fancy café shop in front of her. This man was named Jack Pranston and he was the only person that she could trust after all. . Through the mirror she could see his signature gray suit tailored to perfection, the blue tie that she gave him as an early present. She knew that it was not his style. He was a man who like few colors typical of his profession, But she had constantly made fun of him for his boring suits  and told him that he needed a pop of color. He had accepted the gift and now wore it often.

She could see his impeccably manicured hands; pianist hands- one was holding his coffee saucer while the other his cup, placing it closed to his mouth. As if giving his approval to the taste of the coffee, She could see a trace of a smile there .At any other given day, she would have walk up to him and taken a sit next to him. But today she found herself on the pavement of this busy street, a few feet from the store looking at him. He was not alone. A slightly shorter and stronger build man was sitting next to him. Casually he glance at the stranger in front of him and told him something. But she was too far to hear.

A sinking feeling came over her, she could still taste the egg sandwich that she had for breakfast trying to come up the surface but she force it down. .To think that he would try to help her and protect her. To think that she believe his words even two hours ago. She couldn't no longer believe him. Not when he was associated with that monster. The one that put her in this situation in the first place.

Time seem to slow down, she could vaguely hear a voice in her head tell her to move away, to run away from there .That voice tried to reason with her, telling her that she should not be there that there must be a reason why Jack, No, Dr. Pranston was here with this man . In fact she should not stay put, they could just as easily see her outside as she could them inside. But at this moment she could not move, as if frozen, she could only look with a blank face at these two people. The stranger looked more and more familiar .But it's couldn't be him, could it be?

She tried to move a second time but just as the first time she couldn't. Her limbs seemed to be disconnected to her. Fear seized her. Did Dr. Pranston have other motives for befriending her, did he only approach her because of him? Was it on his orders?

"NO, this can't be true. No, no. Jack was not that type of person, right!?" she frantically muttered to herself. She must be crazy. Right, crazy and her eyes must be doing a trick on her. Jack would never meet this man. Knowing what he did to her. True, he didn't know the extent of his cruelty but he knew that her fear of him was not unfounded... This is just a coincidence that this man and the monster looked so alike. The world must be doing a cruel joke on her today.

"Right, just luck. They just look the same Mellie. You are getting paranoid. Paranoid over nothing."

She needs to get a grip , people are starting to look at her as if she was crazy. She didn't mind, she knew that she lost a couple of her chromosome a long time ago. But still, New Yorkers were known for giving the meanest looks and unfortunately she hadn't been here enough to be immune to them. One last look and she would be gone from both their lives she told herself. Still, it hurt. She had hope that she would be mistaken but they were both still there. But instead of chatting as they were before, they were looking at her direction. Jack mouth was open, he looked like he just saw a ghost. If it was any other time, she would have found it funny. It was after all the first time that she saw Dear Mr. JACK Pranston fluttered.

The monster looked at her with steady eyes. Was it regrets that she saw there? Like a flash it was gone, and replace with cold blue eyes that she knew too well. Before she could see Dr. Pranston getting up from  his chair or hear him call her name she was running. Funny how the body works, she didn't even realized when she started running. Still she was running as  if her life depended on it. Tear of frustration and anger were purring down her face. "Why, why did things had to end this way" she wondered  who it had to be the one person who she had any hope or trust in.He just broke it and she now had no one. The letter that she planned to give to Dr. Pranston felt heavy in her hands. She now  had even less reason to stay. It was okay, she told herself. Her plane was living in three hours and she would never see them again. Not until she could get her revenge at least.

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