Friend, Enemy ? Frenemy !?

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Walking through the hallways I felt amazing. People were looking at me and acknowledging me. I was no longer invisible. I even got the courage to say hi to some people that I was in class with last year. I could feel it in the air, this year was bound to be different.

Walking in front of me was a girl with straight black and blue hair. Tall and skinny she was rocking some awfully rip legging, blue converse and a Metallica red crop top .And a black shirt underneath it in an effort to stick to the school dress code. Her outfit was totally wacky but also so cool. I could see the guys checking her out and the girls taking her in. But she was totally obvious to it. She was simply walking listening to her iPod. I wondered what she looked like. If only she could just turn around so I could take a look.

My wish got fulfilled only at the worst moment .I didn't realized that she stop walking and bumped into her, forcing both of us on the floor.

Stranger; can you get up?

Melanie: huh?

Stranger: You are quite heavy you know?

I could hear students pointing and laughing at me. I officially dislike her. How dare she complain about my weight? What about HER? With her skinny arm and elbow sticking in my ribs like knifes. Does she see me complaining?

Stranger: Your shirt is inside out. 

Melanie: huh, really? And true enough the proof was there. How could not have realized that? I could feel my face getting red. At least, that this time she didn't say that aloud. Wait, it doesn't matter if she didn't say that aloud when everybody has eyes to see. Omg, was it why people were looking at me? I quickly got up and switch my bag so that it could be hide my front and made a bash for the bathroom.

As soon as I got inside I lock myself in one of the toilets. I could feel tear coming down my face. First day of school and I already embarrassed myself. I could two girls coming inside the bathroom so I tried to control my breathing. I slowly got up the floor and look through the hole of the door and could see two freshmen fixing their makeup.

Girl 1: Did you see the new girl?

Girl 2; the girl with the bleu hair. I heard that she is a total freak.

Girl 1: Really, I think that she is so pretty.

GIRL: Waterer, let go before class start. I have Mr. Bernard and I hear that he give you essays to write if you are late.

Right on cue, the bell rang, and the two girls ran while laughing. Must be nice to have best-friends. Tired of the self-pity, I quickly change my shirt and clean my face. I was late but I didn't want to be later.

The two girls had nothing to worry about. Mr. Bernard was a lazy teacher and would never do anything that would make him work harder. The person that had to look at was Ms. Eagle .

Slowly I open the door to the bathroom, and got the scare of my life.

Stranger: Took you long enough.

Melanie: huh, there are other empty bathrooms.

Stranger: I was waiting for you silly. How hard is it to change a shirt? Come we are going to be late. And that evil witch had the audacity of dragging me to wherever she is going.

Melanie: Wait, can you please stop. I am already late for class and I am pretty sure we don't have the same class.

Stranger: Name is LINDA.

Melanie:  HUH

Linda: WOW, is HUH the only think that you can say. L.I.N.D.A not evil witch, but my friend call me Hayami. Call me Hayami. It means unusual beauty (Ps. Melanie thinking: unusual beauty my ass, true she is tall and has beautiful bleu eye but this girl is sure full of it), and we both have the same first period.

Melanie:  Huh, WHAT, how.....

Linda: you left your class schedule on the floor when we bump into each other. And by the way we have the same class for EVERY SINGLE PERIOD. Can you believe that?

And at that moment, I knew. My life was officially over and that senior year will be a year that I will never forget and all hope finally left me.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2016 ⏰

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