23//click of a trigger

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last time on "dms"

"what do you think you're doing?" i hear a low, sinister voice behind me.

oh, shit.



okay, i hated to admit it..
but we were most definitely positively screwed.

i feel like most of the time spent with maeve was either filled with drama or danger.

all because of me messing it up, being the hormonal guy that i tend to be.

we got off on the wrong foot.

she's probably pissed at me for starting all of this.

"are you going to speak to me? or should i do this the hard way?" the voice threatens.

i turn around to face him.

that pale, unshaved face..
eyes of a complete pedophile.

he looked like he was 50 years old.
i swear- i'll knock his teeth out if he tried anything on her, if you get what i mean.

"i will ask one more time. what do you think you are doing?" he say slowly, in a menacing voice that made the hairs on my arms rise up in fear.

"u-um uh we-were u-" maeve begins, stuttering like crazy.

nice going maeve.
good job making it suspicious.

heck- the fact that we're even here is suspicious.

"oh wait, i think i know why you two came back..." the kidnapper trails off.

"give me back my fucking phone! i have a foot and i'm not afraid to kick you in the crotch, you hear me?!" maeve bursts out in anger, her eyes going dark.

she looked pretty scary, if you ask me.

"what phone?" he asked, looking confused.

maeve turned to me, with shock all over her face.

"umm.. yeah. what phone?" maeve laughed nervously.

he chuckles, with a threatening smirk.

"thanks." he says, before rushing back into that dark place he called home.

dark like his soul.

this black building was really giving me the creeps.

it was a huge land space, with different random rectangles sticking out from different edges and sides, resembling rooms.

it was very mysterious looking.. difficult to explain with words.

he could be in any one of these rooms.

"i blew it! completely, and utterly blew it. i'm sorry for bringing you here.. let's go back." she suggests, crying into my shoulder, crashing down from all the stress.

"hey, it's okay." i reassure her, patting her back.

her quiet sobs into my t-shirt make me feel like crying myself.

she sounded so delicate..
so fragile.
almost like the smallest thing could make her break.

and i felt like i needed to be there for her.
i just got this weird feeling in my chest.
almost like my heart was trying to tell me something.

just then, at the desperation we were in, an idea flashed into my mind.

so obvious, i was surprised i hadn't thought of it before.

i mentally facepalmed as i whipped out my phone, calling the police.

"w-w-wh-why are you calling t-the police?" she sniffles, looking up at my phone.

"that's genius!" she suddenly jumps up, hitting my chin with the top of her head.

"ouch, sorry about that." she smiled nervously at me.

"don't worry about it," i chuckle, sucking up the pain in my chin.
that'll leave a bruise, but i didn't care at this point.

"um, your chin is bleeding." she said nervously.

"it's fine." i reassured, hitting call, silently praying they would come and help us.

"911, what's your emergency?" a lady's voice asks, in a clearly bored tone.


"we're at- hold on." i say, putting down the phone and looking to the street sign and home number.

"we're at 87 supercali drive, and there is a guy living here that kidnapped my gir-my friend. we came back to retrieve her phone, but he went back in and is probably ahold of her phone right now, doing something terrible with it." i rush out of my mouth, summarizing everything that's happened with this mystery guy that's most likely some pedophile.

"we sent a police car. tell them what you just told me, and they should take care of it," she hangs up abruptly, before i get to thank her.

"how did we not think of this before?" maeve chuckles from my side.

"i'm glad you didn't." i hear a voice behind maeve.

i look behind her to see the kidnapper pointing a gun to the back of her head.

i glance at maeve's troubled eyes, filled with fear.
she mouths, "help me," while staying still, eyes wide open.

i wish i could help- but i didn't know what to do.
my anxiety was sparking up, mind searching..
when would the cops get here?

if i lost maeve now, i would never forgive myself.
she meant so much to me.

i remember when we talked on twitter, while she was freaking out.


@cloudycam: we should meet someday :)

@camerondallas: agreed. i'll bring some of my friends too xx

@cloudycam: i feel like if i fall asleep tonight, every single good thing that happened this morning will disappear

@camerondallas: it won't haha

@cloudycam: what's your number?

our conversations were so awkward back then.
but now i feel like i can really trust her.
talk to her about anything,
and she would listen.

she wasn't just some fan.
heck-all fans are special.

i sometimes feel like i don't interact with them enough.
sure; the occasional tweets, retweets, or replies.
but nothing to show them the true appreciation that i have for all of them.

the click of a trigger snapped me out of my thoughts.

and i'm whooshed back into harsh reality.
the situation that would determine
if maeve were to ever wake up again.

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