Part One: Delivery!

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It was an unusually frigid winter morning Atlanta, Georgia, circa December of 1990. A young girl named Jeannie was lying in bed, staring at the tiny icicles hanging down on her window top. There was no snow, thankfully, but a ton of slippery ice laid delicately on the streets and sidewalks. Jeannie's eyes traced back and forth from each icicle to the next. She wasn't really motivated to move. She was too tired to actually get up and get out of bed. So she stayed under the covers and watched as the sun shined on ice; glistening like jewels.
"WOOF! WOOF!" Her body jumped suddenly. Listening carefully, she honed in to try to figure out what her dog was barking at . She didn't hear any cars or big trucks. She didn't hear someone approach her doorstep. She didn't hear anything. 
"Hhhmm, that's weird." Jeannie said. Reluctantly, she decided to slip out of bed and make her way to her front door to see what all the fuss was about.
As Jeannie entered her living room, she saw her dog, Spirit, pacing back and forth and scratching at the door. Looking around, she didn't see her mom anywhere, but she wasn't concerned. Her mom always ran errands in the morning. Jeannie looked down at Spirit again, who was now looking right back at her with her big brown eyes. She giggled- she loved the big black spot around her right eye. She was the most gorgeous looking Dalmatian she'd ever seen.
"Spirit, what do you want?" Jeannie asked, bending over and kissing her right between the eyes. Her dog just responded with another bark, and then proceeded to scratch the door. So Jeannie opened it, and found a newspaper lying on her driveway.
"Ahh the mailman came, I should've known." She said to herself. But she noticed all the ice on the ground and cringed. 
"Uh un. No way. I'm not going out there, I'm freezing already..." Jeannie sighed, then stared down at Spirit again.
"How about you go get it, girl?" With a happy tail wag and another woof, Spirit spun in a circle and looked outside eagerly. 
"Hah, alright, go get it!" Jeannie opened the door and watched as her dog bounded for the newspaper as if it was the greatest moment of her life. Dogs are so eager to please!
Spirit was just about to return it when she stopped to go sniff a tree.
"Eh eh, no! Come back here, Spirit." Jeannie said firmly, but her dog wasn't listening.
Sighing, Jeannie watched her closely to make sure she didn't got anywhere near the street. But all she did was sniff and sniff until she found a good place to relieve herself. 
"Well that's gross, hah. Come on, now!" Jeannie ordered more firmly when her dog finished. Spirit obeyed this time, and came trotting on back inside for a reward.
Dropping the newspaper at Jeannie's feet, Spirit barked and wagged as if she expected a handful of biscuits.
"Not this time, it's too early for treats. I didn't even feed you breakfast yet!" She laughed, praising her dog with hugs and kisses as an alternative. As expected, her dog was a little disappointed.
Jeannie went into the kitchen and fixed herself some leftovers from last night's dinner. She didn't care that she was eating dinner for breakfast, she was just starving for any food in general. Grabbing herself a glass of milk too, she sat down at the table and began to read some of the articles in the newspaper.
Suddenly, she gasped. Up front on the first page in bolded, black letters she read, "ELTON JOHN IS BACK IN TOWN". Jaw dropped, she stopped eating her food and read more carefully. 
"Elton John is to play at the newly built Georgia Dome this Saturday to continued his critically acclaimed "The One" tour."  Her eyes darted back and forth as she quickly read the article.
When she finished reading, Jeannie sprung up from her seat and raced down the hallway and into her bedroom, frantically searching for something. Her dog followed by her feet excitedly.
"Where is it? Where is it? Where is it!?" She muttered herself almost into a panic as she searched every drawer, cabinet, and shelf in her room. At last, she found what she had been looking for- a neatly wrapped and opened envelope with a beautiful card inside. She grabbed the envelope and card and rushed back to the table.
"Please tell me his address is on here..." She prayed desperately as she took out the card and all the contents inside the envelope. Thankfully, she found the address she had been looking for.
Jeannie had come to grow very fond of Elton John and his friend Bernie after they did something extraordinary for her nearly two years ago. When she was just 17, she was left stranded in a vacant town with virtually no way to get home. Elton and Bernie just happened to be passing through at the same time and picked her up off the streets and brought her home before anything bad could happen. Jeannie invited them both inside for a cup of tea and began to share an intimate talk with each other, which was when Jeannie realized how much she adored Elton deep down inside. Elton and Jeannie began to fall in love with each other- hard- she could easily remember the following morning when he had bought the little Dalmatian puppy for her, Spirit, whom was all grown up now. She could nearly taste his irresistible, sweet lips upon hers as he took her down on the ground with him. And she always dreamed of his soft, gentle hands touching her body all over again. It was very real to her. Only Elton knew the insecurities, pains, and troubles she had gone through.
But that was almost two years ago. Would he remember her now? She recalled that he promised her he'd return. But they haven't talked since. Jeannie had a job now. She was 19- an adult. She had her own car, and she was almost living on her own. So much has happened in two years. What if Elton fell in love with another man or woman? Surely he was entitled to... but something just didn't seem right. Elton was Jeannie's first love. Her first thrill. Her first man. But Jeannie was not his first, and probably not his last. It made her a little uncomfortable knowing that, but she had let it go a long, long time ago. Obviously the idea of a man Elton's age falling in love with a young girl like Jeannie would be upsetting and nearly embarrassing to the outsider.
But she was still in love with him.
"I have to find his house here in Atlanta and visit him. Right now. I will stay out there all day and night if I have to." She told herself. Flashbacks of the creeper she had come across in that chilly, eerie town came back to her, but she didn't care. "I will see you again, darling."
She quickly finished up her so-called "breakfast" and eagerly rushed into her bedroom to pick out some clothes to wear that would impress Elton. The first thing she ran to were her dresses, and found the frilly yellow dress she had worn the very last time he ever saw her. Boy did that make her feel sentimental. His tender hands, body and loving kisses were all over that dress. She hadn't washed it since. What a bittersweet day that was. 
"What the hell am I thinking? It's quite cold outside. I probably should be wearing jeans." She moaned, and opened up her drawers to find some heavier pants. But she couldn't resist to take a glance back at the beautiful yellow dress that was begging to be worn again.
"God... I want to wear it sooo badly... but it's just too cold outside! Ugh... decisions, decisions." She paced around her bedroom for about five long minutes, deciding if it was worth catching hypothermia for Elton John.
"Probably not... besides, I'm a woman now. I'm independent. I'm not a kid. I want to show him that. I want to dress like mean it." She told herself, with a slight smile across her face. She felt so much bolder and confident now. But now the trouble was deciding what to wear.
After what felt like hours of endless rummaging through every inch and corner of her room, Jeannie found the perfect outfit- a very elegant, warm pink sweater with white flowers on it, and nice, thick black pants. The flowers on the shirt were made up of what almost looked like real pearls, and she decided to wear her pearl earrings and necklace to accompany it. Though not a wise decision for the icy roads, Jeannie decided to wear her tall, black and shiny boots, because they made a bold statement and added quite a bit of height to her.
Finally she had a look look at herself in the mirror.
"Perfect. I look perfect!" She nearly squealed. "Elton will love this."
Then Jeannie proceeded to the bathroom to touch up her hair and face. Once again, searching frantically though the drawers, she found the perfect lip gloss to add to her lips. Strawberry flavored, deep pink color to match her sweater. She wasn't much of a make-up wearer- but she added a tiny dab of pink blush and pale eye shadow to compliment her face. 
"Gotta be as natural as can be..." She thought as she gussied up. 
Then she had a look at her hair.
"What a fuckin' mess!" She laughed, realizing she had total bed head for hair. Combing out her dark, silky hair, Jeannie styled it like the retro girls of the 1950s again. Topped off with a pink and white bow laid gently on her hair, she had one final glace at herself in the mirror.
"Classy, sorta original. At least I hope." She thought with a laugh. And with that she turned off the lights and left the bathroom.
Grabbing the envelope and reading his address again, Jeannie suddenly realized that she needed to tell her mother where she was going. But sudden feelings of uncertainty swelled up inside her. She knew she had to lie to her mother. No way in hell was she going to admit what she was doing. It's been two years since she last spoke with him, and she hadn't admitted to her mother what she and Elton did since then. She knew she was an adult, and could make any decisions for herself now, but she still felt uncomfortable.
"Shit, I can't tell her her where I'm going. I'll just have to tell her I'm at a friend's house for the night..." She thought, walking over to the phone and ringing up her friend Stacy.
She heard the dial tone and then her friend answered shortly after.
"Hello, Jeannie?"
Jeannie smiled, relieved that her friend answered. "Stacy! So glad you answered. I need you to do me a sorta big favor... pllleeeease..."
Her friend could hear her begging over the phone and ultimately agreed. "Alright... what is it?"
"I saw in the newspaper today that Elton is coming back to Atlanta for a show. You know what that means!? He might just be back in residence at his house, and it's been two long years since I've seen him and I want to go back to his place this afternoon!!"
"Shoot, you think he still remembers you?"
Jeannie pauses for a moment and thought about it. "Honestly, I have no clue... I am praying he does... it would just kill me... because he promised me and all that he'd be back..."
"I bet he will. Girl, he loves you. Don't forget that."
"Yeah but, if he forgot about me like you said then..." Jeannie began to doubt that Elton would ever remember her. 
"Trust me, Jeannie. He will. Now what is the favor you asked?"
"Oh, I wanted to know if I could pretend that I was over your house instead of Elton's, y'know, in case my mom happens to ask. I have to lie to her- I don't want her knowing the things that me and Elton did... or might do... hah..."
"So you want me to lie if she asks and say that you're over my place for the night?"
"Yeah, pretty much..." Jeannie blushed nervously over the phone.
"Jeannie, you're wicked... haha... but sure. Don't expect me to do this all the time though." She smiled.
"Thank you, Stacy. Thank you!" Jeannie rejoiced over the phone and danced. After saying her goodbyes, she then wrote a note and left it on the kitchen table for her mother to read when she got home.

"Hey mom,
I decided to go over Stacy's house for the evening. I'll be back home tomorrow- if not, I'll give you a call to tell you otherwise. Thanks."

Jeannie took a piece of tape and taped the note to the counter where her mother would see it. Suddenly Spirit came up to her with sad eyes like she wanted to go.
"I'm sorry, girl, I can't take you with me. Elton may not like all the fur in his house! But next time I'll take you to the pet store, okay?"
Spirit wagged her tail with joy.
Jeannie found her fluffy white winter jacket and put it on to face the biting winds. She checked the pockets. Good. There were gloves in there. She held his address in her hands firmly.
"Looks like I'm ready to go now." She muttered to herself.
And with that she locked the doors and left the house.

The ride was not that long, however actually finding his house was what took Jeannie a light year. It took several long minutes traveling down a somewhat rural road to actually locate what looked like an appropriate house for a millionaire. She approached an extremely long driveway, the ice glazed gently on the pavement. The driveway was so long that Jeannie estimated it was probably a half mile!
"Well, this is it. This is definitely his house." She could see in the distance a pretty white "little" mansion in the distance, hidden in the shadows of the trees, fog, and clouds.
"I think I'll stop here." Jeannie parked her car carefully on the side of the road near the grass, hoping not to crush any flowers or anything nice near his driveway.
She got out at took a fresh breath of air, then looked around. She could see her breath. It was very frigid and chilly out, but she didn't want to waste any time standing there in the cold. She began walking down the great, lengthy driveway up to Elton's doorstep. The howling winds nipped at her face as she walked as fast as she could. It was getting colder and colder by the minute, but she tried not to think about it. 
As she walked, she began to experience lots of doubt again.
"He probably doesn't care about me. He probably is out on his own jolly way. He's probably married and I have no idea..." She frowned to herself. "I bet he won't remember me. Or maybe he will. But will he have the same feelings for me? I bet not." A small tear of despair was about to trickle down her cheek, but the cold froze it in time. She started to contemplate if it was really worth going to his house at all. But something inside told her to do it. 
"What do I have to lose anymore..." She sighed, "My virginity, that's about it..." She began giggling to herself as she walked further and further down the pavement. "Who knows, I might even lose that today, too!" She let out a full blown laugh this time, trying to cheer herself up. "Let's just hope he actually remembers me first, though."
It took a long, long time, but eventually Jeannie arrived at the grand ol' front doors to Elton's Atlanta home. It was so stylish, pure, and clean of course, but not actually as big as she expected. She was sure that the inside was bigger than life though. What suprised her the most was actually that there were no gates at all to enter his driveway. Random people like her could easily just walk up to his doorstep.
But there was still security around. When she rang the doorbell, two huge men in navy blue suits answered the door reluctantly.
"Sorry, you have to go." Was what one of them said.
"Wait- wait! My name is Jeannie. Elton knows me. I just want to talk to him!"
The security exchanged looked and snickered back at Jeannie.
"No he doesn't. Now please leave. Elton won't be back here for a long time."
Jeannie didn't want to cause any trouble, but she tried to stall as long as she could.
"But it says in the newspaper that Elton is back in Atlanta. He must be in residence!"
"No, he is not here. Now please go before we have to remove you ourselves." Their voices began to get firmer.
"But listen, Elton knows me. I haven't spoken to him for a while but I know he wants to talk to me. All I ask is for you to give him a call wherever he is and at let him know that Jeannie stopped by, okay?"
"We are not in the position to do that."
"What do you mean?" Jeannie nearly pouted.
"Listen here, Miss I-Swear-Elton-Knows-Me". If Elton knew who you were, he'd let you have strict access to his house. As far as I can tell, nobody named "Jeannie" is on his list. Get going, NOW."
Jeannie sighed and tried to hide the utter disbelief from what she just heard.
"Pretty please, could you just let him know I came?"
"Look little girl, would you like the police to answer that question for you?"
Jeannie knew she had to leave before she got on bad terms with Elton's team. Looking down at the cold, hard ground and turning back slowly, Jeannie didn't speak a word nor look back. She just continued walking down the gloomy driveway and back to her car.

Breaking Down Barriers: An Elton John FanfictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora