Young Love

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We were walking up the biggggggg flights of stairs and Hanna held my hand her hand fit perfectly in mine "here we are" Hanna said pointing to a door she opened it and the room was huggggggggggeeeee like big "wow...dope room" I said admiring the stairs in her room that leads to a loft "yeah...ya know your the first boy that's my age to be up here" " I'm assuming you don't have a boyfriend" "sadly no...but...I have my eye out on someone" she said whit a smirk...dang it...i was to late
I saw Jacobs face turn from a smile to a frown...if only he knew that the he was the one I had my eye on...but I don't want to come on to strong sence I just met "Jacob come on we are leaving" I heard ally's voice from come from down the hall."I guess I need to go" "bye...come visit me again" "bye...can I umm get your number" Jacob asked eeeeeeeeeeee JACOB SARTORIUS ASKED FOR MY NUMBER! "Yeah sure" I said like it was no big deal "cool let me have your phone" so I gave it to him and he gave me his I wrote the contacts ID name 'bestie😘' then he gave back my phone and I returned his I looked at the caller id and it said 'Bae 😍😘' I smiled at it and he said "you can change it if your want...bye Hanna" "no I like the name and bye bae" we both laughed and we went out the door "bye Hanna love you" ally said "bye ally love you too" "bye Hanna I WUV you" "bye ever love you to" I said while picking her up and planting a kiss on her cheek "bye hanna it was nice seeing you again" cam said "bye Cameron same hear" "ok let's go back guys" ally said Jacob mouthed 'text me' and I smiled and nodded
"So like Hanna Huh" I said his cheeks got red and I just smiled taking that as a yes
Late tonight everyone is Asleep except for Cameron and I
We were laying in bed and I was thinking "cam" "yeah babe" "do you think We should make this official" he turned to me "well...I do love you with all my heart and I do love bout we just go to the court and make it official" "sure but why don't we have a wedding" "whatever you want babe...whatever you want" he said while pecking my nose "wanna know what I want now" I said with a smirk "what is that" he said with a smirk that is sooooo hot "this" I said leaning in and smashing my lips on his and well it got more then heated let's just say I havnt done it sence I we made Everleigh.
We finally broke apart and I was gasping for air.Camreon got up from the bed and picked up his clothes from the floor and hand me mine then I quickly put them back on and layed down cam went back in bed and wrapped his arm around me kissing my shoulder and then I turned around and stuck my head in his chest and fell asleep.
Hey guys hoped you like it thxs for 3k reads love you guys
Stay savage 😜😝😘

----------------------Hey guys hoped you like it thxs for 3k reads love you guys                                                    Stay savage 😜😝😘

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Just in case you guys were wondering what I looked like ^^^^ ik I looked very mature for my age 😄😝 bye

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