Ride to Wrangler

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I met with Capt. Drakes who was the ranking officer of the strike force. He was tall with an unassuming demeanor. He had a badly receding hairline and spoke with the confidence born of many years of hardship and trial. He took a seat beside my own in my office and reached out to shake my hand.
"We haven't met formally I'm Dane Drakes leader of this motley crew you're transporting."
"Yes, Morgan mentioned your name."
"So I guess you've been briefed?"
"Nope. All I know is I'm to transport you to Wrangler and back."
"Well that's true but actually it's to a mine just outside of Wrangler."
"What are we doing there?"
"We have intelligence showing that there's a branch of the Independence Movement based at mine site B26 and we tracked the flight of the rebel jets. They led to that one Wrangler Mine so we're here to take care of that."
"I see. Hold on I think Paul and DJ need to hear this."
"Paul? DJ?"
"My navigator and pilot."

Clicking my comm. "Guys c'mon into my office you need to hear this."
Surprisingly they all came in and casually glanced about for seats and desk tops to sit on. The back room office was only meant to accommodate 3 desks. As they entered Dane introduced himself to each of my crew. Extending his hand in friendship before they each found a seat. There was only one missing.
"Where's Jake?" I asked.
" Maybe he's still busy in the kitchen? We've got 50 more mouths to feed now." Sandy suggested.
"Yes, I was scrambling to help him find extra utensils earlier."
"OK well we can fill him in later. Capt Drake needs to give us some of the details of his plan. "
Reaching into his pants leg side pocket he pulls out a laminated map of the Wrangler area and points to a mine northwest of the city itself.
"This is our objective B26. We intend to have you drop us off on Spine Road in the dark it should be far enough that it can't be seen and we can travel the last 2 or so miles by foot and light personnel carriers."
"How do we get you out?"
"We'll contact you for an extraction at the same spot after its all done. We think it should only take an hour if all goes well. I don't want your transport exposed to any unnecessary danger."
Sandy looked worried and examined the map in greater detail.
"Anything wrong Sandy?"
"Yes, Umm... is that the cafeteria on the lower left corner? And is the Elevator this little black area here?" She asked pointing to a rectangular shape in the center."
"As far as I know that's correct." Dane replied. "And how exactly do YOU know all this?"
"It's a long story but I see a flaw in you plan."
"How do you know-"
"She worked for them." Reese explained.
Eager to hear more I urged her on. "Keep talking Sandy the Capt needs as much information as you can give him."
Pleased that she was being taken seriously she continued on. "The whole mining facility is divided into sections which can be sealed off automatically and independently for safety reasons they couldn't leave everything open. You will need computer access to get in... well , if you plan on it being a surprise that is."
"Well that certainly changes things."
"I think I might still be in the system. I might be able to get your men into the lower sections. Their IT guy is a notorious procrastinator when it comes to work."
"Just give us the codes and you won't -"
"Uhh....The access system is biometric. It only reads palm prints."
"Well I guess you'll be coming along with us then."
"Hold on Dane, she's a new hire. She's under my care I can't let her go with you on this." I protest.
"Is that how you feel young lady?"
"I can handle it guys. I volunteer, really!"
"I knew something like this would happen." I mumbled to myself.
"Did you say something Joe?" asked Paul.
"Yes" I replied" If you bring her , I guess you'll have to take me along as well."
"Count me in."added Paul
"Me too. If that's OK?"Reese chimed in.
"Well that's fine with me. As long as we get inside." Drake answered.
"I guess that will leave DJ and Jake to pilot 189. I wonder if that's enough?"
"I can spare 2 of my men to provide a little security for the duration of our mission.'Dane added.
We ended the meeting on a cordial note and began walking down the cold narrow hall towards the cargo hold area to find the right armor and weapons for tomorrow.
In the dining room the tables were full and a growing line was patiently waiting to get their food.
I waved to Jake as I passed by. He was busily cutting pizza into individual slices.
I turned to Dane apologetically. " I'm afraid Jake only knows how to cook 2 things- burgers and pizza."
"That's perfect Joe! These boys haven't had a good hot pizza in months!"
"Well it'll be hot...... Not so sure about the good part."
But looking about, the young soldiers were animated, talking, joking and devouring the pizzas as fast as they were being made.
" I guess it's good enough."
"It's good enough for my boys," Dane laughed, "Don't want them to get too spoiled. For a Colonial Marine anything hot is an extravagance."
I could see Sandy look upward. Obviously glad she hadn't signed up with them.

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