The Date (Part 1)~ Preparation

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  I was out with Minerva at the mall, because apparently none of my clothes were 'date worthy'. We were walking around, looking at different stores.  Honestly, I was quite happy to have some time alone with my crush.

     "So, what will you do for the date?" Minerva asked. I smiled.  "I'm gonna take her to karaoke tonight. It's Saturday, so it's the duet competition!" I informed. The territory mage raised an eyebrow. "You two sing?" She questioned, in slight disbelief.

    I  nodded. "We do. Somehow we both ended up being that person who sings in the shower, and eventually we ended up just randomly singing together." I explained. Minerva smiled, though I could tell it was somewhat forced.

    She dragged me into a store, which she thought would possibly have something suitable for my date.  After what felt like ages, we purchased an outfit for me.

    I admit it was somewhat more girly than what I would normally wear, but I really liked it. Now, I was in Minerva's room at the Sabertooth dorms. I already had my outfit on, and Minerva was styling my (h/l) (h/c) hair.

     Once she was satisfied with the way I looked, the territory mage put her hands on my shoulders, grinning at me in the mirror. "There. You actually look like a girl. " She teased. I rolled my eyes. "Of course I look like a girl. I am one." I argued.

    "Sure, (name), sure." Minerva taunted, smiling teasingly.  I rolled my eyes playfully, and looked at myself in the mirror. Damn, I look great.  (Again, if you don't like it just pick something else) 

  I gave myself a once over in the mirror, taking in how awesome I felt and looked

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  I gave myself a once over in the mirror, taking in how awesome I felt and looked. Once I was satisfied, I gave Minerva a hug while thanking her. She was a little surprised at first, but hugged me back. When I pulled away, I could see the lightest blush on her face. I mentally high fived myself, knowing the plan was beginning to work. 

     I looked at the clock, and noted it it was 5:19. I should get going. I grabbed my red messenger style purse, and started opening the door. "Well, bye Minerva! Thanks for helping me get ready. I'll see ya later!" I waved at her, and she waved back. 

    "Bye (Name). Good luck on your date." Though the territory mage smiled, I could see the tinniest hint of sadness in her eyes. I closed the door behind me, and walked to the  Sabertooth Guild. I waited for Yukino, and she arrived on time like always. But when I saw her, I froze. She looked so beautiful, I couldn't believe it! How did she manage to look this amazing?

~Earlier~Yukino's POV~

        I was in my room with Sting and Rogue, looking through my closet. "What should I wear? I don't know how casual this date will be! What if I dress too formal?!" I fretted. The two boys sighed in exasperation. "Relax. First dates usually aren't that fancy. Just wear something like a simple dress and get it over with!" Sting said. 

     Even though I knew it technically wasn't a real date, I was still nervous. I've never really been on a date before. Besides, even if we aren't actually seeing each other romantically, (Name) is my best friend. Her opinion matters to me. 

     I looked through my clothes, and took a few casual dresses off the hangers. I went into the bathroom, and tried them on. I would get Sting and Rogue's opinions, and if they weren't sold I would try on something else. 

    So far, nothing has been perfect. I had a dress on, and I was looking at myself in the bathroom mirror. This was the last one, and I have no idea what to think. Sure it looks nice, but will (Name) like it? I sighed. Maybe she won't. Why is her opinion so important to me anyway? 

    "Yukino, just come out and show us! We're sure you look amazing!" Rogue encouraged. "Fine." I stepped out of the bathroom, still not that confident. Sting had a grin on his face, while Rogue was blushing. ", you look, you look amazing!" The shadow dragon slayer stated.

    I blushed a little, and looked away. "He's serious. (Name)'s gonna love the way you look." The blonde assured. I smiled, satisfied with their answers. They helped me pick out some shoes, and I put my blue rose clip in my hair. I applied some cherry lip gloss, and a bit of mascara before looking at myself in the mirror. 

         "You should get going

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         "You should get going. It's 5:25." Rogue informed. I nodded, and put on my white jean jacket. "Thanks guys!" I said before I ran out of our apartment, and to the Guild Hall. 

     There waiting for me, was (Name). She was so beautiful. Her (h/c) hair was styled so nicely, and as usual she avoided using make up. Her slightly edgy yet girly outfit suited her perfectly, and her (e/c) orbs were glistening in the sunlight.

     I realized that I was staring, and shook it off. Luckily she didn't notice, but she was staring as well. She quickly snapped out of it, and smiled. "Sorry. You just look so...magnificent." The (h/c) haired girl excused. I blushed, and looked away. "You look beautiful too. So, what do you have planned?" I replied. Her smile only grew.

    "Just you wait. We're gonna have quite a bit of fun tonight!" She exclaimed. We linked our arms together, and she led me through town. We both knew, that even if this was a fake date, it was going to be one of the best nights we ever had.

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