Part Three: Lock That Door

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(This part contains lots of romance. I mean it's a LOT. Prepare for that.)

A an hour or two had passed as Elton and Jeannie were sitting at the dinner table, savoring every last bit of their delicious mint cookies.
"Elton, you seriously can bake. Are you good at everything?" Jeannie laughed.
"I don't know, am I good at loving you?" His smile was so devious as his wild eyes met Jeannie's across from the table. 
"Honey, good is an understatement." Jeannie was flabbergasted he'd even ask that.
"Well am I good or not?"
"You could come over here and show me what you got...?" 
"Babe, that's for later, the sun ain't even completely set yet!" Oh my- what did he mean? Surely she had already done virtually everything with this man, except sleep beneath the sheets... what that what he meant? Jeannie wasn't even sure what to think of it... she just held her breath, anticipating what he would do next. But he just changed the subject, leaving poor little Jeannie to wonder about his motives all evening.
"I forgot to ask you, how is uh, um... oh Spirit? How is she doing?"
Jeannie tried to sigh out the confusion in her. She really wanted to know what he meant about saving something for later... what was he talking about?
"She's doing great, actually. I bought her a brand new dog bed and she just loves it. I've been giving her these really healthy dog biscuits, too. They're supposed to make her breath smell better I guess." Giggling, Jeannie  leaned over and took her last bite of the cookie, then drank some water to wash it down.
"That's wonderful, I remember when she was just a squirmy little pup. Ain't she what- three now? Two?"
"Two." Jeannie verified.
"Really? Oh my, you must be... be 19 then?"
"Yeah, my birthday was just last month."
Elton's eyes grew very large as he sat up taller. Leaning over, he reached for Jeannie's hands and placed his finger in her palm, and traced the lines on her skin lightly. Heart pounding, arms tingling, and chills raced down her spine, she took a deep breath and tried to hide the fact she was so turned on. It was amazing what one simple touch could initiate.
"Guess I shouldn't call you little Jeannie anymore, shouldn't I..." He sighed, still rubbing her hands but looking at the table aimlessly. He was lost in his thought.
Jeannie took both hands and grabbed his arm. Bending over, she laid her head down on the table and moaned.
"Ooooohh....... If you stop that, I won't ever talk to you again. You don't know how much I adore it when you call me that."
A moment of silence spread quickly, but their body language said so much. Their eyes met, staring at each other's button noses, smooth, soft skin, and tempting lips. As Jeannie looked into his eyes, she could faintly see her own reflection. She had to take a moment to think about her life, mind, and body, and try make sense of what was actually happening.
"I'm... I'm not supposed to love you. You're not supposed to love me." Her mind was trying to remind her the truth. "He's so much older than you. You can't have him. His love is not yours to keep." As she closed her eyes, she could feel tension in her chest, letting out a distressing, low sigh. The beat of her heart grew faster and faster, the muscles in her arms and fingers tightening up. Her body was trying to tell her, "Don't look back. He is yours. If this is all you've ever wanted, then be grateful for his love."  It was like her heart was speaking to her, directing her, guiding her. "He needs you. He loves you. He wants you more than you will ever know. Don't let go of the precious bond you have made between yourselves."
"What should I do.....!?" The voice inside her head cried for help. Then there was a sudden empty, barren feeling of nothingness. Her heart almost stopped. He voices inside her head were silent, her body grew deathly still. The only thing she could see was darkness, the only thing she could hear was someone breathing, she wasn't even sure if it was herself or the man across the table from her.
Opening her eyes, she fought hard to not let a tear escape. The light from the chandelier shined down and glimmered a beautiful refection on the shiny, glass table. Jeannie just stared down at the glass in distraught. 
"Jeannie?" She could hear a disembodied voice say. It sounded faint; distant. Was it Elton, or the voice inside her head? It took everything in her willpower to look up and gaze at the worried man in front of her.
"Jeannie, are you alright?"
Sudden flashbacks of the lonely ol' night in the vacant town came back to her. Memories of the way Elton had taken her hand, bringing her away from the darkness and unknown. Taking away the root of fear brewing in her heart with each and every sound of his gentle voice; why oh why was this concept of love so difficult to understand? Was their love actually love or guaranteed to be a worthless flick? Would she leave this man a worried wreck or better woman? Would she even leave him at all?
"Jeannie!!"  Elton shook her arm frantically and stood up from the table. Completely stunned at the unexpected, Jeannie jumped up as well and caught her breath.
"W-w-w-w-what!? What!?" She held onto the back of the chair for support and stared directly into Elton's eyes to snap back into reality.
"W-wot's wrong with you? You're scaring me!" She never heard such unease and concern in his tone of voice before. His fingertips were literally shaking as he tried to take a sip of water in his glass.
"I'm sorry!" She couldn't control her thoughts anymore. They just flowed out into words she couldn't explain... couldn't comprehend. 
The look in Elton's face took on a more serious stare. "S-sorry for wot!?" 
"I-I love you!" For some unknown reason, Jeannie felt ashamed in herself. Guilty. Embarrassed. She had no clue why.
"You're sorry... because you love me?"
Jeannie could hear confusion in his voice. She desperately tried not to hurt him- she didn't understand how she felt or what she was trying to say. It was all so sudden.
"Elton, no no no! I'm not ashamed of you, I'm not ashamed in you loving me- I think I'm ashamed for falling in love with you... with you, Elton! There's something wrong with us and I feel guilty for feeling this way. I'm sorry..."
"...come here, darling." His voice was so sincere and understanding.
Jeannie leaned against the back of the chair. She still fought back the tears. "There's no reason for me to feel this way..." She thought. But maybe there was. Rubbing her eyes, and releasing a pitiful sigh, she just looked at Elton blankly. "These thoughts... make me want to kill myself..." She didn't know what to make of herself anymore.
When Elton realized that Jeannie was not listening to him again, he took matters into his own hands. "Com' on..." Grabbing her hand, he pulled her away from the table and walked with her to the living room to have a deeper conversation. She was reluctant and shy about entering the room, but he insisted for her to make herself at home.
"Please relax, be comfortable... please. At least for me." Elton begged. Jeannie wanted to smile- she wanted to so damn badly, but felt conflicted to do so. She instead just took a seat on the the soft, plush loveseat and wrapped herself up in a warm blanket nearby.
"Good; I'll be back in a few minutes." Elton promised, as he quietly slipped out the doorway.
Jeannie waited patiently, suddenly trembling from the cold. Taking a glance out the window, she could see the sun was barely over the horizon now. The stars were out, though the sky was nearly black. For a cloudy day, the sky certainly cleared up nicely for a peaceful evening.
Elton returned with his hands full of some firewood, candles, and incense. He dropped it all in front of the fireplace and smiled and Jeannie kindly. "I thought mayb' you were cold. I know I am." He threw the pieces of firewood inside and lit the wood.
Jeannie finally managed to give a weak smile, but didn't really put much heart into it. She just watched Elton light all the candles and incense and scatter them around the room. She began to wonder why he did all that. But it was a dead giveaway that he was trying to set the mood.
At last he plopped a seat down next to Jeannie and faced her. He was always trying to be a true, honest gentleman- especially during these intimate moments. He was a dreamer no less than Jeannie herself- they could both understand the mutual feelings of conflict, pain, and discomfort.
"Wot's the problem, Jeannie? Tell me." He wasn't going to let her get away until she told him exactly what was on her mind.
"Look... I-I'm just not sure if... if I am actually doing this right." She stared at his face, but kinda looked through it as if he were invisible.
He looked at her, troubled, "I-I'm afraid I'm not sure wot you mean." 
"Elton. Do you remember the last time we met, you and I were so in love with each other?"
Elton wasn't sure were she was going with this, but he agreed. "Yeah...?"
Jeannie suddenly sniffled, trying to keep herself from a waterfall of tears. Her vision became blurry anyways, her words slurred despite all she could do. "Well- well back then I used to be worried that you didn't really love me. But now I know that that's not true. Now I'm worried that... oh god... I-I'm not sure if I'm supposed to love you back!" Holding her breath, she still managed to hold back the tears.
"Wot... why would you feel that way? Honey... is it-"
She couldn't help herself, she was shaking with this fear that consumed her whole body and mind. "Aren't you too old for me!? Is it even worth going on?" The first tear snuck out and trickled down her cheek. Her face turned flush red in her attempts to hold the rest back.
"Wot is worth going on? Jeannie?" Elton scooted closer to her and suddenly all of her tears came falling down onto her lap. All of her attempts  to hold them back were now utterly useless.
"What are we? Are we friends? Lovers? Elton. Elton! What kind of relationship is this? How do I tell someone who saved my life that I love them?" Her head fell down into her hands as she softly weeped, hating herself for crying in front of a man. She'd done it before, hell, he cried in front of her; but she was thinking ignorantly right now. She was only thinking about how much she hated herself.
Forcing her to remove her hands from her face, Elton took her hands and squeezed them.
"Look at me." Elton directed her watery blue eyes into his; he wiped the tears that fell down her cheeks gently as they came.
"Honestly, I wish I had clearer answer for that, but- but I don't know. But darling, wot does it is matter? If you follow your heart you will be free, just clear your mind. Close your eyes. And listen to your heart beat. As long as you're happy with whom you love, wot does it matter about our ages, genders, or sexuality? I have been saying that for years. Are you happy with loving me?"
Jeannie couldn't believe the words she had just heard from his mouth. He... was right
"Am... am I happy with love?" The voice inside her head asked. Though she remembered to think from he heart- she shushed her mind and suddenly the barren feeling of nothingness came back again. Confused as to why she didn't hear her heart, she shrugged helplessly.
"Well... do you want me?" Elton gazed right into her eyes.
Jeanne nodded her head.
"Do you care about me?"
She nodded again.
His voice was a little lower now, a little softer. "Do you trust me?
"Yes." Jeannie meant it this time when she said it.
He took a deep breath and leaned in towards her sweet, innocent face. She was no longer crying- that episode was rather quick- but at least he managed to understand what she was trying to convey earlier.
"Then you love me. You know what this is? This is unconditional love, I'm sure you're familiar with it." With a small smile forming on his kind, charming face, Elton pulled her in for the first hug they had in years. To feel each other's arms wrapped around each other's bodies again was the most loving, sweetest hug they had received in their lifetime; because they had been anticipating and waiting for the day it would really happen for such a long time.
"It's been such a long, long time since we did anything like this." Elton whispered in her ear, pulling her as close as he could to his heart. Still in a tightly warm embrace, Elton confessed his own feelings back to her.
"You know, Jeannie, I've been missing you ever since the day we said goodbye. I- I don't even want to wait that long again. I couldn't." He whispered.
"And when you were gone, the first night I cried in bed. Like a goddamn baby. I initially thought you were too young for me, too. But you're never too young or old to truly love someone." 
He still hugged her sincerely, affectionally, and and with all the passion deep down inside his heart. He just couldn't let go this time.
"So when I see you so upset, it affects me very deeply. Please, don't cry no more. It hurts me more than it hurts you. Trust me... I love you very much." Elton turned his head and and tenderly kissed her cheek.
The first smile lit up Jeannie's face as she received his gentle kiss. Somehow, someway he always knew how to make her feel better. To hear those words... "I love you..." though she heard them before, they meant to much more in particular now. She would have to trust him that everything would be alright if she just followed her heart and not her mind. There were no second guesses.
"One more thing..." Jeannie smiled slightly, still unsure of herself but finally coming out of the pain.
"I still don't know if I'm happy with this love...?"
"Babe, you'll definitely know after tonight." His devious smile was back, hinting back to his uncertain words earlier. She was reminded that he had something strategically planned for the night. She didn't know how much longer it would be until then. But she was too busy thinking "in-the-now" at the moment to care. How he nurtured her and drained all the negativity out. How one look in his eye could tell a whole sentence about his feelings. How one small, plainly simple peck of a kiss was able to turn the page and start a brand new story. She was bewildered at what his love could really do. But did it make her happy?
It was just then that she could feel Elton's arm creep up and wrap around her shoulder almost seductively.
"Lean on me. I like it when you're closer." His voice became so low, so breathy, so inviting. Jeannie couldn't resist his tempting invitation into his arms; she leaned her head on his shoulders him and finally smiled, then laughed.
"Ohhh Elton," she giggled, "I'm so lucky to have you."
Looking down at her youthful face, he smiled the sweetest smile; a smile that was so tantalizing, so honest, and so pure. It made her snuggle up even closer to his body as she stared at the flames in front of her.
"Hope the fire's warm enough for ya." He chuckled and started to run his fingers through her lovely, dark hair. It made him feel different as his hand touched the back of her head; it was a more-so sensitive place, especially the neck. A sudden memory came back to him of the time he had made love to her so much that she let him kiss her neck all over; he wanted that again. Really badly. He wanted to see her laugh. He wanted to hear her say his name again. But what he really could not hide was his infatuation to touch her each and every place his hands could reach. A woman's body was a work of art to him- a complex design he didn't really understand but was drawn to like fire and water.
Jeannie closed her eyes, feeling the chills run down her spine as her man gingerly rubbed and kissed her neck. "Mmmmm..." Her thoughts raced as she imagined what more he could do to her. His love was the best gift he could bring. Elton's fingers touched the bare skin of her neck so softly, it almost tickled. He leaned down, further, and further, until his lips were just barely touching the back of her neck.
"Ooohhh..." He thought, but ended up sighing. He licked his lips as Jeannie prepared for the crowd of kisses she was going to be showered with. His mouth touched every inch of her neck, from her ear all the way down to her collar bone. It was sensational, purely heavenly as he maneuvered around her body so gently, so strategically as to not ruin the beautiful work of art he swore she was.
As he moved up to her cheek, his kisses became firmer and harder, adding just enough of foreplay for a full blown make out session. Jeannie suddenly felt her body falling backwards, falling onto a silky red pillow. Lying on her back, she closed her eyes and swooned over what felt like a fluffy, white cloud underneath her. She closed her eyes and a world of blue skies emerged from the darkness- a white dove passed by peacefully, a butterfly flew high away. She could feel the clouds moving beneath her, she saw diamonds and gold and flashy pearls of all sorts. An extravagant vision of everything she could think of took over her playful mind, until she foreshadowed what looked like a man and a woman lying on a puffy bed of clouds. The clouds were moving close enough just so she could make out their figures in detail. They were naked. Partially underneath rugged covers; moved around as if they were not dozing off into a sleep just yet. The man was deeply pleased, the woman was smiling from her heart like he had done something truly magical to her. A light trickle of rain started to fall down, touching the tips of her fingertips and moving up her arms so slightly. The woman began to cry happy tears, though they dissipated in the rain, she did fall forwards onto his lap lovingly anyways. And she kissed him, openly, exposed and nakedly, though not a sense of doubt struck once through the angelic woman's mind. Jeannie could understand now that the woman had just lost her virginity to the love of her life, not afraid but proudly embracing the encounter with peace and love. It was this random vision in Jeannie's head that motivated her to push a little harder, make a little more effort and be herself. Whomever this woman was, she was an angel.
Too busy lost in her own dreams, Jeannie did not realize she had been kissing Elton all over the couch. He laid on her so lightly as to not hurt her; his hands held her cheeks and he poured all his love into her soul. Eyes still close in her bed of clouds, Jeannie hugged him and hugged him, kissing his lips madly with as much passion that came flowing through her. "Mmmmm.......... ehh..." She sighed, her breath breathing heavily into his. He pushed harder with his lips, yet he always did it was such physical gentleness and grace that it never hurt. He was holding back because he knew not to hurt her, which was the sexiest thing a man could do for a girl.
Elton shuffled the pillows between them a bit to get even closer to her body. Leaning to the left, his body slid down beside her. He then kissed her bottom lip, feeling his own lip beginning to tremble from all the emotion.
But the kisses were barely even enough for Elton to get in the mood. Though he knew it only took a single touch to turn Jeannie on, Elton knew he needed much more stimulation. He wasn't a virgin by no means, he knew the ups and downs and turns and twists of love, and he knew what his mind and body needed. He instinctively wrapped his arms around Jeannie's body and pressed his lips down into hers affectionately, then more longingly, and then eventually with deep love and emotion. He closed his eyes and let a small moan escape as he begged for more.
"Uuummppphhh... ehh... tongue me. Please..." In the harshest whisper he did ask, leaving Jeannie to start on her own.
Though a bit timid as usual, she didn't dare to back down from his request. Without thinking, she pushed her tongue into his mouth, praying that she was at least decent at french kissing. She peeked through her eyes to find his wide open, like he had been choking or something- alarmed, she let go and turned away in deep embarrassment.
"Oh god I fucked that up..." She thought, her cheeks redder than an apple.
"Wot did you stop for...?" Elton's low, breathy voice sounded shocked more than anything. "I want more, darling..."
Completely astonished that he actually liked her amateur kissing, Jeannie turned her head back and looked down at his lips as she whispered to him.
"I have... no idea what I'm doing..." She confessed.
Elton's hand traced down her neck and felt its way around her collar bone tenderly. "I'll show you a few things." He moaned, and without any pause or hesitation he indulged himself into her lips; his tongue exploring every inch of her mouth, savoring the feeling and flavor of a woman's sweet kiss. She tasted almost like candy, but he wasn't sure if he was just dreaming a little too much. 
When Jeannie got her chance, she pushed her tongue in, mimicking what Elton did since she had no clue how else to approach it. Whatever she was doing, she could tell he loved it from the way he would hold her body ever closer. He was so protective of her; always trying his best to make her feel secure. The kiss was so hot, they each had to take breaks to breathe and talk. You could hear their wet lips all over each other's skin; Elton pushing Jeannie further into the couch; warm, charming kisses all over her body as he suddenly moved down her neck.
"Take off that sweater." He panted, the couch heaving with his heavy breaths. Jeannie's eyes opened wide.
"Nobody's gonna see, darling. It's just us."
Still paranoid, Jeannie looked around as if she wanted to make sure the coast was really clear.
"I know but... can... we just close the windows a little more?"
Elton got up from a laying position and sat on the couch; an idea rushing to his head.
"No, actually, why don't you come with me into my bedroom, they'll never see on the second floor." He smiled, but with a faint slyness to it, as if he knew exactly what he had planned for her. Though she still feared, she trusted Elton and stood up, agreeing to go upstairs with him.
"Oh Little Jeannie. I'll even lock the door if it make you feel safer." He added.

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