I dont want to be invisible.

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1 year ago


Today is the first day of school and the best part is that I am now a senior. Pretty cool right, NOT. I will again have to worry about where to sit, where to eat and how not to feel and like a total dork. I am telling you, school is a prison, a terrible dreary prison. Where you can only get out if you do your 4 year sentences. Some people get lucky and they adjust quite nicely, they even make new friends and become popular. From my point of views those people are just sell-outs. They have forgotten where they are and have been trick by the system. Can't they see? The school system and everyone in it has design a set of rule and regulation to make your teenage years the most miserable years in your life.

I wish that all of those sell out or "popular kids" could all die the most horrible death possible. Should they die by explosion or fire? Yes, a fire. I will set the school on fire and all of those people will just disappear. That would definitely serve them right. Pretty intense?? I don't care, after being ostracize and pretty much ignore by all of those people, this is the sad state that I have come to. I would imagine how to hurt and destroy most of the students of Freedman High school. Something must have happen for me to have such a strong hatred for the popular kids there. But the true is, I hated almost all of the students and school staff there. Why? Because they made me feel invisible. Like my existence was of no importance and that no one cared. Sometime, I wonder if I even exist. If there is someone out there who would realize that I feel sad if I was gone.

"I don't want to feel invisible anymore" Those were the thoughts that I had while standing in front of Freedman High School. It was a square looking 5 story building. On each floor, there were around 10 windows. The only good thing about this building. To tell you, there were not much to say about the school. It was painted a navy blue and gray color. Mostly to make it seem sophisticated but it only looked like a prison. It exude a sense of sadness that no matter what still linger.

After finishing my observation of the school, I check my outfit. I was wearing a tight cream shirt, with skinny black jeans and white converse. I look cute. "I can do this" I told myself and started walking up the step of the school before any of the over existed incoming freshmen ran me over.


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