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Right when Lucas came home from school the next day, he came straight to my room.

"So how do you know for sure it's this Zach guy." I look up from my book and see Lucas taking off his student id and his backpack.

"What?" I ask putting my book down.

"How do you know it's him?" Lucas asked again.

"I just have a feeling." I say shrugging. Lucas gapped at me.

"A feeling? Are you kidding me?! That's our lead?!" Lucas yelled.

"How old is he?" Lucas asked.

"My age." I say shrugging. He gave me a look like he wanted to kill me.

"What?" I ask crossing my arms and raising my eyebrow at the boy.

"If he's the same age as you...how could he have killed your parents when you were first born?! He was in dippers!" Lucas yells. I widen my eyes at how stupid I could be. Of course it's not Zach.

"Well that doesn't explain the whole creepy scene from yesterday." I say.

"Maybe he was just trying to freak you out or something." Lucas said seeming shaken up.

"Hey? You okay?" I ask him walking to Lucas. He sighed and looked down.

"Not really. With finals coming up and being senior year. To add to all of the stress, prom is coming up and my friends are pressuring me to ask out this girl I like. Not to mention this whole murder who's back in town." Lucas rambles. I put my hand over his mouth in order to stop him.

"Hey! Shut up." I say. Lucas narrows his eyes at me and I just wink playfully. I take my hand back and cross my arms.

"I don't know about the whole finals thing but I can help you with this girl thing." I say. Lucas looks at me weirdly.

"What do you mean?" Lucas asked looking interested.

"Okay, what's this girl's name?" I ask.

"Emily." Lucas said smiling causing me to make a gagging sound.

"Hey!" Lucas pouted.

"Ok, pretend I'm Emily." I ignoring his previous comment.

"You want me to play pretend?" Lucas asked laughing. I roll my eye and tap my foot impatiently.

"Do you wanna go to this prom with this chick or not?" I ask him glaring holes into him.

"Fine." Lucas said looking down and back at me. I got a chill just by the stare he was giving me. Woah, has he always been this good looking?

"Emily? Can I talk to you?" Lucas asked. I don't know why he was nervous. Maybe just the thought of talking to this Emily girl made him flustered. Cute.

"Actually, I don't wanna be late." I say. Lucas glares at me but I shrug.

"It will only take a minute." Lucas insisted. I look at him telling him to go on.

"Well, I've kinda like you since I saw you on the playing on the playground in your pigtails from back in elementary school. After that it only got worse. You tried out for cheerleading and made the team making you immediately why out of my league. It's crazy how much a social status intimidated me, right? Well, I was actually hoping you'd go with me to this year's prom?" Lucas asked nervously.

"Weak!" I howl making Lucas whine.

"This is stupid anyways!" Lucas pouted while I just laugh.

"It was too cheesy. Don't let her know how scared you are. Girls respond to confidence. I should know." I say sitting in the bed.

"Really? How so?" Lucas asked. I glared at threw my pillow at him. He quickly made a break for it and ran out my room.

I laugh and roll eyes but my mood is quickly dimmed when I saw a pair of headlights in my window. The car was just sitting there and I saw a person in it. I get up and walk to my window. When the person spots me looking at them, the person seems to just stare at me and than drive away quickly.

I bite my lip and look back to see there was a man standing outside the house now just looking up. I couldn't see his face but it definitely freaked me out. The man walked away and I was shaking in fear. I'm not one to admit but I was purely terrified.

Who was he?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2016 ⏰

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