The Call

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"We should take my car to lunch" Cameron said "no Cameron I have Everleigh's car seat in my car" "oh right letgo... Oh yeah and it's cam to you" he said while winking at me "are we gonna go or what." Everleigh said with some sass oh my sassy daughter. Cam picked up ever and grabbed my hand and I was blushing like crazy...he buckled her in and open the door for me this guy gets me like crazy..."so umm I know wondering if you know we can Uhh... Be a....fauhhmmaly " cam said nervous "well I'll tell you what you can live with me for a week we get along I'll give you a chance?" "Really?" Really" just as cam started to lean in and I started to lean in he got a phone call...dang it.
Convo Cameron=C Unknown= Un
C .hello
Un.hi is this Cameron Dallas
Un.ayyyyeeee Cameron...its me Bart
C.ohhh aye Bart ummm what did you need?
Un.well I was wondering if you wanted to join magcon 2016 cam froze for a little bit
Un.ummmm Cameron you there?
C.oh Uhh yeah I'm im here you in
C.umm I'll get back to you cam said
Un.oh right bye
Cameron hung up and looked at me "Cameron I'm not gonna stop you from this its a big opportunity" I said I honestly didn't want him going I want him to stay with me and Everleigh
"No" Cameron said "no what" I said in total confusion " I just got you back and most importantly I just got my daughter I'm not leaving you two...I love you guys and I'm gonna make up for those 3 years...I love you and I will not let you slip out of my hands." " oh Cameron" I said while tearing up and hugging him mean while ever is asleep "so where did we leave off" cam said smirking "haha we left of like this" i said just as we leaned in my phone started to ring "omg I'm trying to have a moment" I said while laughing cam laugh too
Convo Ally=A Unknown=Un
Un.hi I'm Bart...the owner of magcon...omg that was exactly who can was talking to
A.oh yeah you were just talking to my umm...I looked at cam and gave him what are we look "boyfriend" cam said with a smirk... boyfriend  Cameron Dallas
Un.ohh yeah well I heard that you have a 3 year old Everleigh and I would love for you and her to join magcon
A.reallllllly omg omg we would love too
Un.Great! I'll send you the info see ya then
A.ok bye
Un.bye bye I'm looking forward too seeing you
A.yeah same bye
I hung up "omg Cameron you need to go to magcon you just need to" " I already said I'm not leaving you too again" we are coming too cam we are invited" " really" " really" " omg we are going to magcon together omg omg" " I love ar family" cam said "I love it too" I said 
I my phone beeped and I got a text from Bart "Ohh I just got a text from Bart and it says 'hey glad your coming to magcon we leave tomorrow...sorry we just thought you need a week to bond with the group bye' " " oh wow we better star packing then" cam said
Skip eating
Hey hope you guys like this please comment my first book bruh

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