The Plan

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      Yukino and (name) were in their dorm at Sabertooth, sitting on Yukino's bed while playing crazy eights. It was late, and the two BFFS decided to postpone sleeping to discuss their romantic problems.

     "So, (name). How are things going with Minerva?" The celestial mage asked. The (e/c) eyed girl sighed, and placed down a card. "Not so well. We only ever talk about normal things, and she just never has time to hear me confess. How about you and Rogue?" She replied.

     Yukino's frown grew a little. "It seems he's aware of my feelings but just won't act on it." She informed. A thoughtful look appeared on (Name)'s face. "What's a way we can get them into noticing us, and taking charge in confessing and all that?" She wondered.

      The light blue haired girl placed down her card on the pile, and scanned her hand. She was in thought too. "Could we maybe make them jealous?" She queried.

      This thought snapped (name) out of her brainstorm. An idea formed in her head, and she turned to her friend. "Yuki-chan, you're bisexual right?" Yukino nodded in confirmation.

    A smile made its way onto the (h/c) haired teen's lips. "What if we pretended to date each other, and make them jealous?" She proposed. Yukino thought for a moment. It was quite the good idea. No outside people, and they could kill two birds with one stone.

    The corners of her mouth began to tug upward. "That's a pretty good idea. How about we start by acting lovey dovey and all that tomorrow when we're around them? Just pretend to show affection for each other." She added.

     (Name) nodded in agreement. They packed up the card deck, and the two of them went to bed. 'This will be a fun experience!' The fire devil Slayer thought. She drifted off to sleep, excited for their little cherade.


    (Name) slammed on her annoying alarm clock, the moment it started to make that awful beeping sound. She turned over in her bed, proceeding to go back to sleep. "(Name), wake up. We're going to begin our act today. Don't you want to see the way they react?" Yukino said, shaking her friend's shoulder.

     The (e/c) eyed girl sprang out of bed, and began to brush her (h/l) (h/c) locks. Once she was satisfied, she went into her closet and looked through her clothes. "Hey Yuki-chan, what should I wear today?" She asked.

     Her friends light brown eyes looked over her clothes, and picked out an outfit. "Wear this. It's nice, but casual. Like you wore it for me." She stated, already getting into character.
( you can wear something else if u want. Just know it's summer!)

    (Name) gave her a knowing smile, and proceeded to get dressed

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    (Name) gave her a knowing smile, and proceeded to get dressed. When she finished she gave herself a once over in the mirror, and went into their living area to make breakfast. "Hey Yukino, do you want french toast?" She queried.

    " French Toast is good." The light blue haired girl said, walking into the kitchen. She sat at the breakfast bar, watching her roommate make breakfast.  She wore a white skirt with a light blue button up t-shirt, dark blue high top converse, and her usual blue rose clip was in her hair.

     (Name) served her her breakfast, and sat beside Yukino at the breakfast bar. After eating their meal, they linked arms and stood in front of their doorway.

    "Ready to make our crushes jealous?" (Name) asked. Her fake girlfriend smiled. "I guess I am if you are." She confirmed. The two girls then walked to the guild hall, having no idea where this stunt will take them.

Pretending to Love You (Yukino x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now