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the sound of a gunshot rang through my ears.

the volume made my ears tingle.

he actually did it.

he shot maeve.

the innocent fangirl that supported me for all these years.

the adorable, funny, sarcastic girl that i loved so much.

but i never got to tell her how much i admired her.
there was something so special about her, delicately unique.
i loved everything about her.
damn; what was i thinking that night?

and now i'll never be able to tell her.

"maeve, no!" i cried out in pain.

i couldn't believe that pervert actually did this.

the shock rushed through me like ice.
completely immobilizing my body, leaving my brain wandering with questions.


what the hell just happened?

is maeve okay?

where'd she get shot?

is she still alive?

"you next, man. that's how it works." maeve's kidnapper said to me.

"why did you do it?" i asked in a bare whisper, with tears trickling down my face. still staring straight forward, on my knees, unable to even glance at the man who hurt my maeve.

my maeve.
it sounded so perfect.

but she's dead now.

and i already blew my very last chance.

"because they'll get me if i don't.." he trailed off.

where have i heard that before?

my head twitches as i anxiously search my brain for some stupid clue.

"stop the car! help me!" the same black hoodie guy waves his arms as he runs in front of the car.

i almost run him over, stepping on the brakes just in time.

maeve jerks forward and nearly hits her head on the car again.

"you must help me! they're after me!" the guy frantically screams, still in front of our car.

she rolls the window down.

"who's after you?!" she yells back.

"bad, bad people! they'll kill me! please help me!" he yells back, coming towards the window.

that was it.
my memory held some sort of clue.

i hear, looking up at him to see the gun on my head.

i snap out my thoughts, realizing i hadn't even heard him counting down.


"wait stop! stop! stop!" i wave my hands frantically at him.

he takes the gun off of my head and punches my head into the ground.

"WHAT?" he asks threateningly.

my head throbbing with pain, unable to think straight.

"j-ju-just gimme a m-moment." i manage to whisper, holding the back of my head that was probably bleeding.

my eye was swelling up..
not a good sign.

"give you a MOMENT? i'll just kill you the hard way then." he yells in my ear, dragging me across the floor towards his house.

"no, no!" i yell out in panic, my mind swarming with little clouds of nothing, blocking me from my important memory.

images flashed through my vision, disconnecting me from the real world.

i might as well be dead.

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