The Brotherhood

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They had our hands tied behind our backs and then we were led to a nondescript blue connex where we were all thrown onto the floor by 6 of the roughest looking miners I had ever seen. My face was mashed against the cold floor and I could feel a bad twinge in my back. I thought it best not to try to get up. I could see Reese on his side clutching his injured hand in pain. Paul struggled to sit upright with the wall against his back but Sandy opted to stay down on the floor her face turned away.
Behind a set of double screens on a foldable table sat a dark haired man who was busy typing on a laptop. On both sides he had armed associates who eyed us with disgust. There were only 2 sources of light in the room-the connex entry door which was slightly ajar and a small desktop lamp beside the computer.
Eventually he finished his work. Took a sip from a glass of kool-aid and turned his light towards us to get a better look at his prisoners.
"I should have all of you shot for what you've done!"
One of his colleagues leaned down and whispered into his ear. After a few seconds of discussion he turned his attention back to us.
"One of my advisors tells me he recognizes some of you from Outpost 1. So tell me what are you doing so far from home? Is this part of a larger campaign?"
"Campaign? !! No we were just caught in the middle of this. We were on a regular pig run! " Reese replies.
A few of the shadowy figures snickered in amusement. Unfamiliar with the term.
"We may appear to be nothing more than humble overworked dirty miners to corporate guys like you but don't insult our intelligence! A military assault on a civilian security company can't possibly be part of a peaceful pig run from Outpost 1. There is no official war you know. Tell me what your mission is."
Paul struggled against the ropes and then replied."Since when do private security companies use jump jets to attack Martian Outposts? Outpost 4 is meant to protect all the surrounding communities. Including your own."
"You are mistaken! Uh....what is you name ?"
"Paul ...Paul Garfunkel"
"You see Paul Outpost 4 is actually meant to protect the interests of big corporations like Borderland Mining, NASA Industries and your own Red Lands Interplanetary Inc."
"True but they in turn are the reason we're all here! Those companies provide jobs, security and a future. Your safety is just a small part of the package."
"No Mr Garfunkel that may have been the reason your generation came here but it's that line of thinking that I hope to change with my movement.
"Movement? Just who the heck are you?"
Standing up he turned the light to his face. He had a round ruddy face with a thick mustache and an leathery eyepatch over his left eye. "My name is Beary Kayunapuk. It's a name that your children may one day read about in their history books . I intend to free my fellow Martians from Earth's control. I am the head and founder of what we like to call 'the Brotherhood'. "
I finally sat up to see the face behind the voice and join the conversation.
"No offense Mr. Cannonpuck-"
"It's KA-YU-NA-PUK! It simple! Look stop butchering MY name!! OK ....look ....just call me Beary. Can you handle that?"
"Sorry Beary your last names a bit of a tongue twister."
"And just what is YOUR name?"
"Joseph Snow Sir."
"Now..... OK I must admit your name is a little easier to remember. But just a little. So what were you about to say Joe?"
"I'm from Earth originally but then we're all Earthlings in truth. I may have moved here but no one on Earth sees Martian-borns as any different than ourselves."
Beary motions to one of his men who then untied our ropes. I can feel the circulation come back to my hands.
"You Joe are from the OLD order. The rules are changing. Look around you... Tell me what do you see?"
"A bunch of young Miners with gray skin hooked on Twister."
"I see something totally different. What I see are the seeds of a whole new nation. A whole new world in fact. Once we overtake the Outposts the people of Earth will see it as well."
"But we are all Earthlings."
"No we are the 3rd Generation and we call ourselves Martians. My movement is made up of men and women who were all born here. We owe no allegiance to a planet we've never been to. "
"But you can't survive without support from Earth."
"We all grew up listening to all the usual propaganda corporate dishes out. And I for one no longer believe it. Earth that 'mystical' place where there's more water than land. Where animals roam about freely and plants grow without moisture farms. Breathable air is free for everyone and free clean water flows in such abundance that people bath in it each day. It's all NONSENSE!!! All LIES! Anyone can see all those things are impossible! As children we once believed all that."
"But It's all true!"
"Mr Snow we are all adults here. No need to keep spouting the company line. MY people have seen the light! We have outgrown the fairytales and now we want to forge a new order founded on TRUTH!"
"Beary I've been there I tell you it really is like that on Earth."
"You know Joe. For an old corporate guy you sure would make a good actor. You have such sincerity in your voice. But I won't tolerate any more lies."
"Beary you've created a movement that ignores some basic truths." I argue as I pull out my wallet. "I have pictures of my vacation to Hawaii and a hunting trip to Tanzania in Africa"
Beary nodded to one of his men who raised his rifle and slammed it into my chest. Crumpling to the floor in pain I crawl away slowly.
Paul whispers to me. "There's no convincing these fanatics. Don't bother."
As I tuck my wallet away I reply. "I won't -anymore. Are they ALL like this?"
"Almost every one I've ever met , yes!"

"Do you have anything of substance to add Joe?" I hear Beary ask from his position behind the table
"I think I'll pass." I reply weakly.
After a momentary pause I see Barry's associate lean down once more and point to us. It takes a second look before I recognize who it is. It's an ex-employee who was kicked out of Outpost 1 - Vince Baxter aka Baxter the Backstabber. Universally hated by all and dismissed on suspicion of sabotage.
Beary sits down again and turns his light back towards us before handing a pitcher and glasses to one of his men.
"My junior officers have suggested that we should kill each of you and send your heads in a duffle bag back to your commanding officer. But, lucky for you, I don't watch the same twisted movies they do. I don't think like a savage warlord. My number 2 advisor tells me we will need the skills you possess once we control Outpost 1. So I am ready to show mercy."
He folds up his laptop and and places it in a soft black leather briefcase to carry out.-
"I give each of you the opportunity to join my movement and become part of a new Martian order. I give you till tomorrow to decide. If you refuse my offer - well let's just say I usually relinquish control of uncooperative prisoners to my junior officers."
His men begin to depart before him. Just before he steps outside himself he stops and turns around.
"Gentlemen I hope there will be some among you who consider my offer. Um... over on the table I had one of my men leave a nice cold pitcher full of grape kool-aid for your enjoyment. Believe me I intend to make Mars great again!"
He then exited and we heard the door close and seal. An electronic lock could be heard snapping closed.
I laughed as I considered the kook-aid.
"What's so funny Joe?" Reese asked confused.
" The kool-aid!"
" Well I don't know about Earth but on Mars any water filled drink is considered a precious gift. It's so expensive. It is an appropriate gift usually offered to seal a peace treaty. the grape kool-aid is traditional."
"And you've seen this before?"
"During the Martian Conflicts."
"Well from an Earthmans perspective it's funny."

We spoke amongst ourselves for a while and tried to bind each other's wounds before we all decided to get some sleep.

I didn't rest well. I wasn't ready to face my own death tomorrow morning but I certainly wasn't going to join the 'Brotherhood' either.Eventually the exhaustion caught up with me and my mind drifted off as I dreamed of an ocean of kool-aid.

It was still dark outside when the sound of the electronic lock opening woke me up. I laid still not sure if I was dreaming or not. I could see someone leaning over Sandy brushing her hair aside and whispering to her quietly. As I saw him pick her up and begin heading for the door I knew I wasn't dreaming and that I had to do something.I stood up wobbly, half asleep with my back in pain to block his exit to the door. I sighed thinking this isn't going to end well.

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