Part Four: Comfortably Numb

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(Warning: Very long sex scene. Pretty detailed... gets intense.)

Cars drove heavily down the streets nearby, a booming "vroom!"sound as each engine passed the window on Elton's bedroom on the second floor. It was late in the night, but the commotion in the city was still overbearing.
"Elt.. those cars beeping are so annoying..." Jeannie whispered beside his ear.
With an idea in mind, Elton chuckled and got off the bed to search for something in his drawers. He pulled out a nice, colorful record with various patterns and designs on it.
"This shall do the trick..." He muttered, placing the record in the player and pressing down the needle gently. Slow, soft guitars sounded their ways into Jeannie's ears.
"Blues instrumentals," Elton huffed, making his way back to the bed and shuffling with the sheets. "Some of the greatest blues players, too." Looking up at Jeannie, he smiled almost with excitement. She could tell he really enjoyed the record he put on. Jeannie didn't recognize the song, but boy, the way the guitars and trumpets swayed from ear to ear so rhythmically, so tantalizing- it definitely served it's purpose to distract her from the busy city nearby.
"Now..." Elton scooted his body near Jeannie's and lied down next to her slowly. His chest touched her breasts, but he didn't look there. He was amazed by the beauty of her beautiful eyes instead.
"Where were we?" His breath was so soft, so airy like the sound of a ghost. And yet when he touched her, it was as real as it could get.
"Oh yeah, hickey #34 or #35, I can't remember..."
Both Elton and Jeannie looked into each other's eyes and began to laugh their hearts out- the bed rocking like a boat as they grabbed onto each other's bodies to stay on.
Jeannie's laugh escalated into a cry of joy as she could feel him make a move on her instantly. More of his gentle, wet kisses touched her skin, the chills on her back so high it was actually quite alarming. But she was having too much a of a wonderful time to really notice. Eyes close, heart pounding even faster, Jeannie leaned her head back and let a few more squeals slip. His nice, smooth hands rubbed her neck down onto her back, where he then slid over on top of her and kissed her body some more.
Jeannie wanted to give back for all the pleasure he had given her, so she insisted he turn over instead. 
"No no, Elton, move over. Let me try." She smiled, a bit unaware of her own bravery. His eyebrows raised curiously, but he was more than happy to allow her to "experiment" on him all she pleased. So Elton did as she asked, slipping off of her body and lying down on his back.
The sheets were so soft, so white, so pure, as was everything else in the room. But Jeannie felt like she didn't know much at all about making love still. She felt as clean as the sheets as she lied on Elton's thick chest. It sorta hurt her breasts, so she scooted about until she felt more comfortable and at ease with herself. While she was messing around, she could feel something rather... strange... between her legs. Well, not her own legs, but rather the man's beneath her. He was quite hard. It alarmed Jeannie, of course, whom had never had an experience like this before. She tried very hard to hid her nervous little blush, but she could not control her thoughts.
"Did I really just make Elton John hard? Do I really posses this much sexuality? Did I just turn him on!?"
Elton, however, was quite fine and pleased with being on the bottom. (As if that wasn't obvious already!) As Jeannie tried to make love with him, he could barely resist the burning desire to hold still anymore. They moved and twisted, shuffled with the sheets and moaned as their lips explored places even deeper than before. Elton had been toying with her breasts for quite some time, his tender kisses soothing her along the way. He was very mellow, very calm like the guitars she started to hear again in the background. She closed her eyes and expressed a long, low sigh as he licked and sucked her way down. For some reason it didn't really excite her though... well it did, but not in the way she anticipated. It really just didn't make her want to melt like before. It was more for his pleasure, though she found it odd that a man as gay as Elton would ever even be interested in her body, let alone her breasts. But it was clear as daylight that Elton loved Jeannie very deeply, by the mere way he caressed her body and curves carefully with a certain respect. Peace and love was his passion, and he let her know with every kiss upon her tiny chest. And boy, it sure did tickle a bit.
"Mmm... Jeannie muttered, trying to grasp the concept in her mind of a man finding her body attractive like this. Now it started to feel really good as they switched positions and began to move down even further. His hands slid down her little body with ease, with circular motions that somehow equally relaxed and excited her at the same time.
Elton rubbed her stomach and kissed her with so much emotion that it began to make her scream. This was no gentle touch, this was heaven beyond belief! What made it even sexier were his boxers pressed down near her legs, a warm sensation. But he was just so hard. She started to really like that. Now she could feel a heat wave of emotions swarm her body- like flames in her chest peircing through her heart. She began to sweat, first down her back, then her arms. It was so uncomfortable yet addictive all at once.
"I'm.. I'm sweating... it's... so hot..." she panted. Although she intended not to sound sexual, Elton was so turned on now that he took it that way anyways. He bit his lip, and tried to say something back, but moans escaped unexpectedly in their place.
"Uhhhhhh......" His voice was so deep, low... sexy and loose. He went down further until his hands began to touch her panties. With careful consideration for little Jeannie's feelings, he stopped and looked into her eyes.
Jeannie was loving his warm hands all over her body so damn much... he massaged the tension right out of her with every steady stroke. And she wanted it now more than ever. The simple way he kissed her skin like a cool, wet raindrop in a gentle rainstorm- the way he made her feel wet below the waistline, playing with her mind and making her beg for more... yes she was so addicted to his love now that she had finally forgotten about what she was so scared about before.
She looked into his calm, dark eyes, which oddly looked blue under the glow of the eerie moonlight.
She whispered quietly into the thin air,"Ellllton..." the music had turned onto a lavish, elegant piano piece, "I want you to..." her eyes closed for a moment's lull, then proceeded to open and join his gentle stare. "I want you to..." she didn't have the words in her mind to say. They ran blankly; empty with no cause. She could only feel her heart, the very emotions in which she wanted to say. She was reluctant to allow it, but she let her heart do the talking.
"I want you to fuck me."
If the world could go silent, then it just did. Elton paused, bit his lip, and stared down at the sheets on the bed. She could hear no cars still. And either she was hallucinating, or it was true, but she swore the music stopped for a moment, too. It was dead silent. Not even their breathing was to heard.
Elton was the first to break it with a strange laugh and chuckle. But yet he sounded a bit concerned in the uncertain tone of voice he used.
"Jeannie...?" His voice was so quiet that it cracked, "Did you hear what you just said?"
Jeannie was lying on her back, staring up at Elton's sincere hazel eyes. She smiled back at him, almost deviously, and then nodded her head.
"Y-you want sex... darling?" He asked again to reassure he was not in fact dreaming or hearing things. Here was a girl who was just so nervous about any touch he gave, and now she was begging for his love, his sex? Women really confused him.
Jeannie just nodded again and brought his lips close to hers. She smelled a hint of his cologne as the heater turned on and blew warm air across the room.
"Yes..." she sighed; her breath exhaling into his mouth. He grabbed her cheeks and kissed them passionately, but rushed as he wanted to say more again.
"Jeannie, I-" He panted in between kisses, "I- don't have much... experience with women... is this really what you want?" He almost began to sound reluctant about the whole ordeal. But he was still willing, despite his sexuality.
"Yes...!" Jeannie begged, then leaned in to give him a little kiss on the cheek. It was hardly a sexy move at all. She had done it many times before, and he had too, and it barely turned anybody on. And yet, this time, Elton could feel his heart flutter again like a little school boy among his crush again. He began to shake near his fingertips, a feeling he did not like at all, and clenched his fists for it to stop. It only made his whole hand shake. He was a bit nervous. He didn't have much experience with women like this, let alone a tiny girl like Jeannie. Well, woman. He nearly forgot she was a mature adult now. He just remembered her innocence and youth so vigorously, so strongly. She still possessed a lot of it. And deep down, he was actually afraid of touching her in that sort of way. But he still wanted it. He could not decide if what he was about to do would make her or break her forever.
"Jeannie, I'm..." He was not embarrassed to tell things to Jeannie. He was embarrassed for himself. He too had his own insecurities that he would have to battle. He wished that sex with Jeannie would be simple, like any other guy he had slept with before. But this was a woman. A strong, independent, smart girl- and she was a virgin at that. He would have to be extremely careful in the way he handled her- he would have to protect her immensely now, for one wrong touch could destroy all the confidence she had deep inside her.
"I'm... afraid to touch you." He admitted, still accepting her kisses as she kissed his cheeks, forehead, and chin all over. But she stopped and looked up when he said this.
Her eyes grew big, her jaw slightly dropped, "Really?" She sounded so pure and innocent; oh god it was going to kill him when he touched her. How could he destroy such raw beauty?
"I am." He admitted again, then moved his head away and sat up. He was very conflicted.
Jeannie sat up to see him clearly, too, and touched his shoulders. She then leaned in to give him a hug, to feel his calming embrace, only to find he was shaking. It was only now that Jeannie realized who the insecure one was.
"I love you so much. But..." His voice cracked, cracked like the record player popping in the background. It sounded so old. But it still worked, and that's all that mattered. The piano and guitars were quite flattering with the mood. They were somber. Subtle. Serene.
"But I don't want to hurt you. Ever." He sighed, scooting closer to Jeannie's warm body. He then start to hug her harder, more firmly, and then began to shake in his legs now. He was still turned on, but just insecure now.
"No... Elton, no..." She begged again, trying to be the reassuring one now. "You will not hurt me. I know. I trust you!" Jeannie pleaded, her arms wrapped around his body securely. He held her back even closer. They just sat there and hugged each other close under the cool, chilly moon on a frigid winter night; the music playing softly to their every moves.
"Please don't be afraid. I-I'm not." She breathed slowly, then realizing what she said. Was she really not afraid? Not afraid of losing her virginity? Wasn't she just terrified of losing it before?
"Elton is the only man who sees you through and through." Jeannie reminded herself, closing her eyes and rubbing his back in a cadenced motion, lightly but thoroughly. She heard him sigh a sigh of distress, as to evict the confusion inside him one last time. Tracing her fingers along his back, his shoulders, and ribcage, she tried her very best to show him that she cared- and was assured that he would not bring anything but love to her heart. And it won him over.
His legs stopped shaking; he now looked up and into the moonlight, where the bright yellow moon glistened through the cracks of the curtains and shades. It was an eerie looking moon- so big, low, and bright- yet it somehow calmed him down from his troubling feelings. He held his breath, and thought for a minute before he would speak.
"Alright, little Jeannie. You win." He smiled, curling his fingers around her hands and swaying them back and forth affectionately. "But... promise me you won't get too attached. I know it's hard." He knew very well that after any intimate moment like this, it would be very hard not to become addicted to it like never before. He knew that after first-time sex, a certain aspect of you changes, and it would be very simple and easy to fall in love with the one you lost it to. He'd been there and done that already. But he knew that he could not be with Jeannie forever. That's why he was so afraid to touch her. Still, a little part inside of him made him want to so desperately.
"Ahhh... but Elton," Jeannie smiled back, allowing her hands to be tossed around like a toy, "I- I've already been attached to you... for- for 2 long years!" Both Elton and Jeannie blushed to themselves, knowing that this was blatantly true.
"But you know what I mean. Jeannie..." His voice suddenly became a bit firmer, more desperate. She held on to his hand harder.
"You... you cannot tell anybody about this. If the press finds out, who knows what kind of stories they'd create. Please, Jeannie, if you want this, you have to listen to me. Or our reputation will be bloody hell..." He shook her arms gently, but he was trying to enforce this message to her. 
"But I don't want you to feel afraid. Don't worry about what others think. If you can keep a secret, at least from the public eye, then you will never need to worry. Believe me, I've been dealing with the press since 1969." He looked deeply into her eyes, with a sort of tense, disturbed face. He was ashamed that life had to be like this.
"And I'm sorry it has to be this w-"
"Elton," Jeannie whispered.
"Wot?" He frowned, a bit dazed and confused.
"I know. I know you're famous, you don't need to remind me!" Jeannie chuckled, though she knew it was a serious topic, it was making her uneasy when it didn't need to me.
"I'm not afraid, Elton, I understand completely. I trust you. Do you trust me?"
He looked down, then back up into her eyes again.
"Good fucking god, I love you. Of course I trust you...!" Suddenly, Elton grabbed her, brought her near his lips, and began to make love to her through and through again. He wasn't waiting anymore. This little girl was everything to him, and he didn't want to dwell on anything else anymore. Jeannie was right. 2 years is a long damn time to be missing somebody.
As her kissed her lips so gently and softly, he reach his hands for her back and legs, and slowly picked her up. When he set her down, her upper back and neck were pressed up against his pillow into a comfy, cozy feeling on her back. Elton broke the kiss for a moment to grab a second pillow, and placed it underneath her legs to lift them up for support. Once she was in a comfortable position, he sat down beside her.
"Those are to make it easier." Elton said, referring to the pillows.
"Make what easier...?" Jeannie thought she knew what he was talking about, but second guessed herself.
"Uh... the penetration, darling." He blushed, but raised an eyebrow at her playfully. He knew she was young, and had virtually no idea what sex even really was. He would have to introduce her to a lot of new things tonight.
"Oh." Jeannie looked down at her body, her breasts specifically, and then down to her panties. She was beginning to feel nervous now. Of course she was afraid, as would anybody be for their first time. Even Elton knew she was going to be cautious.
"Take off your panties, darling, they won't be helpful for us." His adorable smile spread across his face, as he looked so charmingly sincere at her. "And I'll be right back."
Elton turned around and opened the door quietly. Before he slipped out the door, he winked... so... longingly... then slowly closed the creaking door behind him until it "clicked!" Then all was silent.

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