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-Coiny POV-

Oh my god... Coiny thought. I didn't mean to say that... Firey will hate me even more now! He glanced at Firey's dumbfounded face. Tears welled up in his eyes. He quickly looked away and covered his face with his hands as he started to sob. As he wept, he felt something warm around him. "I love you too." Whispered Firey. Coiny opened his eyes. Firey was embracing him, with a nice gentle hug. Coiny blushed and started crying even harder.
He hugged Firey back. (Author's note: I'm legit crying rn as I'm writing this) Firey smiled.

3 hours later (Firey POV) (FILLER WARNING)

The new couple were chilling in Coiny's room. Firey was binge-watching his favorite TV show, Supernatrual, and Coiny had fallen asleep on his bed. Firey had noticed that Coiny had perked up a bit since they had met up today, but that was to be expected. Coiny's light snoring made Firey giggle a bit. It was super cute. Firey snuck up behind Coiny's small sleeping body and leaped onto his bed. Coiny flew up high, a few feet or so. He shrieked and fell to the floor. Firey started to laugh hysterically as Coiny got up off the ground. He pounced on the laughing Firey and started to tickle him. (I'm sorry this sounds so fetish-y and sexual) Firey was now laughing so hard he started to cry. "N-no *gasp* S-top!"He said between fits of laughter. When Coiny did stop, Firey flopped down onto the floor. He started gasping. Coiny oustretched his hand, and Firey grasped it. Coiny pulled him up. "D-don't that again..." Firey gasped. Coiny grinned. "Oh, get a sense of humor."

-+- A/N -+-
I'm sorry that second part sucked I had nothing to do aaa

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